Links and info about 1/35 and larger civilian figures, or military figures that can be used/adapted for civilian scenes..
This is intended as a group effort, so feel free to add more links to useable figures! Lets try to Keep this pretty tight on topic and subject, as a reference location, and review of the material or vendor if you have used them/it. I will try and consolidate posts/info wherever I if your topic or post/link vanishes or is modified, it was likely consolidated into/or with another post with a sim topic/material.
Master Box Limited (wide range of injection molded 1/35 figures and diorama accessories)
Citizenry; West European WW2 Era #3588
Iraq Kit 2 #3576
Civilians; Western Region WW2 Era #3567
France 1944 #3578
Domestic Animals #3566
Maquis French resistance #3551
Woment at War; US Navy WAVES #3556
Women at War; German Luftwaffe Helferinnen #3557
Russian Tankmen; 1943-44 #3535 (
Somewhere in Europe, 1944 #3538
Checkpoint #3527
Europe 1945 #3514
MIG Productions (1/35 Resin figures and diorama details)
In Europe: (
In the United States: (
WW2 Russian Hooligan #MP 35-120
Civilian Russian Woman #MP 35-272
Civilian Old Russian Man #MP 35-273
Arab farmer #MP 35-283
Old Russina Woman #MP 35-288
ATS Driver Samantha #SKP087
MK-35 Editions (wide range of 1/35 resin figures and diorama accessories)
Animals (
Civilians (there are 6 pages, starting here) (
Verlinden Productions (wide range of resin figures and diorama accessories)
1/35 Academy Figures #759
Arab Boy With Donkey #955
Angel of Mercy #2047
Dromedaries #1491
WW2 Farm Boy with Cow and Dog #2631
Farmer & Wife Europe WWII #1909
Farmer with Horse #1224
Farmers Wife & Daughter #2503
Newspaper Salesman WWII #1799
Nurse With Children WWII (3 Fig.), #2512
Nurses WWII #894
Saturday Night Bath Vietnam #1076
1:35 TV News Team #688
US Tanker & Priest #844
Welcome GI #1443
WWII Civilians #2016
Vietcong in Small Boats #570
A "few more" 1/35 scale civilians (by Manufacturer):
Aurora Model:
(Also seller ID "aurora-model" on ebay)
-- Figures are cast in lead or white metal, detail is not super crisp, but sculpting is quite nice
-- Red Cross Nurse, ML001
-- Civilian Girl (child), ML004
-- WWII Street Girl, ML005
-- German Shepherd (dog) w/ medical pack, ML027
-- Red Cross Nurse #3, ML028
-- Red Cross Nurse #4, ML029
-- Red Cross Nurse #4, ML032
-- Red Cross Nurse #5, ML033
-- various "saucy" military girls; dogs & cats
Bronco Models:
-- WWII Allied Female Soldiers, #CB35037:
(This is obviously not a "civilian" set, but good source of female faces, hands and legs)
Custom Dioramics -- can't find a web site for these guys, so the items numbers are those that can be found on
-- Pacific Island Girl (topless, grass skirt), #CD4050
-- Orthodox Priest, #CD4057
Hornet & Wolf (aka "Hornet Heads")
-- HUGE variety of heads with or without hair, all sorts of facial expressions, etc.
Legend Productions:
-- Also available from and others
-- Comrade Mon Amour, civ. female in car, #LF0061
-- "Let's go" (woman in leather skirt) #LF0072
-- Last Tango in Paris (civilian female dancing), #LF0083
-- Man & woman in bed; #LF0087
-- Farmer & daughter, #LF0088
-- Milk maid & cow, #LF0093
-- Various scantily clad (or un-clad) "hot body" female figures
-- plus German Shepherds, kangaroos ...
MK35 Productions: See Marc's post above (I like these!)
Model Victoria:
-- A bit "pricey" -- Nick says they're quite nice!
-- Man w/ shovel, #4053
-- Woman w/ children, #4054
-- Civilian in Arms (suit/mobster look), #4077
-- Welder w/ cart, #40100
-- Man wearing overalls, #40101
Nemrod: Not sure of web site, stock numbers shown.
-- I have one of the civilians, detail is not super crisp, but good proportions and pose.
-- Civilian June 1944, NM35048
-- Civilian June 1944 #3, NM35049
-- Female Civilian June 1944, NM35053
-- German Railway Men, NM35073
-- Children Normandy 1944, NM35079
-- Civilians (Man & Woman, well-dressed), NM35081
-- Civilian Woman w/ Valises 1944, NM35088
Plus Model:
-- Figures are in the "dioramas" section of catalog
-- Girls (dressing/undressing) #149
-- Civilian man & woman, #157
-- Refugees (or peasants), two women, cart & kids, #292
-- Organ grinder, monkey, kid on scooter, #291
-- Disabled man & granny, #319
-- web site sucks; surf for other places to see them!
-- Civilian worker; #355505
-- Bulldozer operator, #355530
-- Mechanic, #355577
-- Man w/ hands in pockets, #355602
-- US Mechanics (look like auto mechanics) #1558
-- also separate hands and a variety of "figure conversion" sets that have useful assortments of arms, hands, torsos, etc.
Have fun! -- Dallas
The Model Victoria figures I have are excellent castings and highly recommended if you are prepared to pay the price . Just remember that if you are working in this scale it is not usually necessary to have that many figures on a diorama so spending a bit more on a few good quality figures , that paint up well, should justify the extra cost . If you are building a layout then it will get more expensive if you use top quality figures throughout .
Two further Italian companies that produce 1/35 figures that might be of use .
35041 Italian Tank Crew
35046 Italian Tank Crew
Royal Model
191 Italian Tanker
486 Italian Tanker
573 Civilian with child
590 Mechanics x3
636 Mother with children
I have bought my figures from these companies from
Preiser 1/35 scale figures [could not find a mfr. website, but sold through various retailers]
Civilians [5 figs.] (Unpainted) #64002
Refugees [7 figs] (Painted) #64007
Workers 1939-45 [6 figs] (Unpainted) #64010
Women Digging in Ruins [6 figs] (Painted) #64011
Postwar Travelers [9 figs] (Unpainted) #64014
There's a whole marching Band and individual musicians, however I can't tell for sure if they are also 1/35
Doug's Originals Canadian mfr of 1/35 figures & animals (
35001 Running Children (2)
35028 Angry Woman w/ Broom
35A01 Scared Cow
35A02 Dead Cow
35A03 Goat & Beagle
35A04 Scared Geese (2 geese)
35A05 Running Hounds (2 running dog figures)
35A06 Bare Horse, w/brace & bit #1, Charging
35A07 Bare Horse, w/brace & bit #2, Charging
35A08 Bare Horse, w/brace & bit #3, Charging
Historex/Nemrod 54mm Scale
NMA006 Cow and calf
NMA007 Cow resting
The Armourer Russian mfr. of 1/35 resin figures [could not find a mfr. website, but sold through various retailers]
AR-35F002 Herd boy
AR-35F003 Orthodox priest
AR-35A001 Cow, standing
AR-35A005 Cow II, 2 cows in prone position
AR-35A002 Goat, standing
AR-35A003 Pig, standing
AR-35A004 Dogs, 2 dogs, one sitting and one lifting leg urinating
Helo Miniatures 1/35 figures
#35012 1/35 scale mannequins (torso/pelvis) with true 1/35 scale proportion chart for sculpting your own
miniatures. Contains 4 torsos & 4 pelvis's. Use after market heads. Sculpt your own limbs.
Mantis Miniatures Polish company mfg. 1/35 resin figures and animals.
35005 Animals - Set 1 (mediterranean and african)
35009 Animals - Set 2 (European)
35012 Animals Set 3 (city)
35020 Animals - Set 5 (fish)
35024 Animals - Set 6 (country)
35028 Animals - set 7 (sea-side)
Miniman Factory Hungarian 1/35 resin figures
F004 Russian guard with dog (World War II) [dog would work well for a vicious guard dog, or junkyard dog, scene]
S-3541 Russian children, 1941-45
New World Miniatures
NWM-H0001 Head set #1 "Bald"
NWM-H0002 Head set #2 "Bald"
NWM-H0003 Head set #1 with hair
NWM-H0004 Head set #2 with hair
The Body
35035 Natasha
35010 Heads
35013 Heads
35015 Heads
35016 Heads
C-35002 German mechanic
C-35012 SS Panzer crew
JA63013 U.S. Reflueling Party (2)
JA63023 Sandbag Detail U S tankers
JA63046 Uh....! Mechanics at work
35051Canadian/British Tank Crewman
35021 Bare Heads #1
35022 Bare Heads #2
HANDS01 3 Right, 3 Left Hands for 1:35 Scale Figures
HANDS02 3 Right, 3 Left Hands for 1:35 Scale Figures
HANDS03 3 Right, 3 Left Hands for 1:35 Scale Figures
35010 German tank crew at work
35011 German tank repair crew
35062 German solders at rest
35065 German RAD at work 1939/45
35101 U.S. Mortocycle repair crew
I can't believe noone has yet mentioned Tamiya's exciting and highly accurate CAMPUS FRIENDS set which includes tube socks, scooter and tennis racket for fascinating college action scenes :o
I always regretted they didn't come in 1/35 scale, so that they could be chased off campus by a tiger tank. ;D
Here is a small list of the 1/24 figures i made for my french board. Hope it will be usefull for you
FUJIMIon ebay
2 in 1
scale 1/24
Painted figure
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
( (
unpainted figure
Supply line Modelroad
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
Scale Production
I never understood 1/24 scale figures. They're larger than most! They should be more detailed and better sculpted than 1/35 or 1/48 figures.
Thanks for posting these. Good addition/info to to the thread.
New release from Royal Model in 1/35 scale -- #638 Children Playing:
These Royal Model figures are impressive. Especially when you compare them to the 1:24 figures.
What is the deal with the 1:24th offerings (G scale, no?)!!!? Is it just the scale? In looking at them, it doesn't look as though anyone has done any sculpting of new figs since Sputnik. Except for the motorcycle Mama line... ::)
And as to the detail - my kids have sculpted ash trays in 2nd grade art class that look more like people (I just cracked myself up - hopefully this audience is old enough to remember what an ash tray is and appreciate the irony of making one for your parents).
We just had this conversation last week locally. Seriously - a Sci-Fi hobby friend of mine who specializes in tricking out old cars into Jetson-esque rides is now sculpting his own stuff to because the scale is such a wasteland. He does have the bobby socks kit - and I think he just cannablized the set with the nehru jackets and giant peace medallion necklaces.
We are in the process of making up two figures in pretty generic coveralls for our use as workers for auto/factory/rail (with a bare head and hat option)... we may cast them up now, looking at the postings so far.
Paul(non-smoker)Ranta ;D
G scale is 1:22:5. Half-inch scale is 1:24. Some refer to 1:20.3 scale as F scale. For the record, it is my opinion that letter designations for scale are childish and stem from the toy train industry of the 1930s. Model railroading is the only hobby that uses such designation.
It is more accurate and less confusing to refer to scale simply by proportion: 1:87.1, 1:48, 1:35, and so on. That is what vehicle and military and ship modelers do. It is what all of us should do, too.
Agreed oh, wise woodwinder,
Though I'll not take shots at rail ethos as an outsider, F, G, etc. does add to the confusion (not that On30, etc. is any easier for my aging melon ;D). I think one of the things that amazes me (and I think I've seen this discussed on this forum before) is the stunning detail that folks put into multi hundred/thousand $ rail lines, gear and scenes and then populate them with figures out of the Army Action Figure Playset bag of 250... thought the same is often true for other disciplines... a hundred hours of work on a plane/car/tank kit and then set on lousy ground work.
Scale madness isn't limited to rail, BTW, there are some pretty good dust ups over figure accuracy, especially in the 1:35th and 1:32nd (54mm) realm... especially maddening when most of them are built around a weapon or equipment that really is a constant as a starting reference point. And then when you factor in the whole "is the figure supposed to be 5'6", 5'9, 6' " argument (apologies to our metric friends outside of the Luddited States of America ;D) - 120mm and 1/16th scale has some real rubbish floating around as well...
So to my eye, the two scales are barely compatible - with the 6 foot and over 1:24th scale figure fudging into the 1:22 space?
72" 70" 69" 66"
1:22 3.27 3.18 3.14 3.00
1:24 3.00 2.92 2.88 2.75
Sorry - just some ramblings... time to go back outside and do yard work...
I think the problem with "large scale" figures (1/24th, G, 1:20.3 etc) is that the market is so small, few companies will spend the money for high quality masters. Thus there are few quality figures to choose from, and lots of lower quality stuff.
On top of that, many folks in the larger scales are not very choosy to begin with, so there are plenty willing to buy caricatures and amateurish figures.
Two new vintage female figures in 1/35 scale from Aurora Model:
ML-047 is ye olde "bombshell" as shown above (which makes it somewhat military related) ;)
ML-048 is a more demure flapper
I've gotten one other figure from Aurora before ... worked out cheaper on shipping to order thru their ebay store ... figures are nicely sculpted, cast in metal. Cheers, Dallas
Now here is an up and coming figure that every red blooded male should buy . Even if they don't model in 1/35th scale .
We will then , of course , require her friend , Rosie The Rivetter !
That one is definitely on my list.....but I am also eagery anticipating this figure set (designed by Christophe Desse), should be part of the upcoming "Red Star" kit, also from Industria Mechanika. [The "Red Star" will be a definite buy for me.)
More pics, info on the two figure sets, and release date can be found here on the iM site:
Damn! .................. I could so easily be seduced by this type of modelling. The subject matter appeals on most levels, I love the caricature and the whimsy, and the quality of the original modelling is exemplary.
I think there's simply an element of desire and ownership in there too.............. fantastic.
(I've always wanted to build the "flapper" as well - but could never track an example down - for shame)
Quote from: Andi Little on March 07, 2012, 01:38:05 PM
(I've always wanted to build the "flapper" as well - but could never track an example down - for shame)
The Flapter is awesome...if you find one , I'll wrestle you for it. ;D
Nick's taste in figures is better than Marc's! ;D -- Dallas
I agree Dallas ;D ;D! Maybe I can find a job for Sacha in my bike shop ???! Great figure and thanks for posting.
For those that model 1/32,....through a happy set of circumstances, Michael has 16 or so left, of the Sasha figures in 1/32.
Link to page to order:
Ooh, how did I miss these? Just picked up two. (In 1/35.)
Thanks "M" I orderd one in "Bastard" scale ::)
I really appreciate all the time and effort everyone has put into this thread.
I wonder how we ever built models without the internet.
thanks for the info -sash is now in a dash over the pacific to make a guest appearence at the Blue Top Salvage company
regards kim
I just came across this amazing Modelkasten kit for some truly lovely ladies. Who could resist some Frauleins with Machinguns.
Quote from: BKLN on March 21, 2012, 08:41:02 AM
I just came across this amazing Modelkasten kit for some truly lovely ladies. Who could resist some Frauleins with Machinguns.
muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... (sorry, couldn't help laughing out loud) ... reminds me of the song "Bikini Girls With Machine Guns" performed by The Cramps .... (
Gerald (still chucklin')
Quote from: BKLN on March 21, 2012, 08:41:02 AM
I just came across this amazing Modelkasten kit for some truly lovely ladies. Who could resist some Frauleins with Machinguns.
Awesome...I have a 1/35 Mini-Gun set that I could substitute for those MGs, and really make them "up in your grill". ;D
This one might work with the iMech Remora...or by changing out the head, work as a good civilian figure around the shop or scrap yard.
A few guys here have asked about larger scale figures recently, so I'm gonna add a couple links for sources that might not be familiar ...
Scale Equipment Ltd -- "Dudez & Babez" series -- 1/24 or 1/25 scale: I have NOT actually seen any of these, but it looks like they have an interesting selection with some potential. I've seen the forklift driver used as an engine driver on the Gn15 site a couple of times:;search=17;search=Dudez%20%27n%27%20Babez;limit=category;v=2.0
More 1/24 or 1/25 scale figures
Jimmy Flintstone / Dr. Flintbone figures ... I've purchased a couple of these and the sculpting/casting are good to my eye.
Jimmy Flintstone series has a variety of interesting & unusual subjects:
Dr. Flintbone series has nude/saucy figures:
Photo below shows one of the topless figures that I modified with overalls and a "wardrobe malfunction" -- and, yes, I do need to go back and finish the flesh tones, etc to make her look right! 8)
Time to watch "Full Metal Jacket" again -- 1/35 scale "boom-boom girl" (she love you long time!) 8)
QUESTION: What is the original source/maker for the 1/35 scale figure shown below? Found this on ebay from a seller who is obviously making bootlegs ... would like to know who is the legitimate maker. Thanks! Dallas
There ain't no sanity clause... so saith the renowned legal scholar Chico Marx ... and yet, here he is ... in your choice of vintage or modern army boots! ;)
Oh damn, damn, damn ... blast it!
Don't you "shh" me! After eighteen years of total silence ...
Of course they've brought forth juniper berries ... they're juniper bushes!
Is it my imagination ... or is this new figure the juniper bushes hermit with some clothes on? ;D
Hi Guy's,
Some wonderful new 1/35th civilian figures!
Hum, yum-yum!
Here you go , Franck . We are already on the case ! Ha , ha .;topicseen
Thanks for thinking of us ,
::) ::) :P :P
Ok, ok, I'm out of touch!
...But in the good topic, so there! ;D ;D ;D
Here's another to help "flesh out" Marty's space-boat crew ... 1/35 scale Bianca from Paolo Parente's "Dust" series of WWII/Sci-fi ... there are a couple other females in the range:
And, even though she's a little 1/35 gal, looks like she might be able to lend a hand in the 1/16 machine shop! ;D
"Build" thread on the MSC below ... even though it looks like she's already "built":
Hey, I'm working on one of those. Except, for some odd reason, in 1/48 she switches sides to the Allies, and goes by "Rosie."
She will go great with my under construction theme!
Aurora Model in Japan has some "sexy" new female figures in 1/35, 1/32 and 1/24 ... different ones in each of those scales. First three shown below are 1/35 scale. Last one (car show girl) is 1/24. There are also some bikini and schoolgirl figures in 1/32 scale.
Aurora web site:
Some notes:
-- These figures are cast in LEAD ... heads-up for those concerned with that, and don't eat 'em! ;D
-- Nice sculpting.
-- I found it cheaper to order from them (Aurora) on ebay then to go thru the website; lower total with shipping ... and the package actually came from Aurora in Japan (not some Chinese knock-off). Their seller ID is "aurora-model"
Don't know if these links are durable or dynamic, but here's a current link to their ebay shop:
Here's Natasha in her later years...seems she has not aged gracefully..
Available through The Bodi models (
Change some details and these guys could be used for around the shop or on the Remora:
SS Panzer Crew:
US Tank Crew:
German Mechanic:
Available here from 'The Bodi' (
Coming soon from Master Box ... Women of WWII (civilian!) ... set #35148
Whoa, that set is awesome!
The middle guy looks like an Oompa-Loompa with a mack 10~! ::) ::) ::) ;D ;D
Listed as "generic" soldiers, but look like they might fit in with some of those Remora / workshop scenes. Search "Djiti 1/35" on ebay ... here's company web site:
Haven't seen them in person ...
Some nice stuff there. And a number of items which I could definitely use. Thanks.
Female soldier, huh? Well, Dad did say there might be times when you just have to surrender ...
Oh ... and a "reporter" ... just "documenting" the, um ... well, whatever is going on here ...
Some new stuff here, of course in 1:35 scale... ;)
Those welders are really nice!
Any ideas where to look for 1/16th shop workers?
Quote from: lab-dad on June 08, 2013, 05:24:00 AM
Those welders are really nice!
Any ideas where to look for 1/16th shop workers?
Hell you made everything else. Why not give a try at molding figures??? ;D
Quote from: lab-dad on June 08, 2013, 05:24:00 AM
Those welders are really nice!
Any ideas where to look for 1/16th shop workers?
... I'd like some 1/16th welders, shop workers, mechanics or even (loco) drivers too ... let's see, if Michael (Fichtenfoo) comes around and can be talked into modelling in 1/16 as well ... he sculpted some very promising mechanics in 1/12 scale some time ago: (
Quote from: FichtenFoo on January 11, 2011, 10:13:54 AM
( ( ( (
... Michael ...
Michael ... ;D