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Newbie from Norway

Started by Per Olav Lund, January 12, 2011, 12:20:32 AM

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Per Olav Lund

Hello, my name is Per Olav Lund from Norway.
I have been lurking around this site for a while and I'm really impressed by the work shown. Some familiar names here and I'm looking forward to learn, admire and expand my modelling and maybe share a thing or two also.
I am basically a military diorama builder but have during the last years been doing some civilian projects too. At the moment I'm experimenting with some cracle paint tecniques on a wooden house, I will start a post in "modellers at work" forum.

happy to be on board!  :)

Per Olav

some of my earlier projects.


Welcome aboard Per-Olav ! Great to see you and your incredible work here. Have been following your work over at the MIG forum.

Anders (Sweden)  ;D


He has posted some photos. And it's about time!

Gentlemen, please say hello to one of the world's Master Modelers.



   Finally......I hope you'll match Chuck's speed in showing your work.

   Makes it possible to digest such fine modeling art.  :D :D   This is like a **** Michelin meal.... ;D ;D ;D

put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.


Velkommen! ... på tide postet du ditt arbeid! ;) ;D ;D

Great to see you posting here Per. Your work just inspires the hell out of me!

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Newbie...thats funny ;D
Welcome aboard.  It will be great to have some more of this spread of styles/techniques represented on this forum.  It will save Marc having to double post pictures and links too ;)


Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



Welcome aboard ;)                Craig        USA


Really nice diorama's love the pig scene - brilliant work
cheers Ferd
Ferd Mels  Ontario Canada    eh!
SE Scale - all other scales pale by comparison.  7/8"=1'-0"

Frederic Testard

Who am I to say these scenes are beautiful? Not only they are but never could I build something approaching them...
Frederic Testard


Welcome! I have been following your projects on "Little Norway" with great interest, too.


Unlike these other learned gentelmen I have never heard of you or seen your work displayed before. 
Based on the pictures you posted I must admit you do some "fair to middlin" model work

Seriously, most impressive.  I am sure I will learn a great deal just from observing your work, thanks for posting on this fine forum.

Ray Dunakin

Welcome aboard! I've seen some of your work before, through links posted on this site. Your dioramas are very creative and your modeling skills quite impressive. I especially like the pigsty VW bus. Did you sculpt the pig or were you able to find a suitable commercial figure?
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

Per Olav Lund

Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

Looking forward to share upcoming projects.

Quote from: Ray Dunakin on January 12, 2011, 08:43:31 PM
Welcome aboard! I've seen some of your work before, through links posted on this site. Your dioramas are very creative and your modeling skills quite impressive. I especially like the pigsty VW bus. Did you sculpt the pig or were you able to find a suitable commercial figure?

Ray, the pig was sculped using Magic sculp

Per Olav

Ken Hamilton

That pig is a masterpiece.
Beautiful work.
Ken Hamilton