Hetch Hetchy #6 or 9 work truck 1911 Packard Two Ton Truck. 1:16 scale
Hetch Hetch had two of these trucks number 6 and 9 and converted to rail operation with pony trucks, and under body turntable that allowed them to be turned anywhere on the railroad.
The plans I'm using for the 1911 Packard Two Ton Truck. are in the March-April 1991 Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette. The one photo I have of the work truck has a end dump bed with a cable pulley lift on both sides. The photo is in the May-June 1991 Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette. The photo was taken in the Sierra Nevadas east of Groveland, California. Photo collection of Ted Wurm.
Hetch Hetchy Railbus #19in the Jamestown Roundhouse This rail bus is a White truck not a Packard , but the pony truck and the under body turntable are similar. I have a few photos of the pony truck and very little info on the turn table dump bed and cable hoist.
Gordon Birrell
Could you please share what year of the issues of the Gazette you are referring to? Also a page number for the photo you reference please. Thanks.
Sorry Dave, the photo is in the May-June 1991 on page 78.
Gordon Birrell
number 19. three photos...
Gordon Birrell
WOO HOO Another truck!
I guess it's time to start a thread about my 1920 Oldsmobile truck...........
I'll do it this weekend :-\
Cant wait to see what you do with yours Gordan!
This photo shows the summer work table that sets in front of my fire place with drawing on a 18 inch X 22 inch sheet of graph paper 8 squares per inch, on top of a mat board work surface. The drawing,.. I started with a top view of the frame and a side view from the top of the frame down to the track. I will add the drawings of the other parts as the model moves forward. The black parts between the two frame sides is a jig to hold the differential, spring mounts and tension bar when connecting them to the frame. To glue the frame... On these wood parts I flood the joint with thin CA glue, so I add a sheet of wax paper between the drawing and the frame parts. I use weighted down blocks of wood to hold the frame straight and square when gluing. The 3/8 inch wood channels is from Northeastern Scale Lumber Co. At the back of the photo is a drawing of the pone truck The wheels for the pony truck are Russ Simpsons wheel sets with a modified axle, and detail on the hubs. The rear wheels... starts out with a two piece core, (1) cannon wheel casting # OM 301-1 from Ozark Miniatures (2) ¼ inch slice of 2 O.D. inch piece of tubing from Plastruct. For the thread I use two layers of 0.020 inch X ¼ inch styrene strip glued to the core . With a circle cutter I cut 0.030 inch styrene rings for the front and back and I added detail on the front and back of the hubs. .Also at the back of the photo rail section base and a jig for making the springs.
This photo showing a close up of the jig.
At this point I have to make up with no plan or drawing what the parts looks like. The gazette plans has limited info. on the brakes, transmission and engine. I only have the one photo of the dump bed and hoist and the under-body turn table.
Gordon Birrell
Great work, and very interesting to see how you set it up.
Gordon, your rear end looks great! ::) sorry - I couldn't resist!
I love seeing everyone's bench (even when you clean up before the picture!)
It is amazing even with the internet how few images there are of these old trucks.
Thank guys for your comments.
Here's a photo of the painted pony trucks and the drive wheels along with some other parts. I used the jig at the bottom of the photo to form the arm rest supports.
Here's five photos of my progress.
Gordon Birrell
GORGEOUS!! -- Russ
Another interesting choice and excellently executed model. It is going to look super when finished.
WOW, bloody nice job ! ! :o :o
Nice to see more of your beautiful work Gordon!
Wow, that really looks amazing!
really nice great shot of the underside cheers
Awesome as always!!!...Allan
Lovely job and superb detail
Thank guys for your comments. Here's eight photos of the model in it's composite stage. I will start painting and then add the remaining detail.
For the engine I used a Minicraft Model Kits 1931 Ford Model A ,for the pattern. The engine is a four-cylinder with a generator and electric starter.
Gordon Birrell
Very nice Gordon, I always love to look at your detail work.
I especially like the work on the engine
Most satisfactory. And it is great to see you back. -- Russ
Stunning stuff !! the more I see the more I think this is the scale to work in - keep it coming its full of inspiration
Stunning work, as always!
Excellent! Great to see this coming together.
Looks great even without paint.
Simply mavalus..
What all the others said!
Another fantastic signature model.
A lot of people like the appearance of unpainted brass models. Your mix of materials brings out another, very special quality, that appeals much more to me. Nevertheless I'm looking forward to see it painted. Maybe I missed it somewhere: what have the vertical beams withe the rollers been used for? Was it for raising the truck bed? Must have taken some serious stress to the fixing point lacking some bevel braces. Inspite of them being static models yours always look like they could set off any time.
Thank guys for your comments.
Barney...1:16 scale is a lot of fun. I build a steam crane back in the early 70's in 1:48 scale that would have been a lot better model in 1:16 scale. I miss not having Simsons and Trackside Details casting and products. I wish I had gotten my last order to Trackside Details out before they went out of business.
Volker... The vertical posts are for raising the truck bed. I waited to add the bracing until the cable was added to get the bracing in the right place.
Here's two photos of the mechanical for the bed hoist and the under body turn table,
Gordon Birrell
Looks awesome already!
Hello Gordon,
another great model from you.
I have just once again viewed with pleasure your very interesting Flickr pages.
Gordon, maybe some of us on this forum could use SketchUp (or whatever) to create 3D prints of the most useful Simpson and Trackside Details items. And thanks for starting the New Year by showing your progress. -- Russ
Unreal or is it real.....Allan
Thank guys for your comments.
Here's eight photos of the finished model.
Gordon Birrell
That is just beautiful Gordon! A really unique prototype and model.
A masterful job Gordon, Thanks for sharing it with us.
Apparently you haven't lost your touch. Most satisfactory. -- Russ
Agree with everyone. Wonderful.....Allan
Ditto. My deep respect for that unique model. I love this little turntable below the ... the thingie.