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Is interest waning these days?

Started by Hector Bell, October 22, 2010, 02:56:08 PM

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John .. the problem is - that there is no way to keep the 'snap together' kit (ha) builder from breeding. From my understanding of Darwin, Evolution requires that those less apt to survive will be less apt to pass their genes to another generation. Unfortunately ... here there isn't a Darwin Award honoring those who improve the species .. by accidentally removing themselves from it. Indeed .. they are much more likely to be found propagating the species instead of modeling. While I am all in favor of the former occupation - the resulting spawning of like minded .. individuals .. would seem to indicate that it's we who are diminishing and therefore by definition .. less apt.
Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"


Ed, Darwin's evolutionary theory is acceptably provable with beings of lesser capabilities. Humans have far greater brain power and perhaps have skewed (skewered?) evolution. Unless there is another example out there of a species with an small, elite group that has the capability of controlling the great majority and take advantage of them, where the elites have many times more than that needed for survival and continuance of the species, well so maybe we are skewered.

I better find another forum to write this stuff in. Back to my casting bench.

John Palecki


Quote from: JohnP on October 23, 2010, 06:22:10 PM
Unless there is another example out there of a species with an small, elite group that has the capability of controlling the great majority and take advantage of them, where the elites have many times more than that needed for survival and continuance of the species, well so maybe we are skewered.

There is John... they're known as rich corporate executives...



I knew it would come around to this. Also, note that virtually no rich corporate executive is a passable modeler. -- Russ

Hector Bell

Somebody put a thread on another modelling forum of which I'm a member about showing mugshots of members (something I spared the poor fellows in my case!).
And I was astonished to see that most of those who responded, a fair number, were really quite young!  Now they are not, by any means, at the standard of this forum, but many are heading that way with a lot of extreme kit bashing and basic scratchbuilding.  Still a disappointing begging for chassis from manufacturers, but a few are considering making those too.  We're not a dead world just yet.



If I was a rich corporate executive I would have other people model for me. I don't need skills, just influence to be successful. Then I would lose interest and pursue other "hobbies".

Actually I built a few custom layouts a while back for guys with money. I'll never do that again.

I get it Paul, the R.C.E. (Rich Corporate Executive) is a whole other species. I heartily agree- the human genes were replaced by something else.

Martin- good thing some young ones have interest. They could be the ones to apply technology as it improves to modeling.

John Palecki

Hector Bell

Indeed, Paul, but perhaps not until they've learned, and learned to enjoy, the basic skills.
Come the glorious power cut, Brother.....and all that<G>


Ray Dunakin

Quote from: finescalerr on October 24, 2010, 01:16:14 AM
Also, note that virtually no rich corporate executive is a passable modeler.

That's because those guys don't have hobbies. Making money is their only passion.

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Quote from: W C Greene on October 22, 2010, 03:33:44 PM
One site that I watch has guys with 16 to 20 THOUSAND posts! I have looked back at some of their posts and I can't find any modeling being done. What is funny is that several of these guys take great delight in telling others how to do things and how fine their work is...but still no photos.

Care to name the site and/or name names before I prove you wrong? ::)


Now that's a lovely first post! If this was my house you wouldn't even make it past the mailbox.


Rick, I'll leave your post up so everybody can see HOW NOT TO BEHAVE on this forum. In the future, should you post in a pugnacious or discourteous manner, I will remove your posts and ban you.

On my forum we behave as gentlemen. We may disagree or criticize but we do it in a courteous and constructive manner. The purpose of this forum is for the best modelers to show others better ways of doing things. When a thread strays from that, and some do for a short time, we still treat one another as friends.

On this forum (which I pay for and own outright), I am God. So I determine what is constructive and what is courteous. I consider your post a destructive and discourteous challenge.

Please, in the future, express yourself with more restraint.



Not  to  Happy  about  that  first  Post  either

W C Greene

Man-I sure touched the "third rail"! I still stand by what I wrote however. I try to be reasonable but sometimes I can't help myself.
Don't let me interrupt the "festivities" with my blabber, I can always go out and run some ore cars to the smelter, one of my favorite things to do.
When I get some new photos taken, then I will upset folks even more with a flood of "funkiness extremis", hopefully showing that my interest is not waning.
miles to go before I sleep...


Woodie, if you're the last one left running funky trains indoors or out, so long as you're still smiling and chuckling to yourself, then let the world be darned.

John Palecki

Malachi Constant

Quote from: W C Greene on October 26, 2010, 01:46:36 PM
When I get some new photos taken, then I will upset folks even more with a flood of "funkiness extremis", hopefully showing that my interest is not waning.

I'm looking forward to being disturbed in this manner!  Hopefully there will be lots of photos, so I can be seriously disturbed.  ;D

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com