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Renderings Revisited

Started by WP Rayner, September 24, 2021, 09:24:00 AM

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WP Rayner

This is a re-post of sorts from a post last winter. Recently I revisited these two renderings and made some subtle lighting changes. Even though I've shut down the CG studio to commercial work, I still like to dabble once in a while on personal projects. Also recently, with the helpful advice of Chuck, I signed up with Fotki to host my images so that I'm no longer limited to the small image sizes governed by the forum's software.

As stated previously, these CG renderings of a custom Harley Davidson Panhead were created for a long-time family friend. Project began with an excellent CAD model of the bike by Juramir Vicente Alves via GrabCAD. I made several modifications to the model including new handlebars and cables, reworked the pipes, reworked the fender support, removed unnecessary bits (turn signals and horn), and added the Velocity Stack and Knuckle Kicker Pedal I designed several years ago for Roughboy Customs, our former motorcycle customizing shop in California.




Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


I can't find a clue to suggest it's a rendering. -- Russ

WP Rayner
