after trying to start a new thread unsuccessfully, I post here.
I was just a silent reader and admirer of many great model buildings here in this forum. There are true artists among you.
Four years ago I was infected with the virus in field railway track by Marcel Ackle and Chuck Doan. From this time i´m building in scale IIf (1:22.5) a little bit.
Paul gave a link (http://www.finescalerr.com/smf/index.php?topic=832.0) last year to buntbahnforum where I shows my activities.
I´m sorry, my English is not so much in practice, please excuse in using Google translator.
Parallel to my project "Felbahnmodule with ship " (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.buntbahn.de%2Fmodellbau%2Fviewtopic.php%3Fp%3D281696) I build a small Gmeinder 10-12PS - Feldbahnlok (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.buntbahn.de%2Fmodellbau%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ft%3D8696) in time.
Meanwhile, after several attempts with the bending radius, a 5th Version has been milled.
Gmeinder_10-12PS_Motorhaube_Biegehilfe_04 (fspg2)
Seven discs - on three Ms-2mm rods lined up - enough for the hood of the Gmeinder 10-12PS. The left and right halves of the bending have three different radii, as necessary, to repair the hood, a bending template without the need to mill new.
Gmeinder_10-12PS_Motorhaube_Biegehilfe_05 (fspg2)
The rods are a little bit longer - with another disk, I can handle the 18-20PS Gmeinder (http://www.buntbahn.de/fotos/data/7551/1495PA040047.JPG).
Gmeinder_10-12PS_Motorhaube_Biegehilfe_06 (fspg2)
The first bending test with a new 0.3 mm Ns-sheet was very satisfactory, so I dared myself to an etched plate. However, I broke this test quickly, because in the recesses, the sheet was partly unsightly creases. I also had used only a thin sheet-adhesive film for fixing and my hands kept it. I'm going to a better fixation of the vertical side next time, so they will not cant when pushed.
Then I annealed the sheet, however, I was already much closer to my ideas.
Gmeinder_10-12PS_Motorhaube_Biegehilfe_07 (fspg2)
After bending the left side I stretch the second at the same way. Thus I have mutually perpendicular leg always rest on the table.
Gmeinder_10-12PS_Motorhaube_Biegehilfe_08 (fspg2)
Yesterday the soldering iron was hot. In contrast to my first planning one Pertinax disc is enough to fix during soldering.
Gmeinder_10-12PS_Motorhaube_Loetlehre_04 (fspg2)
A further Pertinax internal template has already been milled so that the subsequent assembly of the outer angle can all be aligned in parallel.
Gmeinder_10-12PS_Motorhaube_Loetlehre_06 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12PS_Motorhaube_Loetlehre_07 (fspg2)
Although I have used 0.3 mm Neusilberblech only, front panel seems to me quite thick in comparison with the original! However, with the naked eye I can hardly notice it, so about the double standard in the photo is deceptive.
If the above structure is completed once, it should look like the locomotive of the Light Railway Museum Hildesheim/Germany.
Gmeinder_10-12_Seite_1 (fspg2)
By sighting of some small videos, I could once again listen the sound (http://vimeo.com/20436098).
The quality from the small digicam is anything but exhilarating. So the next time I will be equipped better to take sound.
Satisfactory--with good fabrication tips! -- Russ
Welcome to the forum and glad to see you posting here Frithjof. I've been following your inspiring builds on the Buntbahn Forum for some time now. Looking forward to seeing more...
Frijthof, wenn du ehmals noch mehr probleme mit dem Foren hast schreib mir ein email oder eine PN....helfe gerne wo ich kann.
.....u. wie shon oefters gesagt....was diu da zauberst ist denn absoluten Hammer! Bin immer Voellig begeistert!
Hi Frithjof,
now this will keep you quite busy (apart from excellent modelling) ... ;D ... reporting in one more forum ...
Kind regards,
Frithjof --
Welcome! These are excellent and inspiring techniques. The resulting model is outstanding!
Looking forward to more of your projects.
Hello Russ, Paul, Marc, Gerald and Dallas,
first of all many thanks for the nice welcome.
Also thanks to Marc's fast help - now I can write new topics.
First I've changed the title of this thread. I will report here about my little Gmeinder 10-12PS light railway locomotive.
Gmeinder10-12_Zeichnung_06 (fspg2)
Gmeinder10-12_Zeichnung_07 (fspg2)
In later time I will tell you on my subject "Feldbahnmodule with ship" in a new thread.
I there Frithjof,
Great work on this project, I've been following your work on the other German forum and I've been borrowing some ideas since I also use a CnC in the modeling projects.
I like your 3d work a lot, what program do you use?
Thanks so much for showing the steps involved!
Really enjoyed seeing the work, much appreciated!
Impressive artwork and metalwork too!
Thank you for your approval.
The drive for the Gmeinder 10-12 PS I redesigned a few days ago. The programs I use are Inventor, Sheetcam and Mach3.
By using an adapter plate (http://www.esu.eu/en/products/accessories/21mtc-adapter-board/) I can replace the 21-pin decoder quickly, even if it causes problems.
A total of six parts are milled to:
The material are square brass profiles (20mm wide, 5mm and 8mm high). These are attached to a vise.
For spanning the vise on my milling machine in the same position (http://www.buntbahn.de/fotos/showphoto.php?photo=77821&size=big&password) at any time, I have mounted it on a Pertinax plate. After that the clamping jaws were flat-milled.
Gmeinder_10-12_Getriebedeckel_01 (fspg2)
Here's a short film (http://www.vimeo.com/21721057) of milling the plates.
One hour later (with five-time drill- and cutter-change) the first two gear covers were finished.
Gmeinder_10-12_Getriebedeckel_05 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Getriebedeckel_06 (fspg2)
I am really enjoying this thread!
You have set the bar very high!
Hi Frithjof,
great work ... (as usual ;D ) ...
Quote from: fspg2 on March 31, 2011, 02:57:09 AM
... The drive for the Gmeinder 10-12 PS I redesigned a few days ago ...
... does "re-designed" that mean, it would fit my Struppe Akkulok now too ... ? ;)
And how are you going to mount the gearwheels to the axle(s)? Fix them with superglue ... or are they going to be adjustable (with a screw), so you could swap them in case of damage ...?
Kind regards
Ummm... Wow. This is beautiful stuff - I seriously am not even sure at the full scope of what is going in here - but it is amazing to look at... the art, the tools, the execution. I'm going back over to my darkened corner now and continue to scratch out ideas on the back of an old board ;D
Great work Frithjof, most of all wonderful engineering.
Thanks for naming the programs, they are all very advanced ones and require a lot of knowledge to work with. I'll stick with the Sketchup/Corel Draw - Aspire - Mach3 combination, more hobby oriented and easier to work with.
Hats off to you for using this kind of technology in Model Railroading, it's really great to watch a project like this take shape. Looking forward to your next installment.
Stunning work as always Frithjof... most impressive. Are you bead blasting the brass pieces after machining to get the slight matt texture?
I am glad that you like my work!
@ Gerald
Quote... does "re-designed" that mean, it would fit my Struppe Akkulok now too ... ?
Dont worry, the drive for your Struppe-Akkulok just has a different level in the transmission blocks...
I can reach different axial distances by the modular design . The average transmission block are also fitted front or rear.
Quote... and a slightly different wheelbase. But everything else is equal.
And how are you going to mount the gearwheels to the axle(s)? Fix them with superglue ... or are they going to be adjustable (with a screw), so you could swap them in case of damage ...?
In this design I will use Threadlock Adhesive. A small drop of it is applied to the axle. A few minutes later, it has been pretty neat. After 24 hours, I can only remove the gear from the axis again with a lot of heat (flame). I also did it here in the same way:
Right now, I think about the replacement of the drive belt. A colleague said that the belt should be adjusted over time. A slotted hole for the attachment could help.
Plan B involves the use of three gears (brass, steel, brass or Hostaform C) instead of the belt.
I ordered a couple of gears... so we´ll see! I will keep you up to date!
Who belongs to the professional group of students, teachers and faculty can purchase the program "Inventor" including a 3D space mouse very cheap. In Germany for example here (http://www.btb-shop.de/cad-4jndwn5iho9/sv-edu-autocad-inventor-professional-suite-2011-q42g741kp2y.html).
@ Paul
You guessed right, I sandblasted the parts usually before I show them in the forum. So it looks much better for the spectator.
A man has to know his limitations. All I can do is admire what I see. -- Russ
I watch your stuff on Buntbahn and really wish I could write and speak German so I could contribute! So glad you are posting here so I can make comments.
This is exceptional work - waaaay waaaay better than I will ever achieve!!!!
BTW whatever happened to the thread on Buntbahn on the narrow gauge railway you were building (it reached about 46 pages if I recall)? Some cool work with CNC and laser in that. That was the thread that convinced me to buy the Preiser bricklayer in memory of my father.
After a long time there is a small step forward.
Via prototyping the master of the axle box has been created last year.
Gmeinder_Gussteile_1 (fspg2)
The steps at the upper slope were smoothed with sandpaper (1000 grit) and sandblasted final.
Last week a silicone mold was created from the master. In contrast to a rubber mold the constraction process is less. In silicon only about 0.2% shrinkage.
The rubber can be quite shrink at 3%. Depending on whether you want to use a form of rubber or silicone, the master model is created correspondingly larger.
Gmeinder_Gussteile_5 (fspg2)
For each casting of nickel silver a red wax sprue was injected by the pourer.
In the internet I found a few more details about the lost wax technique (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.carocar.com%2Fhtml%2Ffeingiesserei_info_ms.html).
Gmeinder_Gussteile_6 (fspg2)
Because it was much to annoying to cut all the cast-on section with the coping saw, I removed the sprue with a 2mm cutter...
Gmeinder_Gussteile_7 (fspg2)
... and with a sand paper (taped to a square wood) I smoothed it.
Gmeinder_Gussteile_11 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_Gussteile_8 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_Gussteile_9 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_Gussteile_10 [/ b] (fspg2)
Most satisfactory. -- Russ
Great information and facinating progress.
Thank you for sharing and taking the time to show and tell.
Are you going to sell the axle box castings?? ??? ;D
Hi Marty,
I´m building a small-scale serie of 10 locos only.
The drawings for the transmission blocks were created some time ago.
Gmeinder_10_12PS_Antrieb_05 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10_12PS_Antrieb_006 (fspg2)
The four shells were merged into a milling file. Several auxiliary layers has been added to mill out the individual contours accurately.
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_014 (fspg2)
The DXF file shows different colors for each layer.
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_015 (fspg2)
So I can distinguish the different drills and routers in the milling program exactly.
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_019 (fspg2)
The milling machine has finished the parts after one hour. The tools were changed six times.
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_016 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_017 (fspg2)
After sandblasting the parts you can´t see any milling tracks.
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_018 (fspg2)
This is art!
Wow! Incredible!
The man amazes me. I am truly honored to have his work on my forum! -- Russ
I'm still wondering what kinda wheels you're going to use ... or do meanwhile have the opportunity to manufacture them yourself too ... ?
Frithjof, Thank you for the time you are taking to post the drawings and photographs of the processes and the finished parts, your workmanship and design methodology are inspiring.
Thank you for your interest and approval.
Round about 15 months passed I have built something for the little Gmeinder 10-12ps - hard to believe ☺
Gmeinder_10-12_Schutzgitter_01 (fspg2)
For the protection grid I have milled the two holding bows made of 3mm brass.
A 0.7 mm pocket dilute the material to 2.3 mm. A 1.0 mm cutter for the outer contour was used thereafter. Right and left two small retaining webs keep the material, so that the strap could not be damaged by the milling cutter. The remaining material is 0.5 mm thick now.
Gmeinder_10-12_Schutzgitter_03 (fspg2)
For assembly the two holding bows to the vertical 0.4 mm x 1.8 mm vertical metal strips, I have milled a small mounting jig of Pertinax.
Gmeinder_10-12_Schutzgitter_02 (fspg2)
After soldering this assembly jig helps drilling the holes for the hex bolts from the backside. Corresponding holes in the jig already exists.
....a new thought came overnight.
To separate the supernatant strips the same assembly aid could still be used. So a new one you can see.
Gmeinder_10-12_Schutzgitter_04 (fspg2)
With Cad a separate layer was created for each milling pass and labeled with the depth of cut. The colors in the DXF file to make it clear once again.
Gmeinder_10-12_Schutzgitter_05 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Schutzgitter_06 (fspg2)
For comparison both jigs side by side.
Gmeinder_10-12_Schutzgitter_07 (fspg2)
Helmut then asked me why not build the grid of one piece?
So I tried it and milled the grid out of a 35mm x 3mm Ms58 profile.
As before, I first did a matching bag milled into the MDF material. I put the brass profile into it and fixed it with small screws additionally.
Then the profile got drilled four 2.0 mm holes. They range 5mm deep into the MDF board.
Corresponding brass tubes were put into it. They are used for the exact positioning of the front and back.
Gmeinder_10-12_Schutzgitter_08 (fspg2)
(milled from backside)
45 minutes later I was able to disconnect the grid of the retention standoffs. The outer bending edges were rounded with a small metal file and the protective grid were sandblasted. Four hexagonal screws with 1mm width across flats serve the subsequent assembly of the front panel.
Gmeinder_10-12_Schutzgitter_09 (fspg2)
The protection grid has an ,,inaccuracy":
With a 1mm ball cutter (http://www.ebay.de/itm/VHM-Kugelfraser-D1-0xR0-50-/200453275701?pt=Modellbauwerkzeuge&hash=item2eabf24035) I wanted rounding the inner corners too. Since the existing milling cutter has a conical shaft (http://www.buntbahn.de/fotos/data/7835/2903Gmeinder_10-12_Schutzgitter_10.jpg) , I wouldn´t get into the corners anyway, so I did it without rounding. I hope that the reader will forgive me
I forgive you. Disgustingly good work. -- Russ
Speechless - I'm lost again !
The best blending of skill and technology.
Thank to all for the reception :)
Bevel gears are connecting the two axes with the common drive axis.
One bevel gear is made of brass (http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&tl=en&u=http://www.modellbauershop.de/zahnraeder/kegelraeder-aus-messing.php), the second from steel (http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&tl=en&u=http://www.modellbauershop.de/zahnraeder/kegelraeder-aus-stahl.php). (Klick blue letters for further information!)
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_25 (fspg2)
The bevel gears were tensed to a socket and were given a 1.3 mm hole through the flange.
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_20 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_21 (fspg2)
Then both sides were sliced with 1.6 mm thread. Grub screws (http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&tl=en&u=http://www.modellbauershop.de/stifte/gewindestift-innensechskant-flach-niro.php) serves for fixing.
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_22 (fspg2)
Since my lathe dosn´t work properly, the flange was milled unceremoniously and the edges were broken.
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_23 (fspg2)
The bronze bearing is used for storage and can commute the rear gear box around the axis.
Thrust washers (6/3mm) minimize friction.
Gmeinder_10-12_Antrieb_24 (fspg2)
That is absolutely terrific work. Most impressive. -- Russ
Wow. Lovely. Precision art.
This is modeling . Stunning work
what really impresses me about your work is the amount of thought that you put into it .
As good as it gets.
At a Christmas exhibition on castle Salder I met Martin (a Buntbahn colleague). He prosecute his vehicles with Deltang. As he handed the manual contol unit to me.... a bacillus came over!
The Gmeinder should operate with DCC previously. But now... I´ll try Deltang system!
Martin tendered to assemble and configure a Deltang receiver and transmitter with a 12-volt step-up controler. More information is also available here (http://www.buntbahn.de/modellbau/viewtopic.php?t=11294&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=deltang&start=0) at BBF forum. English translation: here (http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.buntbahn.de/modellbau/viewtopic.php%3Ft%3D11294http://www.buntbahn.de/modellbau/viewtopic.php%3Ft%3D11294)
Few days ago I connected a Faulhaber 2020C/12V and a small 500mAh LiPo cell (http://shop.lipopower.de/500-mAh-37V-Einzelzelle-1C-25mm-breit-35mm-lang) it works faultless!
a) no problems with dirty rails
b) no power contacts on the locomotives = less effort with wiring
c) frogs must not be polarized
d) immediate use without cleaning tracks
e) low-priced system
f) with a small hand held controller, I can drive up to 12 locomotives (will not happen certainly)
g) excellent slowly driving characteristics
h) additional functions possible (eg light, servos,...)
i) without sound I need no speaker ... so I can built a motor dummy
But even there is a disadvantage momentary:
The sound question is not really solved easily. But perhaps something will come by the manufacturer, if sufficient demand exists.
Secondly, the programming of the decoder is not quite visible to me, but I can learn more about certainly.
However, If someone wants to drive with DCC on my modules – no problem because the rails are all connected to a 4mm2 loop.
Although the frogs were not connected, a small DDC engine without GoldCaps can drive across. I tried it!
I'm currently wondering about what kind of Faulhaber I will use with Deltang for Gmeinder 10-12 PS.
In an Exel sheet I can communicate the various parameters with each other:
(https://www.finescalerr.com/smf/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi203.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faa38%2Ffspg%2FFaulhaber-2020_Getriebe-Uebersetzung.jpg&hash=2f45ab43734988278aae8bbb31b2e157787c76af) (http://s203.photobucket.com/user/fspg/media/Faulhaber-2020_Getriebe-Uebersetzung.jpg.html)
The three speed steps of the prototype (12km/h, 8km/h and 4km/h) have three corresponding stepped volt numbers.
In DCC 18, 12 and 6 volts - for Deltang correspondingly 12, 8 and 4 volts.
The information for the speed that I found on an old Faulhaber sheet are regarded only for idle at 12 volts.
Recently however I found information about the speed under maximum load (506 U/min at 2020B/12V and the 2020C/12V there are 131 U/min) on the web:
He also offers a calculation program (http://www.spur0hans.ch/programm.html) as Exel file.
I gave these values to the Excel sheet and got a gear ratio of 2.04 at idle and 1.24 under max load for the 2020C/12 volt by using DCC. For Deltang respective 1.36 at idle and under max load 0.82!
Gears droped out because of the noise. I will also say goodbye to the drivebelt!
The 2020B bis ruled out due to the necessary strong translation ratio for an O-ring drive - there is not enough space in the gear box.
Am I wrong if I compromise a transmision ratio of 1:1?
Then I could reduce the middle gear box a little and thus might create place for a motor dummy... at least when I renounce once at sound. In the upper part of the hood I will construct a small holding box for the Deltang receiver and the small battery together with a step-up regulator.
Because the production of FH2020 will finished soon, so I ordered FH1512 for test.
Gmeinder_10-12_FH2020_Vs_1512_Deltang_01 (fspg2)
Many small parcels came with ordered parts recently, such as cables, switches, connectors, test motor FH 1512, pulley drive belt, ...
It's crazy ... Friday late afternnon I ordered 5 switches on the web (for € 1.79 + € 1.49 postage) .... I got it Saturday afternoon!
For the switch (on/charging battery) and the charging socket I milled an attachment that is integrated in an additional weight.
Gewicht_mit_Schalter_10 (fspg2)
Gewicht_mit_Schalter_12 (fspg2)
Gewicht_mit_Schalter_06 (fspg2)
A second weight will be installed in the rear frame section. These two brass parts increased the total weight by just over 50 grams.
Gewicht_mit_Schalter_09 (fspg2)
Gewicht_mit_Schalter_07 (fspg2)
To install the switch into the brass block I cut small "shoes" of Pertinax. Pressed with slight pressure, it holds the switch safely. Another fixing with adhesive is unnecessary.
Should the switch be broken sometime, it can be exchanged easy.
Gewicht_mit_Schalter_08 (fspg2)
I must be at the Magic Kingdom! Your work is incredible. So well planned, visualized and then executed the same way. Allan
You are simply too good at this stuff and something of a genius. -- Russ
Agree to all above.
Since the Faulhaber 2020 is available only sporadically, I have appointed a FH 1512 (translation ratio1:39) as an alternative.
To compare the two engines look at the table:
Faulhaber_2020_vs_1512 (fspg2)
For the selected gear ratio of 1:1 I milled a slightly smaller housing for the motor carrier of FH1512.
Motortraeger_Deckel-03 (fspg2)
In a Pertinax sheet I milled a 4mm deepening. Then I put a 20x5mm brass flat profile (MS58) in it and machined both sides.
Motortraeger_Deckel-06 (fspg2)
Drills and mills were changed 11 times.
Motortraeger_Deckel-04 (fspg2)
46 minutes later I got two cover halves.
Motortraeger_Deckel-07 (fspg2)
Motortraeger_Deckel-08 (fspg2)
I looked for a drive belt for a long time. Normal O-Rings dropped out, they are not designed for permanent load.
I make a find at Henke-Modellbau (http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.modellbauhenke.de/html/produkte_d.htm). Torsten Winkler sent me a belt with two roles for the motor and the drive shaft. Since the transmission ratio was at 1: 1.8, the two roles had to be lathe again. Christian helped quickly and sent me two rolls (1: 1) according to my drawing.
Motortraeger_Deckel-09 (fspg2)
Now the assembly of all parts can follow. I am curious if the Faulhaber 1512 engine satisfy my expectations.
Great build and wonderful craftsmanship!.....Allan
I am constantly amazed by the precision of your work! It's like watchmaking.
I honestly have no idea how you do all that. Incredible. -- Russ
Back a few pages you mentioned one of the drive gears was made of steel and the other brass. Why the two different materials? Your work is beyond incredible!!!! .....Allan
Thank you for all compliments - ist not difficult, to get precise results you need a little bit of time only :-)
Two identical materials tend like to "eat" each other – therefore different materials are always used.
Have a look here: http://www.tandwiel.info/en/materials/materials-for-gears/
It's been a good four years since I built something on my Gmeinder 10-12PS.
It felt like the time was much shorter.
Gmeinder10-12_Zeichnung_11 (fspg2)
Well, I didn't really continue building, only a few parts were prototyped. So when I retire, I'll have a few more parts for my construction sites. ;)
So all the tank and radiator caps came on a cast tree:
Gmeinder_10-12_Tankabdeckung_02 (fspg2)
After the master plot was released by the handbrake adjuster,
Handbremse_Gruppe_1_04-Ur-Plot (fspg2)
the parts delivered on it had to be complained about.
Handbremse_Gruppe_03 (fspg2)
During the molding process, the two parallel rows of prongs had shifted significantly.
Handbremse_Gruppe_02 (fspg2)
Handbremse_Gruppe_01 (fspg2)
The Gmeinder 10-12 had different buffer variants. I drew two different sizes on the front and back and had them printed.
Gmeinder_10-12_Puffer_01 (fspg2)
In order not to damage the area with the sprue when cutting with the cutting disc on the Proxxon circular saw, I left a small base.
Gmeinder_10-12_Puffer_05 (fspg2)
The next steps were: Milling the remaining bases
Gmeinder_10-12_Puffer_06 (fspg2)
and sanding the sides to remove the easily visible stairs.
Gmeinder_10-12_Puffer_07 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Puffer_08 (fspg2)
Here from left to right:
Supplied buffer, severed cast tree, milled base, inside, ground buffer
Gmeinder_10-12_Puffer_02 (fspg2)
Too bad about the handbrake ratchet. All the other parts look very good. The model should be outstanding when you finish it. -- Russ
This definately quality engineering in miniature, stunning stuff.
Hi Frithjof.
Always a pleasure to see your builds progressing.
Very cool.
Hi Frithjof,
Nice job as always, very impressive too!
The castings are perfect. Can you tell me where you have them cast?
Thank you for your comments!
QuoteCan you tell me where you have them cast?
Have a look at:
German - https://kauselmann.com/
English - https://kauselmann.com/home-en/
Lastly I spent sanding all of the buffers and drilling the mounting holes in a hard paper jig.
Gmeinder_10-12_Puffer_09 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Puffer_10 (fspg2)
Today I put one and a half kilograms of polishing material with 4mm and 6mm edge length, some water and grinding paste from Zu Jeddeloh
https://www.zujeddeloh.de/artikel582.html#a10610 (You can choose the language freely!)
into my vibrating polishing drum:
I will try it with the buffer plates a little.
Gleitschleifen_01 (fspg2)
A small video is available here: klick (https://vimeo.com/469226221)
I will always check how the edges are broken and the surfaces change.
Stay healthy!
I think, if you wanted, you could be a very successful jeweler. -- Russ
Thanks for the link, Frithjof. It is always good to know good suppliers.
The following picture shows the buffers after grinding at the rotating disk.
Gmeinder_10-12_Puffer_11 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Puffer_08 (fspg2)
After this all buffers had been in the vibrating polishing drum for 4 hours, I washed them under hot water with an old toothbrush and some soap.
What you can see in the photo above (after washing - not sandblasted), all the sharp edges have been slightly rounded - exactly what I wanted to achieve.
Superb. -- Russ
While I had been working on hinges for the Kemna roller for the past few days, I also came across some castings that I let printed in 2010 and then reproduced using rubber molds.
Gmeinder_Knebel_2 (fspg2)
On the above cast tree there are two hinges for the side fan flap of the Gmeinder 10-12PS.
Gmeinder_10-12_Scharnier_08 (fspg2)
On closer inspection it is noticeable that they do not have any through holes - the hole diameter of only 0.5mm was probably not feasible with this rubber form.
For a wider part, the caster would have inserted a corresponding wire as a placeholder, here the length of the wire would have been around 3-4 millimeters.
So again a small jig was milled out of a 6.0mm HPL plate in order to hold the hinge securely in it when drilling later.
Gmeinder_10-12_Scharnier_01 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Scharnier_02 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Scharnier_03 (fspg2)
The drilling jig was clamped in a small vice on the cross table of the milling stand, the hinge inserted and fixed with a small piece of wood and some tape.
TThen the 0.5mm drill was positioned exactly over the indicated depression. A small drop of cutting oil helped with the drilling.
Gmeinder_10-12_Scharnier_04 (fspg2)
Then I remove dthe piece of wood and the masking tape again to look at the hinge.
Gmeinder_10-12_Scharnier_05 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Scharnier_06 (fspg2)
A trial possession on the Gmeinder - it fits.
Gmeinder_10-12_Scharnier_07 (fspg2)
Now comes the boring part ... there are 43 hinges left to drill!
As Always, Frithjof, it's amazing!
As Always, Frithjof, amazing job!
Very impressive technics.
Impressive. -- Russ
It´s usually only cooked with water :-)
Drilling the small hinges was done in under one hour - it was faster than I thought.
I only left out the piece of wood to fix the small hinge. With a small screwdriver in my left hand, I pressed the part into the drilling template and was able to guide the milling head with my right hand.
Thanks to the cutting oil, the drill didn't break. Especially with cast parts, I often had cavities in the material in which such small drills tend to break - if I hadn't used oil.
The cooler (http://www.flickr.com/photos/112465383@N04/11569761534/) will be created in two parts. The outer housing was printed in plastic on a Formlabs 3 printer (https://formlabs.com/de/blog/ubersicht-form-3-rezensionen/).
Gmeinder_10-12_Kühler_02 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_ Kühler_03 (fspg2)
In contrast to older Formlabs printers, it´s now possible to reduce the diameter of the contact points between the support structure and the component to 1/100mm.
Gmeinder_10-12_ Kühler_04 (fspg2)
The printed radiator frames had no mounting holes in the 4 angles.
I wanted to make sure that if there were any dimensional deviations during 3D printing, the holes would not be congruent with the front panel.
Gmeinder_10-12_Kühler_01 (fspg2)
Therefore, they were drilled in a small gauge subsequently.
Gmeinder_10-12_Kühler_05 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Kühler_06 (fspg2)
Now the interior of the cooler is still missing. To do this, I milled a small subframe for the backside, which will take the grids on both sides later and additional weight.
Gmeinder_10-12_Kühler_07 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Kühler_08 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Kühler_09 (fspg2)
Wow. -- Russ
Its Fantastic !!
Thanks for your comments!
For the grille of the cooler, I had tried various purchased grids, but I didn't really like the two smallest from modulor (https://www.modulor.de/en/sheets-mesh/wire-mesh/):
Gmeinder_10-12_Ku_776_hler_10 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Ku_776_hler_11 (fspg2)
When I recently talked to a few friends about the grilles of the Gmeinder cooler, I got very quick help from Paul, who sent me two small test grids with a tiny grid dimension.
The diamond has a dimension of only w = 0.553mm and h = 0.319mm!
Gmeinder_10-12_Kuehler_14 (fspg2)
Gmeinder_10-12_Kuehler_12 (fspg2)
It remains to be seen whether the grille can be seen at all from a normal distance in the fully assembled bonnet.
Gmeinder_10-12_Kuehler_13 (fspg2)
At least I like it!
Don't worry whether somebody else can see how terrific it looks. It's perfect. -- Russ
The etched Grid looks perfect. Much better than the other two versions.
I am going to start collecting empty Whisky bottles, one at a time. I can't compete with this level of skill.
What alloy was used to cast the hinge parts?
This is really an credible build with so much though going into the texture of the surfaces. I am deeply impressed.