Some of you may wonder why Volker Gerisch has been posting less frequently. He has been working on a 200 page hardbound book about how he built almost every facet of his diorama layouts, Quiet Earth and A Snapshot in Time. The book goes on sale early in December.
If you want to compete for a free copy or just enjoy a sneak preview, visit ( before November 20. If you look at the sample pages, answer a couple of questions and, of course, if they like what you write, you may be the winner.
Volker has created the best railroad related modeling book I have ever seen and I've seen quite a few over 25 years of publishing. Actually, the book is probably better than any since the birth of our hobby and a monument to Volker's talents. Of course he not only built the entire layout but also wrote the text, shot nearly all the photos, designed all the graphics, and composed every page. All of that, I should point out, without any help from his mom.
His publisher decided to release the book only in German but you and I know that's unimportant because none of us actually reads such books anyway; we just look at the pictures. It has some photos we already have seen and many new ones.
The publishers titled the book Vollendete Baukunst (Consummate Art of Building). I suspect one reason they chose that title instead of How Volker Built His Layout is because it actually is elegant enough to double as a coffee table art book and I suspect a lot of people who buy it will place it on display in the living room.
I have posted three photos from the book and I suggest all of us, whether lurkers or official card-carrying forum contributors, consider adding it to our library. It is one of the only books appropriate for Westlake Publishing Modelers' Forum members. It is absolutely superb and I recommend it to everyone.
Labor's dawn 536x800.jpg
Night shift 2 600x800.jpg
Sunset 800x600.jpg
Awesome! Congrats, Volker!
The information about the competition translated into English, but I haven't managed to get the excerpt pages translated. Any tips how?
Yes I have a tip on translation. I subscribe to a German publication dedicated to the live steam world and while some of it is in English most of the text is German. Recently on noticed on my Google search page on my iphone there is a "translate text with your camera" button. I tried it out and it works very well. It is a bit tedious for a long article but it does work and the translation is pretty good. This is a Google thing so I'm sure it is on Android as well. And sorry Russ some of us read every word, I certainty did and still do on all of your publications! Looking forward to this book!
Wow, this is excellent news! Congratulations Volker. This is definitely a must have addition to the library. Commentary is open to international participants, but is the contest?
Thanks a lot, Russ, Ray, Bill and Paul & Paul,
and yes, the contest is open to international participants. Just chose 'Weiteres Umland' ('further environs') at the drop down menu "Land". Hope this helps and good luck!
Thanks, SandiaPaul and Volker. The page describing the competition is already translated when I open it, but when I click on the book's cover to see the excerpt to read the text is German and I can not find away to plug that text in Google Translate or to Translate the text.
No doubt it's my online savvy that's lacking here.
Bill, the preview pages are pixel based which means you can't 'copy' and translate the text digitally at all. Paul's clever solution seems to work with OCR, which 'regognizes' pixel based text and transforms it into fonts which then can be translated: It's basically using the smartphone as a scanner.
That is great news. I will be ordering a copy as soon as its available. Well done Volker!
Narayan, I hope you're fine!
I just found out that there's a downloadable pdf file: if you open the preview click on the download arrow right aside of the printer icon on the bottom of the preview page. This way you get a copy with embedded fonts.
Congratulations Volker! I wish they would have done a English version.
You have to use your phone. Go to google search home screen on your phone. There should be an option to "translate with your phone" If it doesn't work ummm trying googling it!
Paul, Thanks, Guess I'm not totally inept, just have a desktop, no cellphone... so that explains why i couldn't find that translation option.
Excellent work, Volker. I am impressed with the effort you have put into sharing your work with us. Of course, I immediately put the book on my Christmas wish list.
:o From the few preview pages I have seen, I'd say this is a must have addition to my library. The photos are superb and your efforts to show how you have accomplished your fine and exacting detail make this volume invaluable. Excellent work Volker!
Excellent news!
Already preordered.
How awesome! Congratulations Volker!
Bernhard, Stuart, Hauk and Chuck,
thank you. Looks like the printed books arrived at the publisher today and will be delivered very soon. Whoever ordered one - I hope you like it!
The book just arrived, I'm really excited. Although I've already seen some of Volker's model parts, many things just seem huge... I'm already thinking about whether some of the photos show an original! Even if the text is in German, the pictures speak for themselves!
I have a PDF of Volker's book. I agree with Frithjof: The book is terrific even if somebody were to buy it just for the photos. As I understand it, Volker also will sell some stand-alone photos from the book. They may appear at art or photography galleries or shows. If I'm wrong, I'm sure Volker will correct me. -- Russ
Russ is completely right and if he wasn't, I wouldn't dare to signify that, according to the imminent corner.
The last photo exhibition was just some two weeks ago in Wiesbaden within Tatorte Kunst ( with some 50 artists opening ateliers, galleries and workshops for visitors. A selection of available premium-quality produced, numbered, signed and certified photos can be found at my website (
And yes, I'm still into modeling.
Those are some of roundabout 250 draw-hooks to fill some of the pickling baskets. This is the pickled version. May I say mixed pickles?
That photo might qualify for appearance at a gallery. -- Russ
If you hadn't said it was a model, I'd have thought it was a prototype photo.
Hi Volker I would have expected nothing less,with you past experience with graphic design and your attitude towards modelling the outcome had to be satisfactory,congratulations. Cheers Kim
A very fine book!
This is the kind of book that I show to non-modellers if they make comments about 'Grown men playing with train sets'.
My copy arrived today and it is absolutely impressive on every level: the photos, the steps to create the model, the large format, the paper feels lovely, the obvious care given to the project. The many skills involved in its creation are beautifully depicted. I couldn't have imagined something so comprehensive but it's in my hands now. It's amazing! The introduction and foreword don't detract either!
My children gave me Volker's book for Christmas. I can only recommend it! Volker not only shows excellent model building, he also breathes atmosphere and life into his models.
A little slow off the mark...but I just ordered mine and cannot wait to pore over the pages. I know what a lot of work it is to produce a book. Thanks Volker for taking it on for us to enjoy.
My copy arrived on Friday and I have spent all weekend looking at the photos. What a great book! Congratulations Volker, I especially liked the framed photo of Volker in the director's office. In some ways Volkers exacting work is a record of a town that is changing, but caught in scale in amber. It's an historic document. I was also very glad to see an intro by Russ, and to hear his words of wisdom backed by decades of modelling. I am deeply impressed.
Thank you all so much for your kind words - much appreciated! I know that despite the large amount of pictures the language barrier is or at least can be a huge obstacle. Whenever I'may get an opportunity to make an english version I'd go for it.