With ref' to some old a new stuff - I have never been happy with the colour of tyres on models I have built and always seem to end up with a slight sheen on the edges of the tyre bit like the tyres on a second hand car sales pitch ! Tyre wall black I think it was called . Any thoughts on the colour - dark grey / light grey or a shade of black .another problem that seems to happen on many models I have seen is mud or dirt seems to appear on the flat of the tyre rather than in the tread of the tyre any thoughts or ideas on how to produce "a better looking tyre" whether it be on a car/truck or even in a scrap yard .
Have you tried Humbrol no.159 ?
As a base color I have used, and been pretty happy with, Tamiya "Nato Black", it can be lightened with some white or buff, for surface/plane variation. I have also used Pollyscale/Floquil Weathered Black, but feel it is a bit too light grey for the entire tire, though could be used as a high-light/shading/accent tone.
I think the PolyScale Grimy black is a bit darker than weathered black. I've had decent luck with it. Also dirt and mud I use artists chalks ground up and suspended in alcohol. If you don't want the dirt on the sidewalls you just wipe it off but it will stay in the treads.
for the tires I use vallejo acrylics black/grey with a drop flat flesh. after it dries I use some very diluted oil paint for the treads.
Thanks to you all for the ideas - But don't tell Mr Humbrol I'm buying acrylics