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GAZ 67b - 1/48 TAMIYA

Started by AlexG, October 07, 2015, 03:29:18 AM

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Hello again, dear Gents,

I hope you're not, too much, sick and tired of me, starting something and never finish it. This is due to my lack of patience and because I become not content of what I'm doing. And then, I stop. Not the normal way, but this I am. Maybe because the expectations are high and my skill, yet, low. Anyway, I keep "walking" ...

This time, is about a GAZ 67b, in 48th. Started as a painting project, for my self. Now, I'm thinking as a sort of "what if" or a post-ap. Don't know yet, I wish to make a structure - a crane, maybe, on the back.
Just few pictures today, I have ready ... the front and rear axles. Being a painting project, I tried some rust first. Used paint, dry pastels and real rust - from here the grain. As paint - only acrylics. And the the chipping. Here I have to tell you that I discovered, used a sort of technique - I mixed the paint with few drops of liquid dish soap (here you may correct me about the name). The paint remain enough sensitive for chipping more than one day. The chipping depends on the amount of dish soap, I guess. You see, I still try to see how it works.
And now the pictures - front axle and rear axle.

Will follow the chassis, who's now in a wash process, not being content of what I'e done on it - too much of paint.

So, any comment will be very welcome. Criticism is more than welcome, I have and i wish to learn and here I have from whom to.
Thanks for time and patience.


michael mott

Hello Alex, visually I prefer the ones without the yellow paint, the yellow ones look like they are worn away rather than chipped or flaked off, just the way I see it.


Ray Dunakin

I agree, the effect is a bit too blotchy.

I don't have any experience with the chipped paint effect, but from what I've seen on other models, I suspect that it may not work very well on a rough surface such as this.

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