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Feldbahn research for O&K and Deutz

Started by BKLN, April 29, 2011, 02:27:59 PM

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I have very little knowledge of any narrow gauge equipment, but during a random research project on a fertilizer factory in Germany I came across two Feldbahn locomotives that caught my interest. I am trying to get find some visuals and ideally some blueprints, but I didn't get very far with my research. I know there are a couple of experts here and I am hoping that somebody can point me into the right direction. (Marc Reusser seems to have catalogs of pretty much everything that was ever made from stone and steel)

I assume these are diesel engines running on 600mm or 640mm. I am looking for info on:

Orenstein & Koppel FhzNr3257 built in 1928


Deutz FhzNr 10027 built in 1931.

During my research I realized that Jaqc has some very pretty Feldbahnloks on his legendary "Dreimuehlentalbahn". Jaqc, if you read this, I would be very excited to learn a little more about the narrow gauge equipment on the layout.



I will check and see what I have. Most of my O&K info I have is all steam, or equipment realated. There is an online data-base for O&K and I think Deutz as well....but as usual can't recall or find the URL (I will look though).

Curious why these two specicfic serial numbers (do you have a pic of either of the two)?...would make it esier to potentially find some drawings of at least a sim model/type. I might have a PDF of one if I know what I am looking for.


I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



OK I found the online O&K database by Jens Merte, http://www.werkbahn.de/eisenbahn/lokbau/oundk.htm and by all the info, the engine you are looking for should have come out of the Nordhausen Works, however the online DB seems to cut off in 1927 @ #2616.  I have his book, so let me see if maybe the list is more complete there.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Here is a general list of Deutz serial numbers and their relative build years http://www.deutz-mah711.de/Voss/BAUJAHRE.pdf....it has me a bit confused, because it shows that based on this, your ser#10027 would have been built in 1918.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Hmm...I have to say I've got nothing. :-X :-\...the only thing I came up with on the O&K was a steam loco.

#3257; Type "Bt"; 600mm gauge; 30hp; Built 04/1910; for Blyth Bors. (I ssume that shoud read "Bros."), Port Louis, Mauritius. [Due to it's size/type, I am going to assume that this loco was used either as a switcher or more likely went to a sugar plantation on the island.]

.....so sorry. Nothing on the diesel front.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



 OK, a bit more digging turned this up   "O&K RL1 3257 Altenbruch; Cuxhaven" she went to Altenbruch, then to the nearby fortification at Cuxhaven. She is a type RL-1

I could not find the above serial number, but did find a drawing of an RL-1 online:

and a pic (there are more if one searches for them; quick google check/results http://www.google.com/search?q=O%26K+RL1&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7ADBF_en&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=OEe7Ta-bN4z2tgOO3em-BQ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CBEQ_AUoAQ&biw=1048&bih=805

Hopefully this is the one/type you were after. If this is it, I can check my hard disk to see if I have any PDF file drawings or catalogs of this type of loco


I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Thanks so much, Marc! That's exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to get an idea what type of loco this was. Very exciting.

Finding info on these engines is part of a bigger research puzzle. I have no idea if any of this will ever turn into any models, but it is one of those things that I just had to figure out. I'm gonna dig around in all those links now.


By the way, I was guessing these were diesel engines because the other regular gauge engines in that fertilizer factory where fireless steam engines / diesel engines due to the fire hazards. So I assumed that these engines would have been fireless.

@ gfadvance
Thanks to you, too. I started browsing thru your links. A lot of nice material there!



have a look here: it´s only a O&K MD2 Feldbahnlok, but you can see one way of model-building in scale 1:13,3.

Picture I took in Feldbahnmuseum Hildesheim:



Christian; Nur Dummes Glueck!  ;) ;D  Glad I could be of some use.

To anyone interested:
This next piece is a 24-48-hour (or less) only, post/opportunity. I have uploaded 11 sales brochures and parts & users manuals for a variety of gas locomotives. They are all in german, all but 1 are filled with detailed drawings of parts of the specific locos, as well as overall dimensioned drawings of the units.


To open the files, click on the link/description, once it opens save it to your hard disk. The files are all PDF, and have been saved to open in v.6 and later. I will be removing these files again in 24-48 hours......and NO, I will not deal with special requests to have them sent to anyone, after they have been removed.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



In http://feldbahn.forumieren.com/ you can download a lot of old brochures of little light railways. You have to login only - it's worth it!

Find it: http://feldbahn.forumieren.com/f21-alte-dokumente-und-werbeblatter

@Marc Thank you for providing!

What do you think about an own category: links (as a reference for matters of general interest)?




many thanks for making such a fascinating part of your collection available. A very useful resource.



Glad you guys can use them. They are actually not mine...I believe I found them online some years back...can't remeber where (they were not copyrighted or user restricted).....and had them on my storage drive.  the only reason for the limited time is because of the potential heavy download traffic which could cause the site on which it's piggy-backed/stored to exceed the monthly down-load allowance. :)

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


Gordon Ferguson

Marc, think that you most likely got them off the site I mentioned earlier http://www.feldbahnseite.de/index.htm?http://www.feldbahnseite.de/pl_boja.htm

If you click on "Archiv" link left hand side and then go into the individually named manufacturers there is even more info/drawing via catalogs maintenance manuals etc.