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San Juan Model Company

Started by Lawton Maner, March 16, 2025, 08:14:32 PM

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Lawton Maner

I recently placed an order with San Juan Model Company and after an automated response to the order, nothing.  Emails to the company have not been replied to and no information as to if the order has been filled or shipped.

Does anyone on the forum know of the current status of them?

Thanks in advance. 


I had exactly the same response - Twice - and whilst we are on the subject of NO RESPONSE Same thing at Micro Engineering
even if they are still in production -I believe its a new company now Non of there stuff is available in the UK every company in the Uk that normally supplies the stuff normal response of OUT OF STOCK
Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson


I am acquainted with the owners of San Juan Models: Doug Junda and Dr. Bob Stears. They are honest and do their best to sell top quality stuff. As I recall, San Juan can't generate enough income to be a full time business. Doug is the "hands on" partner but sometimes is unavailable. Lawton, if your problem goes on too long, let me know and I'll see if I can contact one or the other. -- Russ

Lawton Maner


Thanks for the offer.

With the help of the BBB I have their phone number.  Apparently they work out of a hobby shop which from the pictures looks as if it is an an industrial park.I intend to call them. 

As an aside, it appears that the Chinese provider who made their ON3 flex track has stolen their dies for it. Sort of like the problem Atlas had with them some time back.


I just ordered Grandt Line NBW's from them.  Had them is 5 days.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin

Lawton Maner

Called, got a recording and a suggestion that I send an email to "Doug", did so and no response.


"Doug" is Doug Junda, one of the owners. I don't know why he's not getting back to you. Maybe he's out of town. -- Russ