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1/35 scale auto repair shop

Started by Malachi Constant, May 15, 2010, 08:04:07 PM

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Since you asked for comments...
The gaps in the dry-lathing boards seem a little off to me. I agree, that they would not cover the whole wall, but if somebody makes the effort to put them up, I would assume that there wouldn't be any gaps between the boards.



Dallas -
By "lathing" do you mean the thin boards they put up as a base to hold the (horse-hair) plaster of the final wall? If so, I believe these boards were rough-cut and small (about 1/x2's or 1X4's) of irregular lengths, and they left haphazard spaces between where the plaster could ooze in and grab hold. Does this help, or am I way off?

Philip Smith

Looks awesome. Endless possibilities..

Malachi Constant

Thank you! -- Really appreciate your thoughts, ideas and patience as we work through the clunky phases of sorting things out.  I probably confused and confounded the issue by using the word "lath" to describe the horizontal boards.  I'm NOT trying to get the delicate little lath boards used with plastered walls ... but after the juxtaposition of horizontal and vertical elements, along the lines of the photo shown above.

So, let's try again ... this time you'll have to look past the unstained stripwood and the profuse quantities of Scotch Magic Tape!  ;D

Hoses will have little spring clips in the ends and hang on nails.  The area behind those will be open framing with just a little rail along the bottom to keep them from tipping back and falling down in the wall.  So, the cloudy tape will disappear and there will be open space behind those.

Not worried about the exact placement or even selection of tools and details at this point ... it was a game of tiddly-winks sticking the boards in place with tape and sticky wax and then adding another layer of tape to hold the various details.  So those are all just sort of random to give a better idea of what happens when the boards start to fall into the background.   Think I might add another shelf top right if everything else is more-or-less okay.

Say what you will!  It's all just loosely tacked in place and open to revision and modification.  Really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to have a look and voice an opinion.  Reviewing the first round of photos and YOUR notes is tremendously helpful in sorting this out ... and, hopefully, there's at least a little improvement here!   :-\

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Just a generality- but shop workbenches tend to be placed below windows.   




the whole scene looks too "arranged" to me.
It lacks randomness, normally found when equipment is used / in use.

put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.

W.P. Rayner

Lot of nice details Dallas but I have to agree with Jacq... it has a stage-set, shop window display type of feel to it.



I think it needs an Oriental rug and reclining chair. -- ssuR

Malachi Constant

Okay ... so, an Oriental rug, a reclining chair and some randomness ... think I can tap into my life experience to put that stuff into play!  ;D 

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Found this sign .. thought it was great. :)

Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"


Hey Dallas, in order to maybe make some suggestions it would be most interesting to see the other two walls and maybe an overall shot of the building.

Anders ;D ???

Malachi Constant

Wise guy!  (Or, in keeping with Ed's sign:  Weisenheimer!)  ;D

Walls?  Oh, c'mon ... EVERYBODY does four walls ... it's so cliché.
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Sorry, I have to agree with the stage set look "issue".....also have to say I don't really care for the lath look. How about just a big sheet of plywood with maybe the tool outlines drawn around them...you know so the dummy pump monkeys can find the right spot when they use one without the bosses permission...or you could always have Dave laser cut you some peg-board. ;)  Tools also seem just a tad too ar apart....and where's the mallet?

...also feel the layout/spacing of the coke bottle crates is a bit off...they would likely be together...and maybe both don't go all the way up...and mabe have an empty crate or two sitting in or leaning against a stack....don't forget to weather these a bit, as they were probably reused by the delivery co, and so got a bit of a beating and wear.

ED...that is a great sign...very Mel Brooks

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


Malachi Constant

Thanks again!  Been mulling over the various comments, especially about the "shop window" etc ... getting some new ideas.  Gotta work on some sculpting projects and such, so it'll be a little while before I get back to sorting this out ... so, if there are any additional ideas, etc ... keep 'em coming!  -- Dallas
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

Malachi Constant

Playing with the computer here ... while considering the issue of the the previous photo looking "too arranged" or too much like a "shop window" ... I started thinking about how to fix it ... AND ... the OPPOSITE question:  How to make it worse!  ;D  Well, actually, how to make it look more arranged and more like a shop window ... which led to this "official" Sinclair affiliate  tool rack and display ...

I've made a dozen or so variations on the computer ... NOTHING is glued in place (and a bunch of the stuff in these shots is "fake" just to add other little bits of color or shapes) ... this is the latest version.  Open to your initial thoughts and impressions here ... and always appreciate the input!

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com