I am mr.Usta from Turkey, crew of mr.Jacq Damen's Team
This year I prepared Selcuk-Ephesus layout in October 1980's .
Layout length 10,5m x 1,40m will show in Utrecht and Dortmund 2012
here are few pictures
Welcome aboard!
Really nice looking layout! How did you make the stone buildings?
I had never seen such a monument on a layout (I mean the coliseum looking arena in the third picture). That looks very interesting, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to see and read more about the layout.
Satisfactory. Please post more photos and tell us how you build your models. -- Russ
Welcome Abd,
when you have some time left from the preparations for the OntraxS 2012 please post some more photo's and information.
please push Erkut to join and show his locomotives.
Very nice background work and photos. They fit the layout perfectly.
Here an impression from a couple of months ago during the construction.
http://youtu.be/KtwLoFF7n28 (http://youtu.be/KtwLoFF7n28)
We visited Ephesus as part of a trip to Athens, Istanbul & Izmir. Photos from Ephesus start at the end of this page: http://www.olimpia.com/photos/GREECE-TURKEY-09/greeceandturkey47.html
Quote from: Ray Dunakin on January 03, 2012, 07:15:26 AM
Welcome aboard!
Really nice looking layout! How did you make the stone buildings?
Hi Ray
masterpieces moulded by silicon,gips used to get pieces from silicon
most of masterpieces prepared by me using dremel etc
Quote from: David Emery on January 04, 2012, 06:22:00 AM
We visited Ephesus as part of a trip to Athens, Istanbul & Izmir. Photos from Ephesus start at the end of this page: http://www.olimpia.com/photos/GREECE-TURKEY-09/greeceandturkey47.html
Hi David
matching few my works with your photos in Ephesus
Wow! Your models certainly match my photos!
That is the first time anybody on this forum has replicated a truly ancient structure. Impressive. -- Russ
Refreshingly original!
And impressing craftsmanship as well.
Regards, Hauk
Really nice work!
tks your compliments
lets see fresh videos for TCDD lokos
1st one TCDD 56531 (ex br.52 germantype)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QU67P_GtAI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QU67P_GtAI)
2nd one TCDD DE 18103
http://youtu.be/SShbxGeGEik (http://youtu.be/SShbxGeGEik)
The layout received "Best in Show " award.
A fantastic achievement for a layout and builder who never went to an exhibition before.
Congratulations, Mr. Usta!
Of course he won; what else would you expect from someone on this forum? Well, I guess in the USA he might have earned a second or third prize behind something garish and childlike but, fortunately, we inhabit only one continent. -- Russ
Hi Jacq/Hi friends
thanks for supports,
won with Jacq was very fantastic..
however there are more works on layout in first occasion as Jacq's recomendation
insert another modul 1,5 meters for a smooth hill and a stone rail bridge
At last I can see faces behind names!!!
Jack you have just published an article in a Spanish magazine...Am I Right?
Hi All
Some pictures from Ontraxs
I accepted the award on behalf of Jacq Damen my teacher
Also we have rails and locos
Saturday Sunshine falled the Shrine,a miracle moment...!!
Ladies found Ephesus antic city fantastic
Congratulations to the well deserved award! I have been following your process on other forums and I admire how well you have executed this unusual topic. The dusty, sun faded colors of your landscape and buildings are just wonderful!
I applaud your skill & tecnique
this one really caught my eye
Struggling with words
Ureally realistic?
almost gives the impression of lithograph illustration?
or photo etch?
Any chance of an explanation of how you produced such an eye catching piece?
Something I am interested in, after seeing the last photos, is how do you wrap and pack the modules to achieve a perfect arrival. I mean, sooner or later we all attend a meeting and our layout(s) has(have) to cope with a potential poor handling. How do you prevent this?
This is specially important when it comes to moving medium/big pieces of layouts as I think it was this case.
That shot of the shrine in the late afternoon sunlight is fantastic!
modelling the HADRIAN DOOR in Ephesus
I shaped the wooden and made master moulds by hand tools,dremel etc.
I use resin ,multiplicate the moulds by silicon moulds.
It is a bit complicate and hard to me to narrate in English
Quote from: modelico on March 09, 2012, 05:52:10 PM
Something I am interested in, after seeing the last photos, is how do you wrap and package the modules to achieve a perfect arrival. I mean, sooner or later we all attend a meeting and our layout(s) has(have) to cope with a potential poor handling. How do you prevent this?
This is specially important when it comes to moving medium/big pieces of layouts as I think it was this case.
some pictures self explain the package coming from 2500 km away
freight package with pallets
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oPeTFwBIrg&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oPeTFwBIrg&feature=youtu.be)
a quality video record for whole layout
An amazing layout with impressive views and good scenic ideas - that's what a layout makes unforgettable.
Thank you guys.
Do you remember our first meeting?
Ok, it looks like that our next time is in the scythe factory next may and then I get the chance to see this layout in real.
Selcuk is covered in full 12 pages very generously with brilliant photos taken in the latest issue of Eisenbahn Journal the equivalent of Model railroader in the US.
Alan, have you got your copy? You are on it too. The story board looks excellent but unfortunately its all in German :(
Model Railroader would improve greatly if it were in German. In English it is sheer garbage. -- Russ
Quote from: finescalerr on June 08, 2012, 12:11:56 AM
Model Railroader would improve greatly if it were in German. In English it is sheer garbage. -- Russ
I'm sorry Russ, but it would still be crap in any other language!
The Turkish premier of Selcuk will be on the 7th of November.
Dear Jacq will also be with us.
The poster announcing the event is as below;
It basically says : "Don't miss this Train"
Congrats! Nice looking ad.
Well Gents, the premier of Selcuk took place in one of the most prestigious industrial museum in Istanbul on the 7th of Nov.with great success.
It will be exhibited till June 2013, so anyone visiting this part of the world, give us a holler.
Thanks to Jacq and Paul ( the organizer of OnTraxs/Holland) who traveled all the way down here to share our joy.
Don't let the wheelchair fool you, the museum is quite large and we didn't want to tire him , or else...he is like a jack rabbit :)
Once you set foot to Istanbul there is no escape of a good old boat tour of the Bosphoruos...
.....and eating fish next to it;
.....and after dining we were sailed back to the museum by a certain Captain Jacq Sparrow ;);
Here is how Selcuk looked;
...in front of the loco's exhibited that Jacq kindly gave to me;
..The Selcuk team together with the founder of the museum Mr Rahmi Koc, posing to an army of media reporters;
...and altogether in front of the award;
...celebrating that evening;
Hope you have enjoyed,
Erkut ,
It looks like everyone had a good time . Greetings to all Selcuk crew , that's includes Ali ( better known as " The Hood" ) .
What have you done to Jacq ? When I left him in Switzerland he was running around and playing football , now you have put him back in his wheelchair . Or was that to stop him wandering off and getting lost ?
So , what layout are you all working on now ? And will it take less than 48 hours to set up ? !
Nick in the UK
Great photos, and a very lovely presentation of the railroad and locomotives! Nice to see everyone having such a good time.
Quote from: shropshire lad on November 08, 2012, 01:22:41 PM
What have you done to Jacq ? When I left him in Switzerland he was running around and playing football , now you have put him back in his wheelchair . Or was that to stop him wandering off and getting lost ?
No Nick, not because of him getting lost but because of this ;
...we had to tie him to the wheelchair. ;D
All the team sends their regards and honestly we haven't thought of anything on our new project but rest assure it will be small this time.
Jacq has new plans and boy I am anxiously waiting for him to give a startup.
there goes my reputation, if I had one ;) ::)
I wish to thank Abd, Erkut, Aycut and Ali for the good care I received. Walking more than 5 meters was not allowed as
everyone was afraid I might stumble over the uneven cobblestone floors.
This was an unique experience. The layout is now among some of the finest technical collections I have seen.
The museum is worth a visit, I like to return and spend a whole dat exploring it all.
I don't know if we'll get back to Istanbul in time to see this, maybe they will add the layout to their permanent collection. On our previous (first) trip to Turkey, we visited Ephesus. So we really appreciate how well the models capture the feel of the the ancient city.
Wow, what a superb presentation of a layout. Just a tad better than a rope barrier at a more common exhibition environment. Well done all crew with the efforts and now the well deserved recognition of the effort.
As for the wheelchair...is it kind of like the "Pope-mobile", only smaller and a bit less bulletproof? :) That smile is fantastic to see Jacq!
Thanks for the great collection of pics.
Funny you should mention the presentation. My response was exactly the same: A fully professional job by some of the world's best modelers. Others should emulate their approach. -- Russ
For the ones who can't make it down here, a small tour;
Selcuk on Eisenbahnromantik TV
Congratulations. -- Russ