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Watery Grave

Started by marc_reusser, January 19, 2009, 12:54:42 AM

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This is not part of the "Watery Grave" dio, but rather a new scene inspired by it....but as this is all I can post of this, and I dont have anywhere else to really put this......... 1/35 scale, decaying boat, all balsa wood construction (Reason for odd cut hull is that only the front/this portion of the boat will be seen on the scene)...I know a "farts worth" about boat building, so i tried to create a visually plausible piece...still lots of internal bits and details to be done.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



If your buoy looks a bit lonely, you could provide some company:

This one is from Alaska, near Juneau.

shropshire lad

Quote from: marc_reusser on November 26, 2012, 01:41:25 AM
This is not part of the "Watery Grave" dio, but rather a new scene inspired by it....but as this is all I can post of this, and I dont have anywhere else to really put this......... 1/35 scale, decaying boat, all balsa wood construction (Reason for odd cut hull is that only the front/this portion of the boat will be seen on the scene)...I know a "farts worth" about boat building, so i tried to create a visually plausible piece...still lots of internal bits and details to be done.

  Is this going to Germany next year when you meet up with Alex ?  How do I know ? Because I met him at Telford in Shropshire a few weeks ago . I also bought some of his ply sheets . Now I have got to think of a way of using them .

   I look forward to seeing this one finished . Now where have I heard that said before ?



Avast, mateys! Hoist the yardarm! Man the poop! Reusser is at it again.... -- Russ


QuoteIs this going to Germany next year when you meet up with Alex ?  How do I know ? Because I met him at Telford in Shropshire a few weeks ago . I also bought some of his ply sheets . Now I have got to think of a way of using them .

I look forward to seeing this one finished . Now where have I heard that said before ?

"Mr Sneaky-Funnyman"....yes, this is because of Alex....being done as an article on painting/weathering "rotting wood" for the German Magazine ModellFan (so is the rusty 3 wheel Daihatsu). I will be doing a short demo on both at EuroModel Expo Next year.  If you go, you will also get to see demos/clinics by Per Olav Lund, Spencer Pollard, and others....it will likely be your only chance to publicly heckle and mock me on your side of the pond.
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


shropshire lad

Quote from: marc_reusser on November 26, 2012, 02:28:56 PM
QuoteIs this going to Germany next year when you meet up with Alex ?  How do I know ? Because I met him at Telford in Shropshire a few weeks ago . I also bought some of his ply sheets . Now I have got to think of a way of using them .

I look forward to seeing this one finished . Now where have I heard that said before ?

"Mr Sneaky-Funnyman"....yes, this is because of Alex....being done as an article on painting/weathering "rotting wood" for the German Magazine ModellFan (so is the rusty 3 wheel Daihatsu). I will be doing a short demo on both at EuroModel Expo Next year.  If you go, you will also get to see demos/clinics by Per Olav Lund, Spencer Pollard, and others....it will likely be your only chance to publicly heckle and mock me on your side of the pond.

  Unfortunately I'll be enroute back from Australia at that time so I won't be able to come and give you a hard time . I guess I'll just have to deputise Gordon as my stand in . He'll give you a much easier ride .


mad gerald


Quote from: marc_reusser on November 26, 2012, 01:41:25 AM
This is not part of the "Watery Grave" dio, but rather a new scene inspired by it....but as this is all I can post of this, and I dont have anywhere else to really put this......... 1/35 scale, decaying boat, all balsa wood construction (Reason for odd cut hull is that only the front/this portion of the boat will be seen on the scene)...
... nice to see you getting back on this (or similar) project again ... one of my favourites here ... ;)

I am just curious, what the crucial factor was preferring balsa (instead of styrene)? Better to work with? More realistic appearance? And what are you going to use simulating water - clear resin?



Thanks to Gordon, and his photos... ::) ;D

More fiddley maritime stuff in progress. 1/35 abandoned marker light. Balsa and styrene. Still numerous little bits/details to add once the wood is stained and weathered.

I am just curious, what the crucial factor was preferring balsa (instead of styrene)? Better to work with? More realistic appearance? And what are you going to use simulating water - clear resin?


The primary reason for using wood instead of styrene, is because the projects is being done to show a method of painting/finishing wood, to look rotting and old. The reason for the balsa, is because of the method/technique that I am using, and to get the effect/look I am after, balsa is the best option. Baswwod does not take stain/coloring as well (balsa has it's own issues, but are easier to corrrrect fix with this approach/look). The reason for the approach to coloring I am taking, is two-fold: A.) because it gives a complete opaque/solid look to the wood..which stains and dyes do not...so you have this slight unrealistic transparency and almost always end up seeing the wood through it...which does not occur in real life, ....and B.) I want to do it with products that are readily available to the model builder in the EU (Geramany in particular)...so no Silverwood or such.
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Thanks Lennart,

Would be fun to try. Sculpey, and Milliput..... ;D
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


Malachi Constant

Did you steam the balsa or do something else to shape it for the curves in the hull?  (If you didn't, how the heck does it hold that shape with only a partial hull?)  Neat stuff.  -- Dallas
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Dallas, I just ignorantly and blissfully plowed into it. The ribs were cut and sanded to shape out of balsa sheet. The planks were strip thinned to .020, soaked in water, and then formed to a shape by being held in place with push-pins stuck/hammered into my green cutting matt, then left over-night to dry. I formed about 5-6 planks at a time. All damage, graining etc was done before assembly. Some plangs had to be shaped (iwhatever the proper boat-builder term is for that) towards the bow. Waterproof Elmers wood glue ws used to bond the pieces (just in case I want to play with it in the tub).
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



QuoteUnfortunately I'll be enroute back from Australia at that time so I won't be able to come and give you a hard time . I guess I'll just have to deputise Gordon as my stand in . He'll give you a much easier ride .


Oh good god!...not the Scot!  :o  ;D
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Fantastic work Marc!  ::) ::) ::)

I´ll be in Heiden, Germany in April to check this out. Who else will be there? Thought we at least could share the same hotel bar for drinks.



Hey Anders, great to see you around the forum again.

That sounds great. I would really enjoy meeting up with you.

So far as I know/have been informed Per Olav Lund, Spencer Pollard, Alexander Glass (Uschi Von Der Rosten).....and somone from AK (rumor has it that it would likely be Mig Jimenez and/or Carlos Cuesta). There will also be some other high caliber modelers doing demos...but have not been able to weasel it out of my "guy". There are expectations that a number of the known Dutch modelers will likely also be in attendance. .....oh and of course our very own Gordon Ferguson is threatening to show.
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Quote from: marc_reusser on November 27, 2012, 02:02:53 PM
Some plangs had to be shaped (iwhatever the proper boat-builder term is for that) towards the bow.

A local boatwright here calls shaping the sides of the boat towards the bow "fairing the chine".