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The Knucklehead

Started by Carlo, October 24, 2011, 10:46:32 AM

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Hello, all -

With some trepidation, and fully expecting an honest appraisal, and frank criticism...
I would like to share with you the first locotrattore (critter) of the "FRL" (Ferrovia Regionale della Liguria).

The little beast (7/8ths inch scale, 1:13.7) is based on a set of frames from my scrap box, source unknown. The "power plant" is a 1936 Harley-Davidson "Knucklehead" engine, extracted, backdated, heavily modified and detailed from a commercial display motorcycle model. I tip my hat to Paul R. of this parish, who gave me lots of help, info, critiques, and images for the engine build. Everything else, including the driver, is scratch-built from brass, styrene, Sculpy, and wood. Still to be added are a other details, and the on-board Espresso Machine for the crew.

The model is actually powered by a cut-down-and-gutted servo-motor, through a chain drive (Stock) to SVE wheels. Power is 2 AA batteries under the floor, through a DPDT switch yielding 1 speed (slooow) forward and back.

Regards,   Carlo

Ray Dunakin

Sweet! A lot of character in that little critter. And the fact that you managed to hide a motor and batteries to power it, is pretty nifty too.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

Chuck Doan

I guess that is pretty large comparing it to that chain drive. Interesting!
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt


W.P. Rayner

Nicely done Carlo... it's good to see the "Knucklehead" in place. No one would ever suspect that it was originally a 1990s vintage motor. It all looks entirely plausible and correct for the period.



Inspiring and the main thing "Plausible and workable"