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DIY Table Saw, Router, Shaper, Sander for Dremel

Started by eTraxx, December 10, 2010, 04:02:21 AM

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Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"



  nice, but without becoming a member it is not possible to download the PDF.... >:(

put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.


I noticed that .. but at $1.95 a month (paid annually) .. prob worth it just for this one project
Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"


Ed,    The Dremel video is neat....and cheap to make for under 20 bucks  :)

ho henry

I also would be glad to join just to get the PDF Download or does anyone know how to contact its author beyond INSTRUCTABLES METHODS.


ho henry


    I opened it again using the method I emailed you JUST BE PATIENT as it take a few minutes to download the entire booklet of 18 pages


ho henry


    Thanks, Ive never come accross the Dremel mini attachment saw,.  Can you suggest a source where I can purchase one?.



There was one on the rack at my Lowes. If you can't find one I can get that one (assuming it's still there) and get it to you. I believe that they will ship to your local store.

Dremel Mini-Saw Guard Attachment

Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"

ho henry

Hi Ed
       I've come up with another way of attaching a brace for the table saw instead of the two clamps, I'll try and describe it as best as I can.

       The wood for the table saw is thick enough to have two rectangular pieces of wood placed lengthwise along both sides, the purpose for these (tracks).

       You can utilise two pieces of either MDF composite material 1/8th " thick, or if you want to go the expensive route purchase 1/8" of that sliperery plastic from Woodcraft, they generaly carry this material at thier outlets.

                     Attach two cut pieces both the same width of the table on either side of a 2" X 3" rectangular piece of wood again the width of the table top.  This can be either glued of screwed to the sides of the wood.

       Next you will need to cut two pieces of 1/8 " rectangular pieces of MDF composite material that you will attach to both of the sides extending downward over the edges and alongside of the table.
       Thease will  attach and become level with the track, you will tyhen have to cut two small additional pieces that you will attach beneath the tracks,  Finally you will cut to more rectangular pieces of the composite wood the same width and length to cover the additional wood.  The above material can be purchased from Lowes.

      I've come with two forms of clamping it down as if it were a traditional table saw, but if you can come up with another method please inform.

HO Henry 

ho henry


    Just obtained the unit.  Now I can proceed with its construction.




Looking forward to seeing how it comes out .. along with your modifications.
Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"

ho henry


    Have you given any thought to reconfiguring your tabe saw to also include a Jointers

The dremel roto tool would have to be either angled so the sander drum would lay just above the table ,but would also have to remain perfectly level

Or utilising dremels angle unit the tool would sit perfectly vertical beneath the table, the angle attachement would protrude above the table while the sanding drum would be just about level with the table 
