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Trackside Details Headlight Brackets

Manufacturer: Trackside Details, 1331 Avalon Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405. Price: TD-106 medium brass headlight bracket with bolts $8.00 each; TD-107 large brass headlight bracket with bolts $8.50 each. California residents please add 7.25-percent sales tax. All customers please include $1.50 shipping.

HERE ARE TWO more goodies from the Duke of Details, King of Castings, Prince of Parts, Potentate of Plastic and, most appropriately for this review, the Boss of Brass. To whom do we refer? Why, Trackside Details owner, Pete Thorp, of course.

His two latest offerings, solid brass headlight brackets, differ primarily in size. The platform of the TD-106 medium bracket measures 7/8-inch wide by 3/4-inch deep and extends out in front of the smokebox. Brass nut-bolt-washer castings help to secure it. They also secure the TD-107 large bracket but it sits on top of the smokebox and has a platform 15/16-inch square. The packaging indicates it specifically fits Bachmann's Ten-Wheeler though, of course, you could use either bracket on a variety of locomotives ranging in size from 1:24 scale to 1:20.3 scale.

As usual, our samples are crisp, clean, and free of flash. Both came off a sprue, though, and fastidious modelers may want to clean up the area under the platform where the casting attached.

For years, the smaller scales have enjoyed a choice between many headlight brackets. It is good to begin to catch up. Trackside Details' brackets are, once again, excellent products.-RR


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