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1/2" Scale project still in progress (somehow)

Started by Chuck Doan, July 20, 2009, 08:55:32 AM

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I'll do some final touchups when I finish the tank portion.

Why I ask?  Nature couldn't have done a bettter job of weathering!!!!!

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin


I agree with Ken and Jerry. I can't imagine touch ups making a noticeable improvement.

Let me add this: That one insignificant little pump is so terrific it, alone, would be worth an article. Most satisfactory!


shropshire lad

Quote from: finescalerr on June 14, 2010, 01:40:02 PM
I agree with Ken and Jerry. I can't imagine touch ups making a noticeable improvement.

Let me add this: That one insignificant little pump is so terrific it, alone, would be worth an article. Most satisfactory!


  And if all those articles on "insignificant little objects " that Chuck builds were put together what would you have ?....

    The World's greatest bloody modelling book . Ever . Bar none .

  So what are you waiting for Russberg ? Get on with it . That could be your swansong and legacy to the hobby as you ride off into the sunset on your motorised wheelchair and sidecar with a bevvy of bikini clad beauties clinging onto you worn out and broken body !

   And don't start bleeting on about having it all already published throughout you Annuals 'cos I don't want to know . I want all of Chuck's published and unpublished work  in one place so I don't have to go rummaging around all my Annuals to find what I'm looking for . Surely that is not to much to ask for ?


Malachi Constant

Quote from: Chuck Doan on June 14, 2010, 07:10:18 AM
Primed with Testors flat black
Dullcoat seal
Thinned Polly Scale Red Chromate brushed on
Chip with wet toothpick and stiff brush
Weathered with gwosh and pigment powders.
I'll do some final touchups when I finish the tank portion.

a)  It looks unbelievable ... no, actually, it looks extremely believable ...
b)  I'll take a copy of that book ... of course Russ will make me figure out how many days there are left in the month and divide that by Pi and then I'll have to subscribe to the remaining pages of the book left after the cut-off date ...

c) QUESTION:  Is that correct (above)?  Hairspray ... THEN a dullcoat seal ... then brush on the thinned Polly S?  Dullcoat gives a base for brushing on the Polly S over the hairspray ... or ... ??

Inspiring stuff -- thanks!
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Nick, you made me laugh out loud with that utterly insane description of me in the motorized wheelchair and side car. Go stand in the corner! -- Russ

shropshire lad

Quote from: finescalerr on June 15, 2010, 01:15:35 AM
Nick, you made me laugh out loud with that utterly insane description of me in the motorized wheelchair and side car. Go stand in the corner! -- Russ

  Not until you say you'll do the book . Then I'll happily go and join whoever is there this week . Oh , it's only me . At least I'll be able to have an intellegent conversation with myself !




Quote from: shropshire lad on June 15, 2010, 05:53:15 AM
Oh , it's only me . At least I'll be able to have an intellegent conversation with myself !

Hey now... I'm still in permanent residence in the corner having been banned here for life, so you don't have to be talking to yourself, unless of course you feel compelled to do so, in which case move your chair just a little further over there....   ;) ;D ;D



Corners aside, you talked me into it, Nick. I'll get together with Chuck (and maybe a few others of you) and create a book (or books) on the most effective ways of modeling various things. Don't expect it soon; it will be one of those projects I'll tackle in a few years, after the social security checks start arriving.

Why so long? Because the books won't sell that well. In fact they may have to be available only as digital files. The strength and nature of the market will dictate the format.


shropshire lad

Hurray , the irritating bloody Brit wins again ! Well ,almost .

  I realise that it would be a long term project but we all know that after retirement you would soon get bored with empty headed blondes lapping up your every word , so it wouldn't be to long before you were looking around for something new to get your teeth into  . And this is it .



QuoteWhy so long? Because the books won't sell that well.

I wouldn't go off right away being Chicken-Little and screaming "the sky is falling".......look at the MIG "FAQ" book....that thing sold out in no time, and some copes were selling for close to $100, if you found one. Yes, Mig, already had a market and following amongst the armor guys....but still. You just need to create a book that is modeling and technique oriented...and not too RR oriented, cause almost none of the RR guys will ever pony up $100 for a high quality modeling book. Not if the can buy a Dave Frary book, or a CD from that what-his-name-on the east-coast that does all tha FSM type crap.....for under $10 in the amazon discount section, or the sale table at the swap meet (or for that matter by a prebuilt model by that Mad-Mike doofus, or someone sim, for less than the book.)

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Goodness Marc you are on a role lately! But I do share your thoughts. Why have railroad modelers been lead down a bath of dumbing down? (Idiocracy on flanges wheels?! >:() It seems military modelers continue to step up their game.

The "book" sounds good no mater what the format. I'll take one.

John Palecki


I was going to comment on all this wish-full thinking of all this Shit that everyone wants everyone to come out with......but ill just say.......... Wish in one hand and Shit in the other and see which get's full the quickest. 


Well, I'm full of shit. So hold out your hand!

Seriously, I think Nick's idea is good. So good I thought of it three years ago, around the time I was working on the first Modeler's Annual. So if my mind and body are capable of creating books in a couple of years and if you guys want me to publish your artistry, I promise to offer the first book. If it sells, we'll do another.



I'll place my order now please Russ, and consider it a very worthy coffee table modellers book, that I think even the non-modeller would be interested in having a browse through its pages.


PS: I only think you're full of shit when you talk about the number of bikini clad models strutting around the office.  Hugh Hefner, maybe...Uncle Russ, maybe, with his eyes closed and imagination working overtime  ;D

shropshire lad

Quote from: danpickard on June 16, 2010, 02:10:47 AM

PS: I only think you're full of shit when you talk about the number of bikini clad models strutting around the office.  Hugh Hefner, maybe...Uncle Russ, maybe, with his eyes closed and imagination working overtime  ;D

  Funnily enough , Dan , this is about the only thing Russ says that I actually believe . The rest is hogwash !
