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Beautiful work by Japanese Modeler Ichiyoh Haga

Started by marc_reusser, November 04, 2010, 01:59:09 AM

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Very beautiful and evocative modeling.

The site is a bit cumbersome.....but in this structures section, click on "slideshow" then use the arrow to advance through the pages....in each page there are small thumbnail images that you can click on, and a window will open with a larger image.....I found it well worth the effort...the stuff is beautiful..and even more amazing when you consider the scale....1/80 on those that I have looked at so far.


I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....




   he has been an inspiration and one of my all time favorites since I discovered his work some years ago.

put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.

Gordon Ferguson

Marc, I have admired his work for a while - suggest you have a look through the "Works" section Chuck will like /love "Shoutarou Ishinomori's Desk  as always in superb modelling its the small points that make in this case I love the scratch marks on the floor from the chair casters 

Hector Bell

Not all the work is 1/80th scale, though that is very nice, a kind of Japanese Roye England.
The rest is mainly 1/12th scale which, let's face it is huge and as far as interiors go is very well populated by some stunningly good model makers.
Alas the magazine which used to deal with "Home Miniaturists" has apparently gone out of business or underground.
Working locks in drawers, dovetailed joints, miniature marquetry.  Just gotta look for it.


Don Railton

I met Ichiyoh at the miniature show in Chicago a couple of years ago.  My purpose in making the trip was to see his work live as I had admired his creations from his website. He is one of my favorite miniature artists.

Attached is his stationary store in 1:12.




   just enjoy it, instead of trying to catagorise it.  This is a japanese equivalent of Chuck......................

put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.

jim s-w

Jim Smith-Wright



Hector Bell

I can enjoy it, without falling all over it.  I don't think it's a patch on Chuck's work, big-scale wise.
There are plenty as good and better around than what I saw on much of his website.  Sorry, but if you're going to absolutely rave about someone's work, I expect it to be raveworthy, like Chuck's, Paul's, Marc's.  I just don't think it is that good , considering the scale.
It's bloody excellent, but not as good as Chuck's or some tiny scale stuff I've seen.  As good, but no better, which is not what everybody's posts were suggesting.



  That is your opinion.........let others have theirs without denigrating things that are not to your liking.....
put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.

Ray Dunakin

Very evocative stuff... sort of "elegance in decay".

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

Hector Bell

Hey, wait a minute!  I'm as entitled to my opinion as any of you lot!  How come the establishment on here can say what they want, but I pipe up and you all jump on me?

Answer me that.  I thought this forum was not all backslapping adoration.  I thought that was what made it special.  Well there was more than enough of that on here for this Japanese guy who I never heard of.  I looked at his site and I wasn't exactly blown away.  Am I not entitled to say so?  Y'know, just to balance all the hero worship?

I tell you what, forget it.
I can't be arsed with it all any more.

Time to find another interest, I think.  Preferably one with no internet presence.  The quickest way to f*** your hobby.



Quote from: Hector Bell on November 04, 2010, 09:56:31 AM
I can enjoy it, without falling all over it.  I don't think it's a patch on Chuck's work, big-scale wise.
There are plenty as good and better around than what I saw on much of his website.  Sorry, but if you're going to absolutely rave about someone's work, I expect it to be raveworthy, like Chuck's, Paul's, Marc's.  I just don't think it is that good , considering the scale.
It's bloody excellent, but not as good as Chuck's or some tiny scale stuff I've seen.  As good, but no better, which is not what everybody's posts were suggesting.


Mr Bell, or Hector, or Martin, or whomever you are.  Is there any way you can refrain from being the self-annointed critic of all things modeling?  Nobody asked for your ratings or reviews, or rankings.  When I see a model I like, I often feel the need for a little hand clapping or praise directed at the builder.  Helps the team spirit.  But you seem to feel the need to keep taking the fun out of it, ranking, nitpicking, name dropping, etc.  WTFO?  Start your own critical review and see who subscribes to it.    Gary


Martin, you are overstepping the bounds of gentlemanly behavior we adhere to on this site. Opinions are one thing but sounding off like a Donald Duck tantrum is something else. Each of us has his opinion and sometimes it is advisable to hold your tongue if you disagree. Similarly, most of us find it unnecessary to offer a personal opinion about every subject. I think that is why some of the guys are annoyed with you.

My own opinion is that Ichiyoh is a superb modeler and that it is unnecessary to compare him to Chuck or anybody else.

Finally, since we all admire Chuck's work so much, we could learn a lesson from his behavior, too: He offers an opinion from time to time (but not frequently), usually positive in nature, and leads by example rather than by words.

Finally, we all should remember my favorite motto: It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.



I guess I will say I defend Martins right to his opinion, as well as being able to post it...I don't have to read it or agree with it if I dont want to. Yes, it can sometimes be a downer or grating...but then I probably often can be so also.

What does rather bother me about his comments is, that for instance in the paper thread and the Clarveux thread, he has this extreme bent toward these British modelers that he names and mentions.....I have looked through the internet to see some of the works by these supposed titans of modeling, and have for the most part been very underwhelmed by their work......so, I find it hard get a grasp of where his comments and comparisons are coming from.... because if these are his baselines for comparison, I must be missing something.

...aside from that I think he is a fountain of knowledge and information....but I think that between his natural personality, and the lack of personaity that the internet and typed comments can create.....there is a diconnect or amplification.....and his comments may often come across gruff, strong, wrong, or annoying.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....
