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Photo of The Day

Started by marc_reusser, December 18, 2009, 06:08:01 PM

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Here are a few shots from the 15th Annual North Fork Mountain Classic Car Show today, cars, motorcycles and whatnot. I took a lot of photos which I'll be publishing on the Roughboy blog in a week or so. In the process of completely rebuilding the blog, all the photos have to be resized and so on, so it's going to take another week to work through all of it.

8|15|10 Update: Sorry guys for the slow load times... I forgot to reduce the photo size, should be faster now.

First two shots are a 1917 Model T... not exactly what you'd call a resto mod, but fun and popular none the less. He actually drove the thing in. Plug wires are pieces of old barbed wire...

The still doesn't work (more's the pity) but it's a fun touch... he left off the antlers tho...

Couple of very nice Indians...

Following were my favs from the show...

And then in the whatnot category, we have these... more examples of what you can do with a weedwhacker engine...




  that last one. 8)...bare essentials.  ;D ;D

put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.


Craig, I removed your post as an inappropriate response.

This is not a truly open forum and so freedom of speech is not without limits. That's because I pay for the site so we play by my rules. In other words, when it comes to determining acceptable vs. unacceptable here, I am God.

Please feel free to post again in a more gentlemanly manner.



Paul,  Nice pictures ;D ;D ;D ;D      Craig


Well, you don't have to be THAT politically correct! -- Russ


I really enjoyed the Indian motorcycles.   My first was a 1946 Indian Chief, former Springfield PD bike.   Very fast for a big bike.
Dave Mason
D&GRR (Dunstead & Granford) in On30
"A people that values its privileges above its principles will soon lose both."~Dwight D. Eisenhower


Quote from: mabloodhound on August 17, 2010, 07:35:31 AM
My first was a 1946 Indian Chief, former Springfield PD bike. 
Very cool Dave... do you still have it?






love these photo's- there's a diorama to be had there for somebody...

Here are a couple of my own from my trip to and from the Narrow Gauge Convention. Went to Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome where, amongst the vintage aircraft, these motorcycles were on display. So... for the bikers amongst us... enjoy!



James,   I like the photos of the old motorcycles ;) would love to own a old indian 4 cly.   Craig


Cool bikes James... thanks for posting the photos. Don't know if you're aware of the work of Jeff Decker, artist/sculptor, but you may find his site of interest.



Craig, I like how there are spectators all around including kids between the tow trucks. Does that show less common sense or more than these days? Was it that they knew to move when the pull started and there were no lawyers waiting in their Mercedes with the Blackberry ready, or were they carelessly ignorant??

All the tags on the front of the truck are cool. And the tow truck has a great grill that needs to be modeled.

John Palecki


Paul, Craig,

glad you liked the photo's. Thanks for the link to Jeff Decker- I wasn't familiar with his work but have bookmarked his site. His work combines lots of elements of sculpture and artistry that I really find inspiring.



Assassin of Youth... not going to say who this one is for, but you know who you are  ;). Another Shorpy find, photo from 1938 by John Vachon for the Resettlement Administration. I like the idea of the travelling sandwich board on the back of the truck.
