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It's Been Quiet ...

Started by finescalerr, June 09, 2023, 12:37:12 PM

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It has been so quiet I've decided to burden you with the story of why construction stopped on the Southern Pacific depot I was building.

In our last exciting adventure a piece of ash permanently stained the model's rear wall. So I started from scratch, redesigned the floor and sub-walls, and laser cut all the parts again. After about three weeks I had rebuilt the walls, doors, windows, and trim and the depot was at exactly the same stage its predecessor had reached: Ready for a roof.

Then my laser broke and set fire to the roof parts I was trying to cut. The problem was related to one I reported last year when the unit was under warranty. At that time the U.S. distributor's tech support team I contacted blamed the issue on me. When I asked for help this time they said the laser is now out of warranty and it will cost several hundred dollars to repair!

I spent a month arguing with them while trying to diagnose the cause of the problem. I finally gave up and contacted the manufacturer in Australia directly. The owner himself dealt with me and has sent some replacement parts at no charge and I'm working with his tech support guy. My wife enthusiastically has suggested I abandon the hobby along with the laser.

Well, I'm not yet ready for that so today I'll fiddle around inside the laser again and replace a circuit board. And that is why you have seen no posts from me about model construction.


Bill Gill

Russ, Glad to read the owner of the laser company was upstanding with you. I wondered what you'd been up to as there hadn't been reports of sightings of bikini clad beauties lately.

I'm contemplating laying some salmon out back to get it smoked from all the smokey haze from the Canadian forest fires we been having around here (actually it's nowhere nearly as thick here as it's been in NYC). It all reminded me of your uncertain situation with the fires there a while back.


Hi Russ and Bill.
Russ you should have contacted me and I would have gone over and had words with the printer guy. But most likely it was made in Asia and the owner was trying his best We in Australia don't make anything we are a service economy and expect to get fat at the expense of others.
The members of this list have different speeds and interests but most importantly we are getting old and a few are losing their dexterity in their hands it is frustrating not only for the look of the site but also for members who have had a long interesting life in the miniature world. And yes there is the language barrier of getting a reply together using Translate
I value this site for not only being able to see the best modelling, and being a very active member but it is an alternative to Facebook or Instagram.
I hope to have a long association with the title and look forward to the future, so many possibilities.


Kim, I was so angry and frustrated with the U.S. distributor's arrogant approach to tech support I actually thought about contacting you about the laser. The manufacturer, Darkly Labs, is in Melbourne and it's possible they assemble their lasers there. The components no doubt come from Asia.

I have wondered whether maintaining this forum is actually anachronistic given the popularity and more contemporary nature of Facebook. I have no idea whether Instagram attracts many modelers; maybe somebody here knows. Either way, I'll keep the forum going as long as enough of us want to contribute. If a majority wanders off to Facebook or whatever, maybe I'll finally accede to my wife's preference and rethink my participation in model building.



Melbourne is a bit of a distance,but I am sorry that it has been a pain for you,sometimes it is just a lot easier to deal locally at least you can return it.
Yes Facebook and Instergram it would be a part of all creative personalities for better or worse personally I like Facebook you can blow up pictures and have multiple image posts.
The reality is that feedback and posting on the internet is about the only reward that you can expect so the more places you can post the better the prospect of recognition and developing your personality.
If whenever you need a chance please contact the members and we might be able to help you.
Hobbies are essential for a happy positive old age.



The big advantage of your site Russ is that you don't get idiots trying to scam you or rubbing you up the wrong way.I am or have been a member of a lot of Facebook sites and most I have left,some I use heavily for reference on others like Instergram I get a stream of young girls wanting to be my best friend ,gee I must be a Chick magnet I don't think so.I really could dominate here with all the stuff I build but no I believe in respect and waiting my turn.

Ray Dunakin

I can't stand Facebook. Never used Instagram and have no desire to. All of those so-called "social media" things are a blight on humanity and have done more harm than good, IMHO.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Based on cold analysis, I agree, Ray. -- Russ


Sorry to hear of your troubles Russ. I lived in Melbourne for probably 15 years total, and the chances of in person help are 50/50. Fingers crossed.

There was a place that sold screws in South Melbourne, every conceivable variety. When you went into this warehouse you had to know exactly what you were asking for, and then they would sell it to you. If you didn't know the right specific terminology it was like trying to make a DOS curser do something, anything. That's the kind of help I hope you don't get!
You may ask yourself: "Well, how did I get here?"



I have a local building firm and you can say I don't know what Im looking for but it screws into something and the answer is "if its one of these you are looking for we have metric and imperial sizes and can deliver this afternoon"
On the other hand the Big Guys say I don't know if its not on the shelf we ain't  got it so go away !!!!!!
The TOYOTA sales person did not know how to open the boot (or do you call it a tailgate ! or something else)
Giving Max a Bath and he is not Happy !
Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson


Barney, the proper American word for "boot" is "trunk". Memorize it. There will be a test on Friday. If you fail you will have to give Max another bath or maybe he will give YOU one.

Narayan, the tech support guy in or near Melbourne is really pretty good; it's just that we're moving along at a glacial pace because we communicate by e-mail with a 17 hour time difference.



I do a lot of lurking on this forum. I find it fascinating with all the different scales and projects presented. Perhaps I should post a bit more. I see one of my model railroad friends is on here also, Bill Gill.

I have an opinion about Facebook. I'm on it also and follow some of the modeling groups just for the nuggets of information that are presented at times, but rarely post. My personal opinion of modelers going to Facebook, and I may have to go sit in the corner after this, is that they are too lazy to prepare their photos for upload to a forum. I personally have my own website that I link all my resized photos from. A majority of modelers also use cell phones to take pictures and just want to upload their pictures. I use a 35mm digital camera and Photo Scape X to size my photos to forum photo requirements.

So with that said I will no go sit in the corner.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


Actually, some of those Facebook hobbyists should stand in the corner and you should get an all expenses paid vacation to Tahiti with a dozen beautiful girls in thong bikinis, each eager to cater to your every whim. -- Russ


I could go back to Tahiti....

I my experience the quality of FB is inversely proportional to the size of the group.  Small, focussed, groups work quite well and are easily controlled.  Large groups rapidly descend to the lowest common denominator.

Lawrence in NZ