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flat pack in 1-35 scale and dapto dogs.

Started by 1-32, June 25, 2015, 03:54:10 AM

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thanks ray.looking at the photos there are some stuff that i am not happy with especially around the pallet at the bow ie the wire straps they are now off.


I am sure it will look perfect when you finish it. I love it already. -- Russ


Quote from: Ray Dunakin on August 07, 2016, 01:21:09 AM
I really like the colors and textures on the barge.

Ditto! While others debate endlessly ( ::)), you just did it!
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" -Leonardo Da Vinci-




hi all.
at the moment DAPTO is about 70% finished.i want to finish the whole scene before i come back for changes and detail.
items that i have been working on -with my little engine i have replaced all the plastic roof supports with brass,much  stronger and neater .also adds much need weight.with the court yard right top layer i have added a wooden fence,it is possible still to look through the plants at the court yard detail.but most of the work has been on the barge,much changing of colour and detail.i love it but something i need is 2 good wheels for the red crane  hook those black round shapes look a bit daggy.
well till next time cheers.




hi all before i go too far down the list here is my latest updates on the DAPTO-funny name but not so here in oz.
the big job is getting together the back scene this is also the top of the traveling box.when in the upright position the lighting rig and name board will be attached to the top [also in pieces].


on the main board a chimney has been added and the big pipe its position on the main deck has been changed[most likely it will be moved again]


till next time all the best, cheers kim


It looks like it might be your best model to date, Kim. -- Russ


thanks russ .
it is always good to have a project or 2 around this one is very small in large scale.
cheers kim


hi all .
what is the saying the last modeller left standing wins-


with these series of photos you can see that i have completely re worked the big pipe construction ,and in its place it have started work on a dock crane.its jib can be turned to lead your eye into the scene i have been thinking yellow would be nice-maybe.also the upper level water tank is in place.
that this stage i think there are 10 parts just a kit.
cheers kim


The project is original but very nice. I love the rust in the barge.
I have a friend who would like it. It's all right !


hi Sami.
thank you for your interest.there is still a lot of work to do and a few features to try i will see if they work if they dont i will leave them off.i will play around with the color and texture.i would like to be finished by next febuary 2017.if your friend wants to buy it then fine my e mail is kkimmarsh@optusnet.com.au.
my intention is always to have a hobby item and to muck around but it seems most of my models go.
cheers kim


I liked the pipe construction a lot, but it seems to have taken too much sight into the model? The dock crane adds to it definitively.

I'll make it. If I have to fly the five feet like a birdie.
I'll fly it. I'll make it.

The comprehensive book about my work: "Vollendete Baukunst"


hi Volker how are you nice to hear from you.
progress-the crane is nearly finished.my choice of paint finishes of late are AK interactive primers with water color finishes.sometime i add a bit of texture with very fine plaster.the last 2 photos are of a feature that i have been planning a tree about the tunnel location.version 1- a giant tree covering a lot of the harbor,appealing or2-a small version with muted folage that is also part of the tunnel entrance ,this is the winner.
chewers kim.



hi all.
the progress of my half dead tree.i have decided on the smaller version.the first picture is my effort with branch by branch either by drilling holes or gluing on.quite easy if you keep it small.i am always on the look out climbing rose bushes -the best twigs.
the other photos are of the twigs with a bit of foliage and positioned on the base board.looking at it now i might get nature on the display maybe too much of the same color.for foliage i use the range made by mini nature.love scenic express.
cheers kim.