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Bits, Pieces, & Clutter

Started by marc_reusser, October 17, 2009, 05:33:24 PM

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why not use a piece of strip brass instead of the plastic?
or even some metal foil?
just my 2 cents......

Gordon Ferguson

Jacq, Marty

Thanks, both your methods are what I was going to experiment with next! & Marty think the metal route might be for me .... got some fine brass shim which I'm going to anneal and then try.... I like working with plastic its a bit more forgiving for my skill level but think I should use more metal as it has some better properties than plastic when cold forming/bending

Marc, makes feel a bit better that your brackets split when forming or glueing them thats what kept happening with mine.

We'll see what you all think when I post the pictures of the concrete cart!


  Gordon,   an alternative for a soldering iron,  dip the strip styrene in some hot water ( 70-80 degr C).

put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.

Gordon Ferguson


just tried this dipped a piece of micro strip into near boiling water and the formed around tube .......... seems to work perfectly, no splits, no spring back and most importantly repeatable .......... thanks.

Still going to have a try with brass shim, as the stuff I have is even thinner than 5thou plasticard  so be interested to see if I can work with it and how the finished article looks.

know this is not the right place to post this but seems ideal for this thread......... new issue from MK35



Interesting "kit" thats a hell of a lot of milk!
Where's the cookies?
But I would bet any of us could scratch one!

Malachi Constant

Wow!  Lots of cool little carts and creations going on here ... keep 'em coming!

Anders -- Since "/img]" appears at the start of your post, I'm guessing that you didn't complete the text properly or something ... maybe a copy-n-paste gone wrong?

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Gordon, here is another one Swedish style. Maybe too weathered ???? Can shoot more pictures if you like.

Anders ;D

Thanks Dallas donĀ“t know what went wrong.

Gordon Ferguson

The secret weapon to deal with Anders "clutter", may well be parachuted into Sweden to flatten such things as piles of bricks and old pallets!

Came across these on Flicker and everything else got pushed of the bench.

Here is my interpretation so far, masters for moulding the bonnet/hood and the inside of the rear wheels are done so hopefully will be finished this week-end although some f the detail make take a bit longer.

Thinking about the paint finish, which was really the reason I had to model it, so there may well be a list of questions posted shortly


Damn you Ferguson!.....you have not heard the last of ME! ;) ;D

I have those exact images (plus a few more of that machine) in my "To Build" file.

I love this particular machine..and as you note, the coloring is wonderful.

Looks like you're off to a great start!. Most sweet!

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


Gordon Ferguson

Marc you need to find the positive in the situation and not let anger rule your life :D   At least you probably have already thought about the paint finish so when I ask the questions you will the answers!

Oh and before I push you completely over the edge, is this one on on your list or can I build it as a companion to this little one


Malachi Constant

Well, in response to that first one under construction:  Show-off!  (BTW, which scale?)

And that little blue one is awfully cute ...

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Don't you just love how Gordon slipped that in so nonchalantly? Wonderful styrene work, that piece needs a thread of it's own.

Gordon Ferguson

Hi Dallas,

the last roller I built was to 1/24 but this one.... and what other scale is there at the moment ........... is 1.35 ish, with no plans and only 4 photos lets just say there is a bit of artistic interpretation i.e. guesswork. I believe it was classed as a small roller, less than 5 tons, used on pavements, small roads, etc.

Just to give you CAD, Sketchup, etc  users a laugh here was my first working drawing for it

How quaint.

Chester, its more fun to post on this thread, just keeps Marc quietly simmering!


Hm... first the buoy that somebody thought looked familiar now this....... ;D ; ;). Excellent work so far Gordon. The paint job will be just the challenge that you are capable of handling.

Anders  ;D


   Wow..............a hand made drawing. ;)  no computer help ?  
  And you were able to built it in scale from that drawing without laser cut or printed parts ?  ;D
  My compliments, very nice work.

  Gordon, this looks very good.  Why don't you send it to Marc for the paint work ?  ::) ;D ;D

put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.