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French modeling ( Sedan 2009)

Started by jacq01, October 13, 2009, 12:10:12 PM

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a small impression of the show in Sedan 10-11 October   Saturday 14.00h - 19.00h sunday 10.00h - 17.30  > 10.000 visitors


1:6 or 1:8 Ferrari's

trains: 1:10 Feldbahn loco ( Kromhout )

          On14 ( Bernhard Junk)



        On14  Critters and creepers







  H0 Rue de la Glaciere ( Emmanuel Nouaillier, Philippe Guiffard and Jean-Yves Quere)








  religieus figure carving  1:25 figures from paintigs and real statues carved from soft stone


   in progress.... the anotomy is painstakingly studied


   For more see http://www.ramma.org/v1/



put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.


The Ferraris are outstanding. Are they metal? Scratchbuilt?

I clicked on the link to look at the model railroad entries and found a lot of inconsistency, both between layouts and even on any given entry. For example one structure might look good and the one next to it might look crude. Or the scenery would look very good but the train running through it looks toylike. Overall, just as disappointing as many displays in the U.S.

Your photos certainly seem to show the best of what was there. Why didn't you post a couple of your own layout?



Some nice and interesting stuff. Thanks for poating these and the link.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


shropshire lad

Jacq ,

   Was Emmanuel Nouiallier there ? One or two of the buildings above look very much like his work . Either that , or someone has been studying his work closely .




  the Ferrari's are from metal ( large scale)  they were the only interesting in the car section
  millitary did not show anything outstanding compared to what is shown on the Mig forum.
  Of the train layouts only some small larger scale diorama's were of interst ( see photo's)
  Most had, like you observed non matching material. Some had nice landscaping with trains direct out of the box.
  Others had nicely weathered rolling material but the landscaping not beyond the popsickle and greensawdust phase.
  In H0 only my layout showed all matching with hardworking loco's in a natural surrounding.
  We run 10'0" long trains with banking engines.

  Actually it did not cross my mind to put up photo's of my own layout..  :-[   I'll ask Alan or he has made some. He made a nice video
  of some trains he ran. At the show in Walferdange (Luxembourg) in 4 weeks I will take photo's of the latest state of the layout.

  Nick,  I have not seen Emmanuel himself, but the layout was in Sedan ( see the names above the photo's !! )
          A very well done (too small) layout.  A pity that the activities of the groups members around it distracted too much.


put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.


Your 12m long layout was to my opinion the most interesting one Jacq! (and thanks once more for the nice chat)..

It was the first time I saw Nouialliers' Rue de la Glaciere and I was kind of disappointed. (I did ask if Mr.Nouiallier was there to tell him myself but he wasn't)
With all respect, he's doing a wonderful job making those buildings that really give an impression of the old Northern France Industrial areas but one of the buildings had a full length air gap underneath a wall. That small detail and the look of almost brand new roof tiles on the roofs of old worn buildings should not have been...

The Proto87club guys next to the layout were only friendly when you asked what they were selling!


QuoteThe Proto87club guys next to the layout were only friendly when you asked what they were selling!

   You were not the only one who encountered that.  A bit arrogant is a better statement.

    You are welcome to discuss modeling any time. The work you showed easily stands any comparisson with what was shown in Sedan.


put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.

shropshire lad

  Nick,  I have not seen Emmanuel himself, but the layout was in Sedan ( see the names above the photo's !! )
          A very well done (too small) layout.  A pity that the activities of the groups members around it distracted too much.




  Jacq ,

   I would like to say that you must have put the names above the photos after I asked the question because obviously I didn't see them ! But in truth I was in a bit of a rush to get going this morning and only quickly scanned the photos so missed the  name checks .

   Thanks for posting the photos ,



http://www.lrpresse.fr/trains/viewtopic.php?t=21849&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=135 There were other modellers present.

I found the P87 members to be most helpful and more than willing to share their techniques.



Bienvenue au Forum.

Thank you for the link.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....




I found this in my search for more of Emmanuel's work  Click here