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Hamre ticket shed

Started by Oystein LB, July 12, 2013, 03:34:15 PM

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Oystein LB

Hamre ticket shed

I have been thinking, dreaming and working on the modell of this Ticket shed for the last months:

It lived its life on the Small, strange and ecsiting railroad Nesttun Os Banen the startet in Nesttun a part of the city Bergen, Norway and ended after 26,3 Km on Osørene.

Read more here:


I only have 2 pictures to look to, now drawings. So the project started whit studying the pictures, and having 2 things to make the measurements from, the trackwith and asume that one shilding board is 150 mm high(6 inches).

Of this i made this drawing:
Scale is 1:45. Scandinavian O-Scale

The first thing i deed was mak a dummy shed:

This to decide that the size was correct. I liked the size and feel.

A innercase of plywood, 1 mm thick was made:

After this the side of the case was covered in Kappler stripwood:


Her you se the main parts and the tools used for making them.

To illustrated the type of shilding used i tok a needel and filed of the end.

Then i use it to make a marking along the edge of the board. Whit this i illustrated the patern on the wall.

After painting the wall red. In Norway we have a color cold ironoxside red. It was one of the most used color on low buget buildings in this age. The trim will be ocher/yellow.

This is the state of the art today.

The door. Made of a piece ply and some strippwood.

My workbench. A mess, always....

Øystein LB


Thanks for sharing your photos and ideas.

And don't worry, your workbench looks cleaner than mine ever does.

I was heavily influenced by the early work of Frary and Hayden and they helped me understand the value of small structures such as this one.

Having several small buildings rather than one large one really helps in making a layout realistic.

An important step you took was to build a quick mockup to see if the size and proportions looked right.

When I switched to O scale, I built O scale versions of some of my favorite HO scale structures and found so many of them overpowered the scene in O scale.

And, when I have taken some of my O scale favorites and rebuilt them in HO they looked too tiny.

So making the quickly built pilot model is a good idea.
Darryl Huffman
The search for someone else to blame is always succcessful.


hi oystein
it looks like this ticket shed started life in a lonely cold isolated enviorment.
looking at your close up photoes i feel that a bit of very fine sand paper could be used to knock the fur off the wooden siding.with your tools a e xacto hobby knife with a no 11 blade would be better than the blade illistrated in the photo.
on the construction side i am assuming that you are going to add the door jambs,archtraves etc.
anyway it is always great to see models from around the world.
kind regards kim


Neat little structure, great reference image, and nice SBS. Thanks for posting this.

I agree with Kim about the fuzz on the wood, if you dontwant to sand, fine grade steel wool works well also (just make sure it us not oiled)

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....
