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Feldbahnmodule with ship

Started by fspg2, April 21, 2011, 12:42:16 AM

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That probably took more than a couple of minutes to complete. -- Russ


Very impressive! Planning and building the assembling jigs certainly takes the same amount of time as manufacturing the individual parts.



@ Russ, @ Bernhard
You are right! Each process often takes much more time than you think. But I think it will be worth it in the end. I'm currently trying to finish at least one more part every day.
I make some parts several times if errors become apparent during assembly.

So after I had bent the first gusset plates in the plate bending machine, ...

spitzer_Winkel_2 (fspg2)

...the two rivet heads of the narrow leg are pressed flat again.

The clearance was just too narrow on the 45° side of the punch.

Knotenblech_praegen_091 (fspg2)

So I made the gusset plates, after punching all the rivet points with the V-cutter,

Knotenblech_praegen_09 (fspg2)

drilled out on the narrow leg side with a 1.0mm drill. The previously carried out markings helped to achieve an exact drill hole.

There is also a new mounting template for precisely mounting the eight different gusset plates with the cross members.

Hauptbruecke_Montageschblone_Traegergruppe_02 (fspg2)

Hauptbruecke_Montageschblone_Traegergruppe_03 (fspg2)

After the first cross member was equipped, there was a fitting test in the MDF assembly template.

Hauptbruecke_Montageschblone_Traegergruppe_04 (fspg2)

It seems to fit.

Hauptbruecke_Montageschblone_Traegergruppe_05 (fspg2)

When all crossbeams are soldered to the gusset plates, they will positioned in another hard paper assembly jig and also soldered.

Hauptbruecke_Montageschblone_Traegergruppe_01 (fspg2)


A large crew built the original full size bridge. You are building the entire thing by yourself. They earned a living for their work while you are spending part of your life savings on the model. Logically, then, you must be as insane as the rest of us. But your construction and progress are quite satisfactory. -- Russ


I love this stuff.

From time to time introspection can cause one to wonder if one is going a bit far with some detail or other.  A quick look at this thread restores balance and convinces you that you are not going anywhere near far enough!!

keep it up.


Lawrence in NZ


Hi Frithjof,

I've been following your build both as a Guest and as a member of the forum. I was a member at one time a long time ago. I retired from a job in the machine tool industry of 30 years and am familiar with CNC machines. That is what attracted me to this thread. I have a Sherline CNC mill and recently added a second CNC router/engraver to my machine shop.

I really like your presentation of how you go from a drawing to the finished part. Your assembly fixtures are very interesting. I'm always looking forward to a new post on your project. Keep up the great work. I'm enjoying it immensely.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


Hello Frithjof.
Great, it is really refreshing to see how the members of this forum are such individuals.
Apart from the subject I really like the jigs that you use for assembly.


@Russ, Lawrence, Bernd, Kim

Thank you - I will continue, even if I have to take a day off sometimes. Designing and building an individual part is still fun... But if the same work steps have to be done over and over again, I get bored.

Here are three more pictures of the construction of the lift bridge:

Copyright: Lauenburger Elbschiffahrtsarchiv (fspg2)

Feldbahn-Hubbrücke Ausschnitt vom Süden gesehen

Copyright: Lauenburger Elbschiffahrtsarchiv (fspg2)

Blick vom Süden linke Brücke = Staatsbahnbrücke

Hubbruecke_Bau_1900_1 (fspg2)

Copyrigth: Slg_Frenzel/Oppermann

In order to make sure that all inserted profiles really stay in their position when soldering, I milled a pair of "combs" out of 8.0mm Pertinax.

Hauptbruecke_Montageschblone_Traegergruppe_06 (fspg2)

Then they were placed tightly in a 3.0mm recess in an MDF scrap board and three 3.5mm holes were drilled.

Hauptbruecke_Montageschblone_Traegergruppe_07 (fspg2)

The MDF mounting plate had already received corresponding 2.0mm holes for the fastening screws.

Hauptbruecke_Montageschblone_Traegergruppe_09 (fspg2)

At the following picture you can see a very clear difference between the four pressed and the two wounded rivet heads.
Although I had carefully pre-sorted the 8 different gusset plates in small, labeled plastic boxes (the outer longitudinal members each have a height of 5.5mm, but the two inner members are 6.0mm), I misassigned the gusset plates to one of the cross members. I will file down the two bevels of the outer gusset plates from 6.0mm to 5.5mm. The two inner (too short) knots will stay that way. It's the underside that you won't see later. And I hope no one will betray me. 

Hauptbruecke_Montageschblone_Traegergruppe_10 (fspg2)

After I did not get convincing results with the existing 0.8mm and 1.0mm brass wire when rounding with the corresponding finishing cutters, I ordered MS58 brass wire... and lo and behold, it works. My first wire was probably just the soft MS63 variant.

Hauptbruecke_Montageschblone_Traegergruppe_11 (fspg2)

The first two of 10 cross member units are soldered. It's going on slowly.



It occurs to me that the bridge would make a lovely model 'under construction'.

Plenty of interest, an excuse for figures, and no need to do all of the rivets!

Not that it isn't lovely now of course.

Lawrence in NZ


If this were a university, you would not be even a graduate student; you would be a full professor. -- Russ


Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson


As always: I am very impressed.
We certainly don't tell anyone about the swapped gussets! On my models you can sometimes find such small spots as well.



If you build a miniature in exactly the same way as the prototype, its going to look exactly the same as the prototype. Just amazing work.
You may ask yourself: "Well, how did I get here?"



Quote from: Bernhard on May 12, 2022, 01:55:34 PMPerfect design work.
I purchase almost all profiles from hassler-profile.li. They are a lot cheaper. U- and I-profiles also have tightening on the legs like the original.


They do not respond to my email and their website seems to be down.  Are they still operating?

Lawrence in NZ