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1:32 Preview

Started by james_coldicott, July 28, 2010, 12:46:34 PM

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That's great James.... very encouraging.



Hi All,

just thought I'd sign in and say 'hello'. Progress is a bit slow on the 1:32 project in the run-up to the Narrow Gauge convention in St Louis- been busy with the 'day job' finishing and shipping paintings and prints for the show. Attached a quick pic of one of my paintings... WSLC #12 Oil on canvas 30" x 40"... enjoy!





so, work and family stuff has impeded progress here for a while but thought I'd post pics of some Wrightlines 1:32 tippers I've just painted- these are marketed as 7mm/O scale but were actually mastered as a smaller 1:32 tipper and have white metal frames and etched brass bodies- I built and primed them maybe 10 years ago but resurrected and repainted them for my planned 20 inch gauge quarry layout.

I haven't given up on the figures and kits previewed here- it's just been a bit of an intense time with family responsibilities!




Couple more...


and the last for now.

I still have to polish up and blacken the wheel tyres on these and may make some of the oil gloop on the axle boxes a little more shiny but basically I'm calling these done.


Ray Dunakin

Really nice work on the weathering! Looks authentic.

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Nicely done James...


Hector Bell

At last!  A new producer of 1/32nd scale bits in Britain.  I hope you won't be as expensive as one or two of the others.
I have a few bits that could be used as masters if you are interested.

E-mail sent.


W C Greene

I don't believe that I will get involved in a "35 vs 32" battle...I use both scales on my layout. I have purchased 1:32 and 1:35 figures and find very few physical differences..except for some expensive Preiser figures. While the females and a couple of the males scale nicely in 1:35, they produce several that would do well on a basketball court-one measured 6'7" and another a little over 7' in 1:32 scale! Outside of some nice 1:35 military truck models which work for me, I love the nice 1:32 die cast autos and trucks that are available for far less dinero than anything in 1:48 (my previous scale). Figures may be placed together normally, but there really is a big difference between a 35 scale Model T and one in 32 scale. I began my adventure calling my layout 1:32n20, but since my tastes run to Shays and Beyer Garratts, the 20 incher seemed too wimpy, so I began to call the line 1:35n2 and feel much better (mentally). I know that my scratchbuilding attitude will never make any manufacturer rich, but it is nice to see more interest in "larger than 1:48 but smaller than 1:24"...as the young blonde lady said "this is just right!".
miles to go before I sleep...

Hector Bell

As a lover of all things Imperial measured, Woodie, I am an unreconstructed avid 32nder.  I also am NOT a fan of soppy scales that ain't on my steel rule or belong to the warmongers.  But that's me.  I don't care what others do as long as they are plausible even if they're mixing 35th and 32nd as long as the work is good, like yours, mate, that's what matters.
My layout, such as it is, was to be 32nd scale, 3/8ths "-1ft., 18" gauge, whatever that is in scale.  Haven't built any track yet.  As an agricultural/fisheries line, 18" was perfectly plausible and allowed tighter curves and took up less space.  My son is bringing the stuff I already made back at the weekend. It's been living in his loft for a while.
And yes, it will be R/C, then I can have rusty rail and grass overgrowing everywhere and appallingly laid and sunken trackwork!

Of course, having spent a working life making models for clients in that dumb as it comes British O scale of 7mm-1FT ::) I do have a mini layout in that scale to show off my model vehicles, but anything new in that area I would make in 1/4" to a foot scale.  Far more sensible AND it's on my steel rule.


W C Greene

Just as an aside, did you know that CTT has scale rules in most modeling scales..from Z to 1:20.3..including 32 and 35 scale. I have one of each, just so I can measure other folks' work. But I ain't any "pickuer de nits" by a long shot.
miles to go before I sleep...

Hector Bell

Woodie, yes, I guessed you could find most scales as a scale rule, but I have my selection of ordinaries and they'll do me.
When I have to do anything in 7mm-1ft. I make a scale rule out of plasticard, use it and lose it start again next time!

I tend to make everything anyway, because I'm tight!  Even my figures are hand carved to fit a particular scene.
Like that one of yours inspecting a horse's ar**?  I love that one!


W C Greene

Martin-while I have these scale rulers, I only ever use the 32 and 35 jobs. I am always on the look out for figures that I can use, for instance..I found some very nice "cowboys & indians" which scale just right! They are surely different than the ones I had as a kid, these have nice faces and are very detailed. And many of the "ladies" on my layout are...gulp..converted nazi soldiers. I found some that are wearing long coats (like dresses) and with a little moto tool grinding, some body putty, and a little "imagination", and since the figures are wearing boots-all the better. Everyone in the area I model needs to wear boots due to snakes, scorpions, Gila monsters, cactus, and other critters. I have a large box of "body parts" which come in very handy for those "special" figures like the rube trying to push the mule. I suppose that figures are a hobby within a hobby anyway.
I will send some more photos when I get a chance to take them. I will go to the layout with camera in hand and decide to run a train..well, after a few hours, I have run a lot but no photos taken. Maybe if my trains didn't run then I would be able to take lots of photos. Hmmmm..
miles to go before I sleep...

Hector Bell

Woodie, get 'em where you can, mate, why not?
Russ likes a bird in a thong.  Got any? ;D
