Manufacturer: USA Trains, P.O. Box 100, Malden, MA 02148. Price: 17216 Southern Pacific two tier auto carrier with two automobiles $119.95 each suggested list; auto carrier without automobiles $94.95 each; additional autos $12.50 each suggested list; 17404 Southern Pacific centerbeam flatcar $66.95 each suggested list; 1740L pallet load $5.50 each suggested list.
IN THE LAST issue, we reviewed a pair of USA Trains flatcars very similar to the auto carrier and centerbeam flatcar we received for this issue. We pointed out the cars represent 42 foot standard gauge cars from the mid to late 1920s, carry on USA Trains' tradition of top quality and beautiful decoration, and are fairly accurate 1:29 scale models.
The auto carrier and centerbeam flatcar are exactly the same length and width (42 feet 10 inches long by 10 feet 8 inches wide across the stake pockets) and their design reflects the same 1920s heritage. The actual cars they represent are much more modern but the "translation" works well and the appearance of each car is convincing. We have seen actual Southern Pacific auto carriers and centerbeam flatcars. Even though they are often over 60 feet long and their details differ from the those of our samples, there is no question what the USA Trains models purport to be.
The models are almost entirely plastic except for metal screws and wheel axles. You must add individual press-in plastic grab irons and, in the case of the centerbeam flat, a brakestaff and brakewheel. Altogether, that takes about ten minutes per car. On our samples, each piece fit perfectly and cement was unnecessary.
The paint scheme of both Southern Pacific models is bright red with white lettering. The press-in parts, underframe, trucks, and couplers are black. As you might expect from USA Trains, the die work and graphics are clean and crisp and the paint and lettering are flawless.
The two tier auto carrier is the first such model to appear on the large scale market. In addition to Southern Pacific, it is available in D&RGW, Trailer Train, Pennsylvania, New York Central, and Union Pacific decoration with or without automobiles. Our sample came with a pair of gorgeous, highly detailed, 1:24 scale metal and plastic Revell Corvette models. You will like the automobiles!
The centerbeam flatcar is also the first of its kind on the large scale market. Besides SP, it comes in Burlington Northern, Georgia Pacific, and Weyerhaeuser paint schemes. The factory installed snap-on bulkheads and centerbeam are of the same robust, heavy duty construction as the rest of the car; USA Trains uses very high quality plastic parts. The openings through the centerbeam allow you to observe what is on the opposite side of the car so, whether you run the car full or partially empty, it will retain plenty of visual interest.
Our sample came with a simulated wood load kit. We glued the pre-stained stripwood spacers between a pair of solid wood blocks in Weyerhaeuser plastic wrapping (representing a load of individual boards), slid on rubber bands to simulate metal strapping, and set the load on the carbody. A few similar loads sitting on a platform or in a lumber yard would make an effective scenic detail. USA Trains offers the loads with lettering for three other lumber companies including Georgia Pacific.
You should find USA Trains "modern" rolling stock of great interest. It certainly is of excellent quality.-RR