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south creek road

Started by 1-32, November 28, 2017, 01:55:03 PM

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This is going to be something!
I'll make it. If I have to fly the five feet like a birdie.
I'll fly it. I'll make it.

The comprehensive book about my work: "Vollendete Baukunst"


A very good and important modification. It really pulls together the scene. And add me to the list of those who like the tunnel effect you have created. -- Russ


good afternoon all is it a week or 2 weeks since the last update anyway progress.i have been working on Southern steam most likely in the future i will change small things but the only pressing item is the internal lightbox to light up the interior.board on board construction water-based paints with the final layer airbrushed.


yes, i forgot two pictures remember all this comes apart South steam is 2 sections packing is the main consideration cheers.


Turned out pretty well. I've seen worse. -- Russ


that first step out the back door looks like a doozy.

great addition the roof & tilt windows.
s.e. charles


Yes, the back step I think I have lost it the size of this building is 150 mm -6 inches high, 125 mm -5 inches wide and 100 mm-4 inches wide.this style of weatherboard or wooden cladding reminds me of a lot of old-style Australian buildings most long gone usually the maintenance gets them, in the end, .imagine how much a 1-1 building of this style would be worth in San Francisco.

Ray Dunakin

Great job! Amazing how much beauty there can be in industrial decay.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


one or 2 weeks since the last post all I know is this year is flying.on South creek road i have has been concentrating on South steam -the moving of Bev's hats over the road it has been replaced by a dirty loco service point and the water tank.the water tank is card water colours and one casting i want to make a contrast to increase the feeling of space cheers kim.



I was concerned over the move, but you certainly made it more. the recess of the porch gives depth and the towering tank emphasizes.

this layout is reminding me of the star trek clear, 3 tier, chessboard. movement is possible in the X, Y, & Z axises (I had to look it up!)

would it be too bold, or too soon, to request an over-all photo to gain visual perspective? thanks.
s.e. charles


I second the motion for an overall photo. -- Russ


Kim, or a video with a panoramic view.
Regards Helmut
the journey is the goal


good morning thank you all for your interest here is an overview from the basic board to all the bits so far.the base is 135 mm high or 5and one half inches high.the vacant bit of real estate on the right is where Bev's hats are going this area will not be as easy as the left side.i have used this contrast trick before I like it-dirty oil barrels to nice clean hats.the window behind the porch adds another dimension with the view through into the back also the striping weathering is an interior design trick to add more vertical movement, love these tricks more to come.the whole display is a custom kit that is based on 3 permanent walls-the 2 side walls and the centre divider.these walls are more protectors for travel and take the weight of the top of the box -the back scene .
cheers kim.


thank You

very helpful and at the same time my limited imagination cannot see what you as the creator has in mind. following along with keen interest for as you alluded, more tricks to come!
s.e. charles

Greg Hile

Yes, very helpful. Thanks for the overview and I, too, am looking forward to seeing more.
