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Work in progress...

Started by W.P. Rayner, May 30, 2011, 11:58:00 AM

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W.P. Rayner

Haven't posted any work shots in a while, been busy with motorcycle work, so here are a few preliminary renderings, teaser shots if you will, of work in progress on a purposefully unnamed project. The materials selected are for rendering purposes only to differentiate the various components and better illustrate the contours and do not represent the actual materials of the prototype.



Methinks loco con rods and wheels?
Ian Hodgkiss
The Steamy Pudding - an English Gentleman's Whimsy in 1:24 scale Gn15 (in progress)
On the Slate and Narrow - in 1:12 scale (coming soon)
Brisbane, Australia

Bill Sartore

Virtual Fujichrome Provia sheet film?


Maybe Mr Rayner used to have a Sinar or some such wonderfully cool high tech camera - now with a digital back? I used to have a Sinar P Expert 5x4 back in the day. Thank goodness for progress. Now my cameras fit in my pocket instead of breaking my back!

With only two replies, we are obviously going to have to wait a while longer for any more hints?
Ian Hodgkiss
The Steamy Pudding - an English Gentleman's Whimsy in 1:24 scale Gn15 (in progress)
On the Slate and Narrow - in 1:12 scale (coming soon)
Brisbane, Australia

W.P. Rayner

Sorry Ian... this piece has nothing whatsoever to do with steam locomotives. Yes you will have to wait for some more hints... I'll post some more detail shots over the next few weeks as the project progresses. Will be interesting to see if anyone will be able to guess what it is.

I did have the great pleasure of working with a Sinar P 4x5 many years ago... fabulous piece of equipment. Sure would be nice to have that equipment now. I also owned a Hassy at the time and spent one memorable summer traveling about with both the Sinar and the Hassy taking architectural photographs. Spent most of my time lugging heavy equipment about but it was still a lot of fun. I also owned an older 5x7 view camera and had access to an 11x14 portrait view camera with which I started a series of B/W portrait photographs of friends and visiting photographers at the International Museum of Photography in Rochester, NY back in the 1970s. Last one I shot was of J.H. Lartigue. There was no shutter... just the lens cap. To take the photo I had to remove and replace the lens cap and it took some experimenting with a grey scale card in the makeshift studio to determine the correct exposure time. It was long... The contact prints from those negatives were absolutely luscious. The bellows developed too serious a leak to continue use, so that effectively ended the project. It was difficult to get the film as well but fortunately I had contacts at Eastman Kodak who were able to supply me a small quantity of sheets from time to time.



Something about the parts' appearance suggests they might be for a motorcycle. I hope I don't end up looking like a fool by taking an early, uneducated guess based on microcosmic renderings. -- Russ

W.P. Rayner

Never a fool Russ but no, it's not a motorcycle...


W.P. Rayner

Here are a couple of more teaser shots of work completed today...


Ray Dunakin

Whatever it is, the renderings are beautiful.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

W.P. Rayner

Thanks Craig & Ray... Another part completed today plus another view that should give a decent clue... The colour is not necessarily prototypical but is meant to indicate the separate components.



WTF!?.....a Hibachi!?  ;) ;D

Beautiful renderings nonetheless.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



How about an Espresso machine? :D
Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"

mad gerald

... or may be a BBQ or a raclette ...  ???  ::)


Ian Hodgkiss
The Steamy Pudding - an English Gentleman's Whimsy in 1:24 scale Gn15 (in progress)
On the Slate and Narrow - in 1:12 scale (coming soon)
Brisbane, Australia


Oh, now I see!
A quadrilateral indexing shift solenoid for a 1927 Lake Thorogood speed throttle on a Buick straight eight engine.
Why didnt I see it earlier ???
What do i win?