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Photo of The Day

Started by marc_reusser, December 18, 2009, 06:08:01 PM

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it's a wonder she didn't brake her back on those rocks

Mr Potato Head

Who needs an SUV? The family that rides together stays together!
Who needs a Denney's, breakfast anyone?

Gil Flores
In exile in Boise Idaho

Mr Potato Head

Here's the other one ;D
Gil Flores
In exile in Boise Idaho


Quote from: scrappy1 on February 02, 2010, 03:14:26 AM
it's a wonder she didn't brake her back on those rocks

I was amazed at that as well. Apparently based on my local Historian friend, they re-floated her, and put her back in service. Interestingly if you look towards the rear of the hull in that photo she appears to still be pumbing out water (bilge?).

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


Ray Dunakin

I didn't know a ship could pop a wheelie.   :)

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


 I'll think she ran aground with very low to no speed at high tide and the photo has been taken taken at low tide.
If this had happend when at speed or in waves and wind, the damage to the bottom would be severe and over the length of the keel from bow to where she rests on the rock. On the photo not even the bilge keel looks damaged.
The opening where the water comes out is from either a bilge pump and are the pumping out ballast water or from the boiler water pump.

put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.



Your second photo seems to prove the adage (personal experience notwithstanding) that chicks are attracted to bikers...  ;)



still it goes to show how strong she was built to be able to support all that weight hanging over that rock

Mr Potato Head

Yes Paul Chicks dig scars!
Chicks dig bikers with scars!
That guy is obviously a babe magnet!
He must be covered in scars; D
Gil Flores
In exile in Boise Idaho


Quote from: Mr Potato Head on February 03, 2010, 05:20:27 PM
He must be covered in scars; D

Wouldn't surprise me... afterall he is riding a bike while wearing sandals...



Here's an interesting shot, came from the SE Lounge...



rusty buffer

"The majority of german women is female" Helmut Kohl

Chuck Doan

Ahh, the nice liesurely days of yore! I can imagine the beancounters fuming as the marketing guys spend who knows how many days staging that pic. Hey. we have a loco to ship!!
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



Here's another one for Marc...  ;D ;D Combines two of his passions, unusual vehicles and bicycles (well a trike actually- bicycle for the unbalanced!). I wonder if this guy's mother-in-law is riding in the cab...



Here's one for the abomination department. Woodward-Walker Lumber Co., Ada. LA -  2-6-0 converted to Ford V-8 power with chain drive train. Photo evidently dates from May 1972... :o :o
