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1/35 scale civilians -- figures

Started by Malachi Constant, August 30, 2010, 08:02:47 AM

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Malachi Constant


Quote from: DaKra on November 16, 2010, 10:12:15 AM
To me, the remarkable thing is the improvement you make with each version.  Why stop now?


At this point, I have very mixed feelings about stitching together the photos shown above ... don't know whether to laugh, cringe or both.  BUT ... this is a very accurate snapshot of the "learning curve" that I've experienced here, so I'll post the series in hopes it encourages other "wannabe sculptors" to press on thru the ugly awkward stages!

Why stop now?  Well ... I got what I wanted!  Seriously, this has been the absolute most challenging modeling task I've ever tried.  Can only begin to tell you how difficult I've found it to shape teeny little eyelids, nostrils, the curves of a cheek and the folds into the smile line, etc ... and get them all to come out (reasonably) well proportioned, smooth and blended into each other.  The "third shot" here seems to do what I want ... looks, even at a glance, like a cute female with the desired expression ... and the details compare very favorably with those on commercial 1/35 heads that I'll be using, so she should "blend in" with the other characters reasonably well ...

Quote from: DaKra on October 25, 2010, 05:57:26 AM
You have set an extremely high goal with this figure.   Of all the possible prototypes to model accurately in 1/35 scale, I think a likeness of a particular, attractive, young female, in 1/35 scale is one of the most difficult.   You have left model building behind and entered sculpting, which demands a skill set that usually takes years to acquire.  Plus, unlike the details on a vehicle, everyone can recognize a face, so the margin for error is very close to zero.  In that microscopic scale, I think coming as close as you have is already an accomplishment.         

Your earlier comment here was VERY helpful ... reminded me that I was really trying to capture the "essence" of what I liked about Ginger's character in that film ... and that matching the very specific features of that likeness wasn't that important.  In that regard, I found some photos of another attractive young woman with similar facial features and expression but fatter cheeks ... there were more photos, which helped when looking at the sculpted head from various angles ... and I found myself giving my character fatter cheeks just cuz I like 'em!  ;D

Quote from: DaKra on October 25, 2010, 05:57:26 AM
Stuff like this is why I don't finish models, not because I lost interest in them.    I'll be cruising along on a project, then something comes along that I think can be done better, a series of fascinating experiments follows, new skills are slowly acquired, the project branches off into something unanticipated, then that sprouts another branch and so on...  Its all part of the fun of model building, but changing horses in midstream comes to mind!    Its the curse of the creative mind, ideas come rapidly and often the temptation to run with them is irresistable.   

But in this case, I wouldn't be brave enough to even try, would have put Lucy into a pair of mechanic's overalls and declared victory!     


And, most importantly, that "changing horses" bit ... this is all part of the larger project of building the auto garage.  I really like adding "characters" to the scene ... feel that the cute, perhaps smarmy, girl adds a nice counterpoint/tension to the grumpy mechanic ... and I'm really itching to get all my lovely Vector Cut tools, gaskets, fans and belts finished properly and stuck up on the walls!

Definitely won't "stop" the sculpting effort all together ... still have to do Ginger's body (with commercial hands, hooray!) ... and I'd like to do an old man figure based on Mike Chamber's "Curmudgeon" avatar ... will get back to that after some substantial progress on the building and details has been made.

So "Dammit, Dave" and THANK YOU for the prod that got all this nonsense going.  Have had a long-standing desired to TRY sculpting faces "eventually" ... and this intense little diversion has really satisfied that desire for now and fueled the desire to do it again some time.  But, thank goodness there are so many suitable commercial figures for most of the needs ... my optivisor is overheated and my fingers are cramped from making microscopic movements ... whew!  ;)

Dang, that was long-winded!

PS -- I will certainly try to improve on that hat.  :P
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

Ray Dunakin

Dallas, I think you've done a bang-up job! The detail in the features and the surface smoothness is impressive. I have a hard time getting anywhere close to that quality, and I'm working in a larger scale.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


You still haven't fixed the hat. -- ssuR

Malachi Constant

Quote from: finescalerr on November 17, 2010, 01:15:36 AM
You still haven't fixed the hat. -- ssuR

In Russ' honor, I think it's time to try some paper modeling ...

Of course, this is just a mock-up ... will have to locate some scale-size newspaper and scotch tape before making the "real" thing!  ;D

Ray -- Thanks for your comments.  It's extremely important to get a smooth surface on a female face in the smaller scale ... I have some notes in that regard that I'll post when I get a chance.  Just have to master the art of miniature paper hats first!  ;)

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Nice hat Dallas... Are you going to add a yellow brick road to the garage scene?

Face is looking much better, hard to believe it's such a small figure... well done.


Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt


Malachi Constant

Well, I haven't forgotten all this ... just been tied up with the busy season at work and juggling all the different components of the diorama project.  The woman with dog in this MasterBox set kindly donated her body for Ginger ... anyone remember the movies "Frankenhooker", "Dr. Gore", etc.?  ;D

Shortened the body a bit ... whittled down the torso considerably to get rid of the uniform and give her a thinner, more youthful shape ... omitted the plastic skirt from the kit ... used Magic Sculp to make a new skirt and socks.

Cast the head sculpt in resin to preserve the original.  At this point, she's a little extra thin and extra busty so she'll still have a nice shape when the bulky sweatshirt and jacket are added.  Lady in the middle is a slightly-customized figure from the MasterBox "Europe 1945" set.  Tiny babe is one that I'm modifying for a friend's HO project ... more on that later.

Working on the clothing some more ... will re-work some of the folds in the sweatshirt and add some collar detail ... then add arms, jacket, hair/braids, hat and whatever else I'm forgetting at the moment!  ;D

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

shropshire lad

Here are a couple of figures I have recently bought . Don't ask the price , they are not cheap .They are made by Model Victoria .


Malachi Constant

Well, Nick, you're right ... I just had to have a look (http://www.modelvictoria.it/figurines.htm) ... they are a bit pricey, but look like they're worth it.  Look forward to seeing photos when you have them painted.

Still have to do some shading on Millie's arms and a little touch-up ... but I thought this was fun.  ;D

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


That's great. For some weird reason, I am immediately reminded of the movie "Forever Young" .. before Mel Gibson went nutz-o
Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"

Philip Smith

excellent progress!

Your bearded fellow is hitting on her.

and you tickled her blouse with great detail! Nice print very classic


I think Millie would be a lot more excited about a younger dude in white undershirt.  ;D That grumpy old dude is never gonna take her out to the Drive-Inn.

Actually, the guy that Shropshire Lad posted would be perfect: "Check this out, young lady! Let me take off that coverall"  ;D


QuoteThat grumpy old dude is never gonna take her out to the Drive-Inn.

for sure you haven't any idea how charming old dudes can be  ;) ;D ;D

Nice and delicate work Dallas

put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.


Dallas,   Nice 1/35 figures from Model Victoria wish they made them in 1/48 and 1/2 inch.....little pricey but there very detailed  :)

Malachi Constant

Thanks guys ... and I think Jacq is right ... the old guys have a better chance when it comes to turning on the charm!

Craig -- MK35 (www.mk35.com) makes some very nice resin figures in 1/43 scale.  Their characters tend to have a medium build, so they should work fine alongside 1/48 figures.  Phoenix and Omen make nicely-detailed 1/43 figures in cast metal, but those do tend to be on the large side for 1/48.  Assuming you know about the SLM 1/24 figures (http://slmonline.com/) ... very nicely detailed, but limited selection.  SE Ltd. has some additional figures in 1/24 that may be interesting, but I haven't seen them in person so can't speak to the quality of casting/sculpting there.  Scroll down a bit and click the "Dudez and Babez" logo on their main page:  http://www.seltd.net/

Also, you can get separate heads & arms in 1/48 scale:

So, if you're inclined to a little sculpting, you could whittle down Tamiya/other 1/48 military figures to provide basic armatures ... sculpt the clothing/body contours to suit ... and make use of ready-made parts to customize.  The heads and hands ARE definitely tricky ... clothing just takes practice and that's kinda fun and fairly simple.

Still making occasional progress on Ginger ... did some basic sculpting on her jacket, need to do sleeves, etc ...

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com