Manufacturer: Rio Grande Models, Ltd., P.O. Box 4463, Santa Clara, CA 95056. Price: 1003 8x12 brake cylinder $4.50, 1010 brake lever set $3.50, 1012 clevis with pin $1.50, 1014 four prong boiler clean out clamp $1.00 per pair. For direct orders in the U.S.A., please include $3.00 for shipping and handling; California residents please add local sales tax.
RIO GRANDE MODELS has been around for many years, producing high quality detail castings for the smaller scales. They now enter large scale model railroading with the introduction of a variety of parts for locomotives and rolling stock. We received four. Each is crisp, accurate, exactly to scale, and of correct proportion.
The boiler clean out clamps are accurate down to the bolt threads. The logging clevis and pin are separate pieces and fit together effortlessly. The brake lever set provides sharp detail for the underframe of your rolling stock. The brake cylinder lacks a relief valve. It is available separately as part number 1015 (two for $1.00)
None of our parts has any flash or burrs. The quality of each is excellent and each fills a gap in the market.
Finally, watch for Rio Grande's coming attractions: A Westside Lumber Company 38-foot log car (currently available), Westside Type 1B trucks for 45mm Gauge One track, and a pair of Westside cabooses (numbers 1 and 2) without trucks.--RR