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1/87 freight depot

Started by Rucksack, October 30, 2009, 12:39:38 PM

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Hi all,

for my debut on this great forum, i´d like to show you some pics of my
current project.
Scratchbuilding with wooden material, polystyrol and brass shingles.

the old crane (next project)

and finally my hometown Haigerloch

please excuse my english - last lesson 1985 ???
"The majority of german women is female" Helmut Kohl


Wirklich Schön!

Grüss aus Belgien!


Welcome Sven,

the goodshed looks very good.  Pity you built the window frames over the battens.
I assume this is H0.  One question, why did you make the shingles from brass ?


put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.


Lovely structure Sven. Willkommen.


Welcome aboard!
Nice work - it's hard to keep the wood fibers under control at 1:87, and your wood looks crisp even in close-up.
He who dies with the most tools wins.

Ken Hamilton

Ken Hamilton

Ray Dunakin

Welcome aboard! That's an interesting structure. I like the peaked row of windows on one end.

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Thank you for posting photos of your model, Sven. Nice job. I hope you learn as much here as I have! -- Russ


Welcome Aboard Sven,

Like Russ said... There is so much to learn here... and thanks for sharing your work with Us...  ;D

Look forward to seeing more...  ;)
