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Next 1/16th machine; Universal Miller

Started by lab-dad, December 26, 2012, 06:37:59 PM

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the pictures are very much appreciated!
Ill definitely be revering to them as I process.
I'm glad I didn't do such a modern machine-even more levers!!!
thank you

Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



Well it's done!

And a size reference (thats the good hand)

Special thanks to Paul, Russ NeBrownstone and Mark for their assistance, guidance and pictures!
And to Mr. Potato head for the large chunk of ABS that yielded the cabinet! that really got me started!


Chuck Doan

Jeez, they are getting better and better!
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt


Andi Little

Strike a light! ...... if you came to those images cold you'd think they were your reference not the subject matter.

Bloody brilliant..
KBO..................... Andi.


Marty -

WOW!  You got it right.  Your paint work really brought it to life. 

One minor nit - if this machine is going into a working machine shop, suggest some lube on the ways.  That's one place a working machine wouldn't be allowed to rust, as it will affect machine accuracy.  Mine has a coating of grease.

He who dies with the most tools wins.


Spot on!
It looks great, down to the flash rust on the ways.
Eric Zabilka
Lexington, Kentucky




Just wonderful .. wonderful work. When I was working as a machinist that machine (ok .. it's son) was mostly used to cut gears. Now .. if you could make another .. and a real itty-bitty milling machine you could make a killing on cutting little gears! :)
Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"

Gordon Ferguson

Wonderful work Marty, your paint finishes on these pieces really do look spot on.

Would look great seen thro a certain 1/16 scale window  :D



Thanks guys!
Glad you enjoyed the model.
I have some (minor) errors to correct I see and then I will post updated pic or two.
No big deal to add some more grease!
Also going to change the material used for the support arm.
More soon.



Wow that looks really, really good! I will take the contrarian  point about the rust on the ways here, as soon as I saw it I thought "wow he even got that right!"
Yes ways are and should be lubed, but one often sees this, esp. at just where you put it.  If the table is not used much and the Y axis ways are uncovered light rust can and often does form on them.  Sometimes this rust is just a light film that will wipe right off. Anyway the whole thing looks great!

(I might add more chips in the base ;)

What's next?



After the comments I have made some improvements.
The top bar always bothered me.
Finally i had a "duh" moment; use steel for the steel, duh.....
Also had the shop apprentice lube up the knee screw and wipe down the table (I hope the sheen shows up to you)

I will call this one done. I dont want to go too far and screw it up.

The shop needs to have some progress now that I have my window frames. So that takes priority.
And it still needs a grinder, a drill bit sharpener, another lathe or two, some benches, a heater......
And the other big project I have in mind.



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