Manufacturer: Bridge Masters, 1528 Riverview Avenue, Orange, CA 92665. Price: Three foot long curved, ready to install redwood trestle $79.95. Includes California state sales tax. Shipping extra.
TRESTLES ARE SPECTACULAR on virtually any layout, especially the taller trestles. The problem is bridges and trestles are tedious to build.
Bridge Masters have solved that problem. They offer an extensive assortment of built-up redwood bridges, trestles, and retaining walls (including custom installations) and finish them with a semi-transparent acrylic stain. The manufacturer claims they are rugged enough to withstand virtually anything Mother Nature might care to unleash but also are suitable for indoors.
The units are compatible with LGB and similar brands of sectional track; our sample came with a pair of LGB 1600 (4 foot) radius curved sections in place. Their ties fit perfectly between those of the trestle. The trestles are also modular so you may place them end to end to form much longer spans. You will need to nail in an additional bent kit but Bridge Masters supply it at no charge if you order more than one trestle.
Our 4 foot radius curved trestle stands 12 inches tall, 3 feet long, and its deck measures 6 inches across. The bents also are approximately 6 inches apart and the deck overhang on each end is 6 inches. Obviously, then, if you should butt together a pair of trestles and insert an additional bent, the assembly would be completely symmetrical. All timber was half an inch wide and most of it was square. The side and angle bracing, deck stringers, and fire barrel support platform flooring were half thickness. Only the main stringers supporting the deck were heavier: 3/4-inch square. Small brads hold together the trestle. The quality of construction was perfectly adequate for the structure's appearance.
As you may have realized, many of the timber dimensions would be inaccurate for a perfect scale model and the level of detail is minimal. But Bridge Masters' goal is to build reasonably rugged, weather resistant products and to create an acceptable overall impression. They have attained that goal and, actually, the closer the modeling scale comes to 1:20 or larger, the closer to scale the size of the timbers and proportions of the bridge become. Overall, Bridge Masters present a rustically attractive and what seems to be fairly durable product at a bargain price. Unless you are an absolute stickler for scale and detail, you might want to look closely at their line.-RR