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Russian ChTZ S-65 Tractor

Started by marc_reusser, March 12, 2012, 02:41:42 AM

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Gordon Ferguson

Quote from: finescalerr on April 02, 2012, 11:35:38 AM
Isn't it rewarding to find such a delightfully crude and frustrating kit? That is why I so often wonder about kit modification when scratchbuilding requires little more time and delivers a far better end product.  -- Russ

I read the above on the Bedford thread and thought how true, but in my case its with a twist  :(  I can take an extremely good kit which requires no modification really to improve it  and butcher it


Here is the start of the modified S65 track frames ............. which hopefully will end up looking close to a 1/24 Caterpillar Ten

I did notice on the same thread the comment from Andi about the difficulty/challenge having to repeat/duplicate work ............ about to find that out as well :)

Dave and Tammy Aarons

Hey all,I was working on rebuilding a Cat D-8 from SWSM's logging and tractor repair shed that was old C.Br. kit. 1/48.When I saw the chtz S-65 tractor.Just started it yesterday,and yes the engine upgrade is in the mail from LZ. Didn't notice this thread till today. Being a retired/,disabled auto tech,who did major engine repair,loved the LZ kit,which is almost identical to the early Cat D-13000 inline 6 cylinder diesel.Yes it does resemble a Cat. I too will try to post some pics in future.

We pray for everyone to be blessed in their endeavors.


Gordon - What material did you use for the springs?

Bill Marrtinsen

Gordon Ferguson

Hi Bill, spring was made out of 1/24 spark plug wire, would round a 30thou rod   ............ it looks to me very like the stuff you get in telephone cables

Andi Little

Kind of bumping this into the conciousness of the board to see if anyone has made any headway, or has interesting news or updates they want to share - and mainly because I'm seriously thinking about opening the box on this one myself and after the Bedford I'm selfishly looking for a bit of a inspiration and guidance............ anyone?

PS, Mines not going to be a slavish factory stock or even Rep' stock build - rather a Phantom build to suit my requirements at the Top Yard - got a few ideas for making it cute and funky but nothing too grandiose - [heaven forbid I couldn't stand the angst].

In fact I'm going to go this very minute .................. to glue the engine halves together.............
KBO..................... Andi.

Gordon Ferguson

Well unless you bought the after market engine you are going to be hunting for a long time in that box for the engine half's  :D

Look forward to seeing what you come with Andi, I have 2 that are "very" slowly making progress and probably like yours have been converted to 1/24 ish


No progress for me either,

But this info I posted on the MIG forum, may be something to give you a tad bit of impetus to build and partake:  ;D ;D

I received an email from Rick Lawler (Mig USA) today, with the anouncement, that to show their support for the forum members and the group build, MIG Productions has very generously offered a prize package, for the best model to come out of this GB.

Models will be judged by select members of Mig Productions (Spain) staff, master modeler and painter Jose Brito, and me.

Below is what the prize package will contain:

T-Shirt MIG
Dvd. Vol 1
P249 Pigment Fixer
P239 Thinner for washes
P411 Standard Rust Effects
P220 Dark Wash
P300 Earth Wash
P301 Warm White Wash
P418 Warm grey for Panzer Grey
ABT320 Weathering Oil
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


Andi Little

Thanks for the link and info' Marc.
I've actually made an attempt to join, and await my "live" status. Had a quick look round and there's some talented builders on that site [It's new to me] and quite a few known villains too [Gordon]! It's amazing every time I finally arrive at a place every bugger else seems to have been there for ages - a guy could get paranoid you know!! [smiling of course].

The thread looks to be really interesting - and varied enough to keep me amused for some considerable time; should provide more than enough inspiration and encouragement. It remains to be seen whether I feel able to contribute in spite of what looks to be a fantastic prize offer - never the less could be good................ if only for the craic.

Thanks again.
KBO..................... Andi.


Andi, you have been approved.

Now let's see you work your magic.
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Hi guys.

Does anyone know if there is replacement set of metal tracks out for this kit? The kit ones seem like a pain in the @ss to build. Building them would be my last resort if no replacements are available.
Kind Regards

Modelling in sunny South Africa


Building the tracks is a "rite of passage" (to the looney bin).

Not aware of anyone that makes them.
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Thanks Marc. Off to the looney bin I go then.
Kind Regards

Modelling in sunny South Africa


The problem with using links to images in your posts is that they sometimes don't work. In this case, the link to an image on the Mig Forum is only viewable if you are a member. Marc, you are a bad boy and must stand in the corner.

Regarding scratchbuilt treads, they are the norm among paper modelers and nothing I would enjoy tackling. One needs an extreme amount of patience and a masochistic personality ....


Gordon Ferguson

Wesley, building the tracks are not that bad  just a bit of planning and a degree of patience

The kit tracks are built from only 3 pieces to each complete shoe and there are 6 complete shoes on each of the track spruces . I tackled one spruce at the end of each modelling session or when waiting for something else to dry  ....... piece of d/sided tape  place main shoe on it then clean up and place the 2 side pieces touch of liquid glue and leave overnight to dry, then final clean up. Honest it like a lot of things you imagine in life, in reality its not that bad and you will love the finished effect.

Its still a lot easier than scratch building tracks
