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blue top salvage

Started by 1-32, November 06, 2011, 11:17:21 AM

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hi the concept is large scale in a minium space with 1-32 scale used as the server.other than that i do not have a clue.
warm regards kim


hi everbody,wishing you all a very happy modelling year for 2012 and all the rest of that jazz.
i have been working on the barge that goes on the right of the lagoon .this is a accomadation unit made up of a shipping contaner that has been butchered with a angle grinder.good old aluminium windows have been inserted into the cavities with a combination metal and canvas awning;i suppose it should have insict screens-but.it is permantely silted into this location with a huge tree covering it[it is growing]
it is made mostley with styrene-90% scratch,the figures are by preiser.
anyway if you have any questions please ask
here are the pictures-all the very best kim


Hi Kim,
It doesn't really scream "location, location, location" as far a prime real estate for modern living, but as far a scrap box building and construction, thats pretty cool.  Nice use of salvaged materials to cobble together a "tranquil" residence.  Its funny, despite the less than attractive shack, the owner still seems to have managed to drag in some good looking chicks!

Thanks for the update,


hi dan as the saying goes 'there is money in scrap'funny that you observed a tranquil scene as i want balance ,wether it is in colour or structure.we will see how i go with the giant tree they are really hard to get right.
all the best kim


good morning and greetings.
my new year period has been taken up with building up my basic tree with  twigs.they have been glued on first with super glue then 5 minute expoxy.dont ask me what type of tree it is as i am making it up as i go along.my favorite variety to look for are daisy bushes,there used to be some good sizes bushes in my local park but they have gone.what i look for are bushes about 2 foot heigh[600mm]which have died.faling that it is amazing what you can find if you walk around garden suburbs.my next step is to airbrush the shape then the folage,the overall feel i want to this side is 'overgrown and dense in selected areas
cheers kim.




the tree is 280mm heigh or 11.2 inches
warm regards kim


Good to see you didn't cover every branch with the green stuff. Are you going to let us in on the secret of what you used for leaves etc?

I compute this as still only a 30 feet high tree though?
Ian Hodgkiss
The Steamy Pudding - an English Gentleman's Whimsy in 1:24 scale Gn15 (in progress)
On the Slate and Narrow - in 1:12 scale (coming soon)
Brisbane, Australia


hi, i use a lot of compression of scale in my work,if i did 100% true scale i would be out the door.
my leaves are very simple it is a form of folage net made by a german company-
Heki-FLOR,9 different colours.it is great stuff as the net is nearly invisible and the folage is already attached.as with all this stuff there is a trick .i like it so much i am building a forest with it.
warm regards kim


hi all
i have been working on my twig series,the first was the art of twigs,then the art of trees and now the art of forests.everybody have been staying away as of late as  i have been looking high and low for the right twig, they feel  i have cracked.
anyway this is the feeling i wanted on the right side of -blue top salvage.the contrast in a small space-man verses nature
kind regards kim


I really like the way you have worked the trees into the scene. Nice job. -- Russ


Third shot down gets a big tick from me. Really nice atmosphere.
Ian Hodgkiss
The Steamy Pudding - an English Gentleman's Whimsy in 1:24 scale Gn15 (in progress)
On the Slate and Narrow - in 1:12 scale (coming soon)
Brisbane, Australia

Malachi Constant

Changes the mood of the scene in a real nice way ... nature claiming and re-claiming its space vs the industrial setting ... good atmosphere and real nice scaling/sizing of the trees.  -- Dallas
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

Ken Hamilton

This is a really wonderful diorama.  Lots of visual interest and a ton of well-done details.
The excellent design and execution conceals that this is merely a simple loop of track....
It looks so much more complex!
GREAT job!!
Ken Hamilton


Hi Kim,
It makes for a good contrast between sides of the layout.  I feel it works surprisingly well with the industrial hardness alongside the nature of the swamp, and the residence has nestled in nicely at the edge of the murky waters.  Thanks for the update.



thanks guys for your support .
what do you reckon living in this scene,i would love it.having a nice forest to walk the dogs in ,your own private railway a old factory to strip of scrap to sell on the black market and a few boats around to impress the ladies all it needs is a good cook and a big vegie patch.
i have been following the post here and we all seem to co-exist.the high teckers and their cad systems right through to the minum scratches-great.
kind regards kim