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New Long Caboose

Started by NORCALLOGGER, September 29, 2009, 07:08:00 PM

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Hi Guy's,
I know this is not fine scale modeling and probably doesn't belong here, but what the hell, ya'all have to go slumming once in a while.

Bachmann introduced there new 1:20 scale D & RG long caboose a while back so I ordered one undecorated and cobbled it up for the Shasta Pacific. 

All the iron work came the same red as the coach body, didn't look right to me so now it is black.  KD couplers and a little paint and light weathering  about did it.  Oh yea, the decals, what a bitch-kitty they were on that rough surface.  It took 10-12 wettings of solution and lots of pin pricking over 4-5 days but the end result was worth it, no silvering at all.
Here is a picture.

Now remember this is to run outdoors in all weather, the detail is not what your used to seeing. 
Thanks for your time.
Rick Marty



She's a beauty. Nice an clean paint and finish work. How big is that thing!?

The bridge is no slouch either.

Thanks for sharing.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Hey Rick,

I think it looks great... and yeah like marc said the bridge look really nice as well

Lokks like an interesting layout there... how big is the layout?


Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

John McGuyer

Saw one of these things at the BTS last June and I'll tell you what, us scratch builders are going to have to go some to top this thing. The detail is incredible.



Hi Guys,
Thanks for the comments. 

This model is 19 1/2 inches long coupler face to face, that's a scale 33 feet.
They call it the long caboose for a reason :).

Hi Mike,
The "layout"  has a main of about 275 feet with another 200+ feet of
sidings, spurs, and branch lines.  With more to come ::) :).

Here is a shot of the bridge in the canyon.  The canyon is a little over 8 feet wide.

It is an incredible caboose for right out of the box, especially at the price point. Does it compete with a good scratch build?
I don't think so.  Good interior detail? You bet.  Here is a shot of the inside that shows how it comes from Bachmann, well, except for the modified lamps, and some work on the stove and water tank, and maybe a little wash on the floor. and a couple of other things.  But it is a full detail interior.

I still like my kit/scratch logging boose better.

Thanks for your time.
Rick Marty


Hey Rick,

That layout is very cool... makes me want to build one... right after I build my new house.
looking at some land. in western MA.

the one I am checking out now has some running water and an old structure on it...

I can see a nice train layout running over the water.... hehe  ;)

You can expect to find me asking many questions about your layout construction techniques...  ;D

here is a couple of photos of the lot.



couple more for the modelers like Chuck, (I have noticed he has a liking toward these kinds of old buildings)

I will get some close ups of the structure when I go for the meeting.



Hey Rick,

Sorry about that...got a little carried away there...

Another Question though... What did you use for the canyon material?  and is it holding up to the outside elements?



Hi Mike,
That looks like a great place.  Where in Western Mass. is it?  I have a very good buddy (Nam) that lives on the ridge above the Hoosic Tunnel in North Adams.  We have been there to visit and all I can say is that I was wonderfully surprised by the beauty and rurality of that area.

The Canyon is constructed from cement and sand (kinda like stucco) and gravel (crusher fines).  it is colored with washes of acrylic paints.   Only been in the weather a few months but I don't forsee any difficulties, cement weathers pretty well and the color washes can always be re-applied.

Thanks for the interest.
Rick Marty


Hey Rick,

It is located in the town of Granville Ma. Lot size is about 3 acres

where is your layout located? (you dont have to say exactly if you dont want too.)
( just curious as to what kind of weather the layout has to deal with )



Hi mike,
Far Northern California. weather here is a little different than western Mass. 
Just in round numbers; Summer is 95-115 degrees at 10% humidity. winter is 35-55 with about
30-40 inches of rain.  Generally never more than a half dozen freezes 25-32 degrees
and maybe 1-2 snows a winter. 

Our severe weather here is the heat, and it is very stressing on wood structures, paint, etc.  probably more so than rain.  Wood frame construction is adaptable to any climate and can work well if done correctly for the local conditions. 

I had a typical garden railroad in the dirt for several years and liked it very well but the  problems finally got the best of me.  Gophers, Moles, Skunks, Coons, Turkey, Dogs, poor soil, sever heat stress on small plants, not to mention old knees and back.  Went to outdoor table top railroading about 5-6 years ago and eliminated every one of those problems.

I don't know where Granville is but I know it can't be far from North Adams and still be in Mass. ;) :)
I got quite a kick out of the fact that we could stand on my friends back porch and see three states. 
Three acres is a nice size, it gives a fella a little breathing room but doesn't overwhelm you with upkeep.

Good luck with your land purchase.
Rick Marty


Hey Rick,

I really did not give alot of thought as to the critters of nature and their destructive capabilities before now...
you got me re-thinking my little dream layout there...if all looks good and sale goes through... I will definitely be in critter teritory, (black bear even) hmmmm how do ya bear proof your outdoor layout... hehehe... does your friend have an outdoor layout in north adams?

North Adams is at the top of the state and Granville is at the bottom and a little bit more east.

both are mountainess regions of the state.

see map and for those of you who have not seen that part of the state here is a couple of shots as it would look right about now. Got more if you want to see them?

You may like these shots there just for you Rick..  ;D ;D ;D
How about some of your other cars...? that engine looked nice



Mike, as a guy who started his publishing business writing about outdoor layouts my best advice would be NOT to build one. The first year will be a big thrill, the second won't, and the third will deteriorate to the drudgery of maintenance. Most guys are down and out within five years. Although my outdoor layout is virtually bulletproof, I abandoned it long ago and haven't the slightest urge to run anything on it for about fifteen years. Far too much work and almost nothing holds up for long.

By the way, I met your cohort, Russell, at the NG convention.



Hey Russ,

The Critter thing kinda put a damper on it anyways... I will just have a very nice room for one though.
(because I really do like the location... sshhh... dont tell my realtor he will want more money... hehehe)
This of course does not mean Rick here is off the hook either  :o   ... I will still seek the knowlledge and from you too...  ;D  :D  ;D


OH yeah! BTW did you see where they stuck our booth....  >:( >:(