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The Green Door (what's behind?)

Started by mad gerald, August 01, 2012, 07:08:23 AM

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mad gerald

G'day all,

This has turned sooner into some kinda "serious modelling"  ;) than expected, so I'd like to have a separate thread using some excerpts from my thread "project snippets", hoping that is no violation against some rules regarding cross posting ... (if so, I'll most certainly find a corner) ...

While visiting the Museum der Arbeit (Museum of Work) taking some photos of a clamshell supporting Frithjof's project I also came across this green door: "... Green Door, what's the secret you're keepin' / There's an old piano and the play it hot behind that Green Door ..."  ;D

Um, well ... actually there wasn't any sign of life behind that green door, but I thought it would be a good idea to build at least a section of the wall including that green door:

I built the door from styrene: door leaf (thickness 0,25mm), door frame (strip 2x2mm). The rusty appearance I achieved by using different shades of brown (Humbrol), applied with small sponges - a technique adopted from Marc.

The bricks are single hand-laid miniature bricks, but I'm not quite sure yet if I'm gonna use single miniature bricks for the surrounding wall as well or if I'm going to give the card board bricks like in this thread 1/35 Paper Structure Vignette *link* another try ...

To fill the joints I used Hydrocal (Noch/Woodland Scenics). Because of it's low viscosity it does better seep into the really tiny gaps (0,5mm) than common plaster.

The door lintel and the fundament are made from common plaster, slightly tinted with a drop of black acrylic colour (Lukas Cryl Terzia). I removed the boarding while the plaster was still damp and structured it with a small wire brush as used for cleaning spark plugs - as practised i. e. by Marc before. The following colour treatment will be done with acrylic colours from Floquil/Polly Scale and Vallejo ... as soon as they arrive ...  ;)

Meanwhile I built the window from lime wood (1mm), using some circular cutter for paper/styrene/wood <1mm thickness on the upper part. For the cross bar(s) I also used lime wood (square strip 1x1mm) and glued it to the window frame, using wood glue. Just to make sure these tiny strips stay in place I gave a drop of CA glue on the back side.

Wall and groundplate just have been joined together for foto purposes. This makes it more easy to handle the wall, mount the bricks and colour everything properly ...


Chuck Doan

That should turn out nice Gerald. You got me with the interesting title for sure! Kind of dates me though.
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt
