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Monorail locomotive 1:16 scale

Started by Scratchman, May 12, 2010, 06:44:44 PM

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Thanks guys for your comments.

Russ, yes I have been modeling.

Jim, all of my models are static.

This is the first part of the Fordson power plant. The gas tank is all styrene and there are around 20 part. I will do a SBS tomorrow.

Gordon Birrell




I just shake my head at the amount of modelling going on UNDERNEATH!!!!!

It's my birthday soon - do you think if I wish hard enough, I will get want I want - the ability to model to this standard?
Ian Hodgkiss
The Steamy Pudding - an English Gentleman's Whimsy in 1:24 scale Gn15 (in progress)
On the Slate and Narrow - in 1:12 scale (coming soon)
Brisbane, Australia


 Fordson gas tank has 20 parts .The core is made up from parts A,B,C and D. Glue the two A parts together. Center and glue the two B. parts one on top and one on the bottom of the two A. parts. Glue part C. around parts A. and B with a flush joint. I Sanded both ends on my disk sander for a good surface to glue the two end parts D. Trim and shape the D parts after the part has been added to the assembly.

Gas Tank part1 

A. (2) styrene tube 1/2" x 2 1/8" long. 
B. (2) styrene 040" x 1/2" x 2 1/8" long.
C. (1) styrene 010" x 2 1/8" x 2 5/8"
D. (2) styrene 020" x 5/8" x 1" 

The outer parts are made up from parts E,F,G,H,I,J and K. Add part E. centered on the core with the joint opposite of part C. Add part F. over the joint on part E. Add the four bands around the tank parts G. and H.and the three bands part I. on top part of part F. Parts J. and K. makes up the two filler caps.     

E. (1) styrene 015" x 2 1/4" 2 13/16"
F. (1) styrene 010" x 1/4" 2 1/4"
G. (2) styrene 010" x 030" x 2 5/8" (out-side bands)
H. (2) styrene 010" x 030" x 2 5/8" (in-side band)
I. ((3) styrene 010" x 030" x 2 1/16" (top bands) (these three bands are on top of part F. cut center band around the filler caps.)
J. (2) styrene 3/16" hole punch 020 thick (filler cap bottom)
K. (2) styrene 1/8" hex stock 060 thick. (filler cap top)

This part could also be used as a 1:87 scale truck tank 8' 6" wide  x 4' 6" high  x 18' 0" long.

Gordon Birrell


Ray Dunakin

Nice! Amazing how much goes into modeling a seemingly simple object such as a gas tank.

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



As Russ would say there he goes again.

Nice start Gordon thanks for the how to.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin


Thanks guys . (I changed part K on the gas tank to a 2-56 brass hex bolt head)

Top of the Radiator part 2

Here's the S.B.S. for the top of the radiator. The core is made from parts A,B,C,D,E,F and G. Glue the two A. parts together. Center and glue on part B-C. Lay this assembly on a flat surface with the A. part down and mark a center line around the four sides using a 1/4" thick scrap piece of wood for the guide.  I used my 10" disk sander to sand off the bottom section leaving the line on. Use the sander to true up the two ends leaving it 1 1/32" long. Add part D and true it up using the sander. I cut the E and F parts longer than needed and trim them to correct size after they were added to the assembly. After Part E has been added the core should fit onto the end of the gas tank. With the two parts together draw a line at the joint and add the two F. parts. This will leave the top of the gas tank and the top of the radiator at the same level. Glue on part G and after the glue has dried shape and round over the top edge.

A (2) styrene tube 1/2" x 1 1/32".
B (1) styrene 040" x 1/2" x 1".
C (1) styrene 040 x 040 x 1/2".
D (1) styrene 080" x 1 1/32" x 1 1/32".
E (1) styrene 015 x 1/32" x long enough to go around arts A,B,C and D.
F (2) styrene 015" x 31/32" x long enough to add the two layers on part E.
G (1) styrene 040" x 1/2 x 1 1/4"

For the detail add part H. over the the joint on top between the gas tank and radiator top. The two I. parts are added one on each side of part D. Mark a line 5/16" back from the front on the bottom for the back of the radiator flange. Cut part I. off at this line and place the water pipe connection part on this line at the center.

H (1) styrene 010" X 156" x 1 11/16"
I (2) styrene 020" x 100" 13/16"

I used a N scale wheel for the filler hole (the cap will be added later)
I used 030" styrene rod for gas tank support rod with a small piece of styrene 040" x 060  x 3/16" cut into a wedge shape and glue on at the ends of part H. with a Grandt line Nut Bolt casting # 128 for the ends of the support rod.
I used a piece of styrene 040" x 1/4" x 3/8"  drill a 1/16" hole at the center for a 1/16" x 1/2" long pin for the the water pipe connection.

Gordon Birrell 



First off THANKS for taking the time to show all this, I know it is time consuming!
Do you have a detailed plan your working from or are you measuring another model/photograph?
I am really looking forward to the transmission/axle assembly.
I have ideas how I would do it, wondering and waiting to see how the "master" accomplishes it!
Thanks again!


I just have to laugh!...it's just nonstop scratchbuilding and ingenuity.

As always, great stuff and a joy to watch.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Thanks, Marc.

Marty, I have a 1:48 scale kit from Bill Roy and there's a small plan but it is too small to get much from it. There are a lot of photos on the internet that helps. But most of my information is from chucks thread on the death valley monorail and his fabulous Fordson tractor project in the 2009 Modelers Annual. I will have to do two version of the transmission/axle the more normal way and one with the extra gear boxes on the sides for the monorail loco. There's no way I am going to get even close to that Danbury Mint casting.

I'm going to try to do four tractors one for the monorail loco, one for the Fundom universal shovel and two others.

Chuck a turn table is a good idea. Was there a prototype out there? My diorama is 24" wide x 49" long with the shed around 20" long that's enough room for two loco in the shed two locos on the lead track and one loco on the back track. A turn table only diorama with a turntable long  enough for loco and a car would be sweet.

Gordon Birrell


I love your project here and admire your fortitude, four tractors at once, that's a big bite even for a professional. 

Your SBS photos and descriptions are terrific, but how can you be so organized? :D
Those SBS's are so perfect I'm telling you now, in front of everybody, I'm gonna copy them! :D ;D

Thanks for sharing your knowdledge and ability.


Gordon, you young scalawag, you are an amazing asset to the entire world. Just thought you should know. -- Russ



You are such an asset to this forum.  Your projects from start to finish are truly amazing.

You are like a one man forum.  Thanks for all the sharing you do.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin

Chuck Doan

I have never heard of a picture of a turntable, but many speculate that there had to be one or more. THe Fordson reverse gearing would be too slow for an entire trip, unless they modified it. I think there is a patent application-I'll see if I can find it.
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt
