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Manufacturer: ARISTO-CRAFT TRAINS, 346 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07304. Price: ART-11800 10 foot diameter curved sectional track $126.00 per box of 12 suggested list.

YOU HAVE WAITED, now you shall receive. ARISTO-CRAFT's new wide radius track is available and it looks wonderful. The solid brass rail is code 332, or a nominal .332-inch high. The ties are black, weather resistant plastic. Twelve sections make up a full circle. The track is fully compatible with other makes of code 332 track.

I used the word "nominal" in referring to the rail height because that of our sample appears to be a few thousandths of an inch lower than the rail on our LGB track. If you run your finger over a joint between the two, you can feel the "step". It is so minor, though, your locomotives and rolling stock will never know it is there.

The length, shape, and overall appearance of the ARISTO-CRAFT ties are very similar to those other makes, except for the color.

ARISTO-CRAFT track has two exclusive features worth mentioning:

A hole through each rail joiner lines up with a hole in the rail when you assemble the track sections. The hole is tapped for a stainless steel screw, and when you install it, you will have accomplished two things: First, the track joint becomes very strong. Second, and even more important, the screw provides a better electrical connection than track with joiners alone. That means you may never have to solder jumper wires between track sections to maintain consistent conductivity in track you leave outdoors. The manufacturer has encased the screws in wax; you will find them under a tie on each track section. Additional screws and rail joiners are available separately.

Each rail has a screw hole underneath to allow you to attach power leads directly without the additional expense of a lock-on connector.

Aside from their more realistic appearance, ARISTO-CRAFT's wide radius curves allow you to run locomotives and rolling stock with a longer wheelbase and to build "transition" curves or easements. On model railroads with sectional track, trains go abruptly and unprototypically into a curve of a given radius. Real railroads begin curves with a much wider "transition" radius, then gradually allow the radius to tighten. That prevents the train from "jerking" into the turn. On a model railroad, a ten foot diameter section would provide a good transition into and out of an eight foot diameter curve.

The quality and appearance of our sample were very good. ARISTO-CRAFT has produced a valuable addition to the selection of outdoor railroad track components.-RR


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