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latest night photo by Will Gill

Started by Bill Gill, December 18, 2024, 05:39:51 PM

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Bill Gill


Gorgeous. Coincidentally this afternoon I was rereading Will's RMC article on how he recreated his 1:1 scale photo(s) in HO. -- Russ


O. Winston Link would have been proud!

Guess it took some work to get all permissions and set up everything.

Ptobably almost as much time as it will take him to convince the under-twenties that there was no AI involved. (Hoping and guessing that no AI was involved!)
Regards, Hauk
"Yet for better or for worse we do love things that bear the marks of grime, soot, and weather, and we love the colors and the sheen that call to mind the past that made them"  -Junichiro Tanizaki

Remembrance Of Trains Past

Les Tindall

Bill Gill

Hauk, Will's photo is 'all natural', no artificial ingredients   :)

He usually spends time on Google Earth checking out a potential photo site to get a rough idea where to set his lights. This time the Western Maryland Christmas train he had planned to photograph wasn't running, so instead he detoured to Harpers Ferry and found this location.

This photo had 5 lights. Two off to the right that you can see and three more behind the train to light the rock and the fog.

Bill Gill

Russ, I think Will will eventually post a map showing where he set up the lights for this photo, similar to the diagram in that RMC article.

Bill Gill

Les, Thanks. I'm always as amazed as everyone else at his work.


"Atmosphere" big time - lovely job
Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson

Bill Gill

To get a sense of the locale where Will took that photo, here's are two views from a Harpers ferry tourist website.

The first is from on top of that rock ridge looking back at the town of under a typical daytime setting. Will's camera was near the small park area adjacent to the right side of the right bridge in the first photo.

The second photo is an aerial view looking pretty much in the same direction as his camera

Ray Dunakin

Wow, that is stunning! Very reminiscent of O. Winston Link.

Looks like there's traces of an old sign painted on the side of the cliff above the train.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World