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1/35 scale auto repair shop

Started by Malachi Constant, May 15, 2010, 08:04:07 PM

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Yes, please keep this thread focused on reform school girls. How refreshing.

(Chuck, please go stand in the corner.)


Malachi Constant

Hmm ... guess that one's really my fault.  Chuck posted this link over in the thread on RR Line:

And I said they looked like a bunch of reform school girls and it would be fun to have them visit the shop!  ;D

Neat old photo ... well worth a look ... Russ, you'll be disappointed to see that they're wearing rather baggy overalls ... but, if you look twice, you'll see they're all wearing high heels!  That girl Corinna was a real cutie ... but she'd be about 100 years old now (literally) ... wonder if she has any great granddaughters?

Going to visit Chuck in the corner and work out devious plans for a busload of reform schools .... Dallas  8)
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

Chuck Doan

Busload of reform school GIRLS please, i don't need to deal with a bunch of Jimmy Cagney wannabe's!
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt


Malachi Constant

Settle down, Chuck ... we'll make sure they're all GIRLS with pleasing little shapes and pretty little faces ... no Jimmy Cagney look-alikes.  Maybe some Jimmy Durante music in the background, though.  ;D

Now, if you'll excuse me ... I still have to finish up Ginger, so she can be the ring-leader of the gang ... and get a whole 'nother mess of detail parts painted to clutter up the shop walls a bit ...

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

Chuck Doan

Interesting stuff here in the corner!

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt


Malachi Constant

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

W.P. Rayner

Well I hate to burst all your bubbles, but reform school girls don't look anything like that, more's the pity... firstly it takes about six of them to make up a full set of teeth...


Malachi Constant

Now, now, Paul -- there's no call for THAT degree of realism!  ;D

Dave's Fan Club

Seems our buddy Dave from VectorCut is developing quite a fan club ... even has TWO HO repair shops being built in his honor.  Now let's see, already have a name for my shop ... guess I'll honor him with ... um ... a couple lousy detail parts!  (Sorry Dave)  But ... they really are "fans"  ;D

Special ordered a few items from Dave for upcoming parts of the project, and asked him to include some of the window fans he makes in HO scaled up a bit ... but not all the way to the same size in 1/35 ... had them done to make 20" box fans.

First one will be propped in the window and is inspired by this old fan with a belt-driven blade ...

Cut the fan loose from its backing piece and twisted each of the blades a bit.  Got an asst. of the small & large nuts, bolts & washer's from Dave and used some of those as spacers, etc, in the assembly.

Cut a piece of .005" styrene the same size as the outer grilles and started building a box on that.  The thin sheet helps keep things square and is easily cut away after the glue dries.  Lower surface at top and bottom provides proper mounting height for the new fan supports.  Once that's mounted, the remaining area gets filled in with bits of styrene to match the sides.

The motor is made up from a couple of pieces out of a 1/35 halftrack engine kit that I bought to scavenge for shop parts.  (Great War Hobby L3517 German Maybach HL42 Engine for those interested.)  Fan belt is just a thin strip of ordinary paper.  32 gauge wire for electrical supply -- added another wire after this was shot.  Will add a control knob up top later.

Same thing with a base coat of paint and the second wire in place.  Will do some interior detail painting before gluing the grilles in place ...

Here it is about 2x actual with the grilles loosely propped in place and the little "K" for "Krakow Kool Aire" fans on the front!  ;D

Have to do some final detailing ... screws, control knob, handle on top, electrical cord ... and then final painting.  Since this one will get propped up in a window, the "back lighting" from outside should show the interior details of the fan and make it more interesting ... I hope!  ;)

Also working on another "fancier" Krakow fan that will be placed on the floor in the shop ... more later.  (Thanks to Dave for the custom parts!)

(PS -- Zoinks!  My interior DETAILS now have interior details.  Where does it end?)  ???
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Dallas.....incredible work. That Krakow "K" is a fantastic idea. Wonder what the fancier one will look like? Might be Art Deco inspired? That Krakow guy is now all over this place with all rights.

Anders ;D ; :o

Malachi Constant

Did a little bit of shading/highlighting on the interior parts, then cut a strip of paper a little wider than the outer frame of the fan and glued that around the edges.  Smeared a thin coat of Vallejo mat varnish all the way around the outside of the fan box.  Let that set, then applied another thin coat to each side as I wrapped the paper around ... worked well.

Notched the corners, folded over the paper and glued the edges the same way ...

Added screw heads sliced from .015" styrene rod, a handle and a knob ... colored with Reaper paints and Vallejo black ink wet-blended on the surfaces ...

Propped in the window to check it out ... still have to add a power cord to the interior side and "plug it in" to the handy electrical outlet near the window.  ;)

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


That turned out satisfactorily. -- Russ

Frederic Testard

Dallas, while I was suprised by the choice of color you made on this detail, I must say it looks very good on location.
Frederic Testard

Malachi Constant

Thanks, Unc ...

Sometimes it's just "little bits" of progress ... made a few power cords like this for things that will get "plugged in" to the outlets ... just some .010" styrene rod and a couple little bits of styrene shaped together.  First couple attempts at making an "unplugged" cord with the prongs exposed failed ... but have another idea to try ... we'll see if that works.

Frederic -- I'm curious what color you might have expected ... there's still another fan to do!  ;)

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

Frederic Testard

Difficult question, Dallas, since in fact I'm not sure I was expecting something (or maybe a dark green), but rather was not expecting this gray, and yet I think it perfectly fits. So I wouldn't suggest any change.
Frederic Testard


Nice job again Dallas! Just a thought......1/87 scale? The outlets I have from DaKra but this... Hm.... ??? ???

Anders ;D