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C-65 Farm Tractor (crawler) @ 24th scale

Started by turtle, November 14, 2014, 04:39:42 PM

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Ray Dunakin

Sorry to hear that. Your models are inspiring.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


hi all
just a thought in passing.
i hope roger has copy right over his work some of it looks like it has come from other sources.he is a model engineer all model engineers i have known have gone and gone about there processes to the point that it has become distracting.with roger nothing.
regards kim


Hi all,
Just updating to show I'm not dead (yet)  :D .
After a lot of thought I finally worked out where I had messed up on the build and why things weren't lining up as planned. The cause being a Very simple and stupid mistake on my behalf.
So after leaving it sitting on the bench (mocking me) I decided the best and easiest solution was to bin it (yep it's in the recycling bin) and start something else and maybe one day revisit/retry this project.
So to those that looked in and offered advice/encouragement my sincere thanks.

On the plus side, well after using a can of WD-40 and oxy-acet torch to open the wallet - after all the years I've been modelling I can now officially state I have a "stash" now:

just need to work out what to start first. A few are going to be quick no-nonsense builds and used as painting practise dummies - I'm really out of practise in that area.
Maybe one day soon I might even be able to post some 'finished' projects  :D :D

Cheers for looking in, and hope all your projects are going well.


Them be some very cool kits. Build one! -- Russ


Sorry to hear about the tractor. There's some nice kits there Roger! Now you have a bigger stash than me, I can count on one hand the kits I have. When I break the piggy bank it's usually paint or tools, or a book or magazine etc etc  ;D

John in Australia


Mr Turtle - Have a rest and enjoy ! I know the feeling well - Having just spent the last 3 weeks making "Trumpers Mill" bigger -laying track and a bit of scenery for a small local show I just "Burnt myself out" so the mills destiny was decided the "big bin" a skip parked outside the exhibition room But it was reprieved at Sunset by a fellow modeller !
And to top it all the exhibition totally depressed me and I now mutter to myself. Standards at some of these shows never seem to go forward just stay static.
Still never mind all my moans - Think ahead our Roger and return in the future refreshed and inspire us with your outstanding skills
A very down and depressed
and onward with my tractor !!

Ray Dunakin

Quote from: turtle on June 28, 2015, 02:26:15 AM
...after using a can of WD-40 and oxy-acet torch to open the wallet...

Ok, that just cracked me up!

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World