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Pair of Remoras

Started by FichtenFoo, December 11, 2011, 03:21:43 PM

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shropshire lad

Thanks for the explaination , Michael and MPH, I shall use your instructions when the time comes to start applying decals . Which won't be too long now ,



Wow, looking very nice!!


shropshire lad

Progress is being made . Of sorts .


Chicks dig giant robots.


I hope you like spending endless hours with a tiny paintbrush because that moment of joy seems almost upon you. By the way, what gauge is the remora? -- Russ

Gordon Ferguson

And he is doing this from his sick bed ! ::) ::)


Quote from: finescalerr on January 29, 2012, 12:34:40 AM
I hope you like spending endless hours with a tiny paintbrush because that moment of joy seems almost upon you. By the way, what gauge is the remora? -- Russ
Heh... 1/35 scale!
Chicks dig giant robots.

shropshire lad

Quote from: FichtenFoo on January 29, 2012, 07:23:45 AM
Quote from: finescalerr on January 29, 2012, 12:34:40 AM
I hope you like spending endless hours with a tiny paintbrush because that moment of joy seems almost upon you. By the way, what gauge is the remora? -- Russ
Heh... 1/35 scale!

  Michael , I'm afraid you didn't quite get the hilarious joke that Russ cracked . He wasn't asking what the scale was , he was asking what is the distance between the tracks is . He was implying that it doesn't have any worth if it doesn't run on track and he doesn't understand why we are wasting our time on building stuff that isn't railway related . I know all this from his simple question because I know and understand the workings of his brain . Such as it is . He was actually being ironic ( something Americans are not known for . That alone makes him unusual) because it wasn't actually him asking the question as the editor of one of the best modelling magazines on the market , but as an ordinary railway modeller who can't see passed the end of his nose .

   Hopefully that has explained his wonderful bit of irony and that I have destroyed any humour( note spelling ! ) that it might have contained ,



Looks good  Nick.  I don't think this will fit in with the RR Line Forum 10th anniversary build..  What with no chains or antlers!!!!!!!!

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin


Yes, that Russ fellow is a real goofball. Why he remains out of prison or a lunatic asylum is beyond my comprehension. -- Russ

P.S.: I have it on good authority that Russ doesn't even have a train layout. In my opinion that alone makes him a traitor and a worm.

shropshire lad

Quote from: TRAINS1941 on January 29, 2012, 12:04:44 PM
Looks good  Nick.  I don't think this will fit in with the RR Line Forum 10th anniversary build..  What with no chains or antlers!!!!!!!!


  I'm inclined to agree with you about not fitting in . I'll leave it for a bit and then give them a bit more . Then I'll just finish it and present them with a " fait accompli " . And who says there are not going to be any chains and antlers ?!!!!!!


shropshire lad

Quote from: finescalerr on January 29, 2012, 12:07:12 PM
Yes, that Russ fellow is a real goofball. Why he remains out of prison or a lunatic asylum is beyond my comprehension. -- Russ

P.S.: I have it on good authority that Russ doesn't even have a train layout. In my opinion that alone makes him a traitor and a worm.

  Can't argue with anything you say here , Mr. Finescale-no-rr .


Here's the "latest"... okay... I'm actually a little past this, but am saving the rest for the final images. Also you can finally preorder the 2nd Edition of this kit from Industria Mechanika as of today.


AK-Interactive's streaking and weathering products were really nice to work with. They made quick work of my rusty streaks.

Chicks dig giant robots.


whats the difference between the rust streaks and rust wash?
Does the "streaks" contain more solids?


Quote from: lab-dad on January 31, 2012, 08:11:18 AM
whats the difference between the rust streaks and rust wash?
Does the "streaks" contain more solids?
Yeah, it's thicker. When you airbrush it on though it doesn't make as much of a difference since you're controlling the final thickness. I airbrushed on both streaky to get a varied appearance.
Chicks dig giant robots.