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11 Years Made a 3D Print

Started by feldbahn.de, November 29, 2015, 12:42:10 PM

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Hi all,

I just managed it, and finished an eleven year old project.
Now there is nothing left in my way building a dump-car frame from either cardboard or sheet brass - the only three parts that couldn't be fairly represented by multiple layers can now be 3D printed: Wheels, axleboxes, and coupler-bolts.

The story about the history of the two latest parts is told in a few words in my blog: http://ralf-mit-f.com/3d_get-it-printed - as usual in English and German.

Fully-3-dimensional Regards,
ralF mit F..eldbahn



Inspirational. I look forward to seeing the model come together. -- Russ

Franck Tavernier

Wow wonderful!

On what scale do you work?

I started there are also a few years ago the designs of the same axle boxes, but unfortunately only in 2D ...
