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Call me what you want , but don't call me mad

Started by shropshire lad, September 06, 2009, 04:14:14 PM

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shropshire lad

Quote from: Chuck Doan on April 16, 2010, 12:34:07 PM
I saw the movie "In Bruges" if that counts. It would be neat to see your pics if you get a chance.

  Dunno , what's it about and where is it set ?

  Pictures are being downloaded from my camera as I type .


shropshire lad

Here's a little taster .


Quote from: Chuck Doan on April 16, 2010, 12:34:07 PM
I saw the movie "In Bruges" if that counts. It would be neat to see your pics if you get a chance.

I enjoyed that flick. I need to rent it again......ditto on the interest in the pics.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Nick, seeing home again would be great. I visited Brugge many times and know exactly what your talking about. Pat

shropshire lad

A quick update of the state of play


shropshire lad

shropshire lad

shropshire lad

Last one




  nice progress, looks good. I like the box texture. Looks like you took a lump out of the ground.

  No tippers yet ? Why didn't you use leaves on the larger bushes ??


put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.


Nice little diorama Nick. I like the deep base gets it off the table so you can view it better. How many brick did it take?

Gordon Birrell


Gordon Ferguson

Looks great Nick,

I presume it is an old drawer you have used for the base - or did you just cut the dovetails when you had a few minutes to spare?

By the way that's a much better pulley wheel than I could ever have managed!!


exceptionally sufficient!
how's that Unc?

The large horizontal pulley is interesting, what's the deal?



That came out really sweet. Beautiful work Nick, your effort with the brick really paid off.  Any cahnce of some close-ups?  Is that a sheet of plywood in one of the shed windows?

I like the whole scene.....unfortunately I am bit less thrilled with the wood base.....not the wood itself, I think that's really cool and well done.....I just wish that it did not form a visible border around the scene....or at least a thinner one......IMHO the amount/ratio of wood visible compared to the scene size is just so much, that for me, it tends to distract and overwhelm the scene.....but that's all just a personal thing on my part.


I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



I agree with Marc about the base but I'm ready to publish it anyway, whenever you feel up to it. -- Russ

shropshire lad

Hi All ,

   Thanks for the nice comments . I have still got some details to do to finish it but essentially it is done .

  To answer the various comments and questions .

  Jacq ,

   The tippers I have will be used on a small separate base to take the ends of the steel cable to show those that don't know what they are looking at how the incline worked .

  No leaves on larger bushes ? Laziness is the answer !

Gordon B ,

   About 3000 bricks .

Gordon F ,

   Base was purpose made out of old floor boards .

Yes , Bernard , did a fine job on the wheel . I'm sure you could have done something similar .

Marty ,

You obviously haven't been paying attention in class . May I refer you back to page 1 where you will find a picture or two of the prototype . In the first picture you will see a large brick structure with a chimney in the background . In between that and the brick sheds in the foreground you should be able to see a skip wagon this is being pulled up to the larger building by a continuous steel cable . The big wheel on the top of the sheds is the return wheel and is the location where the loaded skips are attached and the empty ones are returned to be refilled . Do you understand now ?

Marc ,

I know what you mean about the excess of visible wood around the diorama and how visually off putting it may be , and I take your comments on board . However , in mitigation the base also has to double up as a travelling box as the diorama will sit  in it  when it is being transported to the US . As you may be aware the good people at some of our airports can be less than gentle when moving peoples luggage around so I need a container that will take a bit of punishment .The two other boxes I have had made for other dioramas have done their job admirably well .
   Having read your comments I may well chamfer the edges of the  box to reduce the amount of wood at the top . I will think it over .

   That is not ply you see in the window but the backing card . They are one of the areas that need finishing . I haven't decided whether to have steel or wood shutters  over them . I am still prevaricating.

Russ ,

Will this article be required sooner rather than later ? I was hoping to find someone at the Convention to take some decent photos of it , and not have to rely on my rubbish efforts .
