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1/35 scale auto repair shop

Started by Malachi Constant, May 15, 2010, 08:04:07 PM

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I think the tools need to be a bit larger, too. I suppose they could be hobby-sized, but given that the fork appears to be much larger, the first impression upon seeing them is that they are wrong.

Bexley Andrajack

Malachi Constant


Mixed up some Magic Sculp last night and rolled out a bunch of little prospective apples.  Dark gray one in corner is the funky Tamiya piece.

Pretty tricky getting a decent shape and making them so they'll sit upright ... so made almost a dozen in hopes of getting one or two that will look right.  Next big trick will be trying to figure out how to paint an apple convincingly.  :-\   ???  :P

Fortunately, there's no shortage of painting tutorials on the web.  This one deals with "painting" an apple on a computer, but has the palette laid out nicely:

Quote from: Bexley on February 24, 2011, 07:15:47 AM
I think the tools need to be a bit larger, too. I suppose they could be hobby-sized, but given that the fork appears to be much larger, the first impression upon seeing them is that they are wrong.

Thank you!  Really appreciate you guys taking a close look and offering the critiques.  Bexley -- definitely agree.  Tools come in all sizes, but there should be some balance here.  Looked thru a variety of tools that I've prepped, found a couple that seem to be idea replacements for these ... then ... dang camera battery had to be recharged.  So all the little bits got "tweezered" back into the little jewelry containers for safekeeping.  Will do more set-up and test shots as things get closer.  (Requires tweezers in each hand when arranging these things loosely, as one little bump turns the whole "composition" into an abstract.)  ;)

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

Frederic Testard

Frederic Testard


For miniature food details, the doll house ladies are very helpful.  


Stems are a bit too thick, otherwise, looks like an apple.


The walls of the coffee mug are too thick. Can't you do anything right? -- ssuR


Russ, I´ll bet Mr. Mudgeon would be very happy if you made him a paper cup!  8)

Anders ;D


Take yer gas mask canister, stick it in your rechargeable drill and turn the canister cap details off at slow speed with a sanding stick, and give it a bit of a shoulder.  Cut yourself a round top - either just the vacuum cap shape, or the thermos style cup and Baaam! your thermos is ready.  Some where I have a pic of one I did for my current project - I'll see if it is handy.  You can use cut down the ball point pen end cap (the thin metal chromed ones that go over the clicky thing <tech term> for retracting and extending) for the drinking cup that would screw on the flask as well.

Thanks for the link to the apple colors - I have three magi-sculpt versions that look awful as a result of my paint job - salvage job coming up.

Cool project, sir.


"Did I mention this is a bad idea?"


Your NUTS I telle ya....just plain NUTS!   ;D

Why must you do this to me....now I am getting a total inferioriy complex......sheesh! ;D

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


Malachi Constant

Paul -- Welcome aboard!  I'm enjoying the progress on your 1/16 diorama and hope that a bigger bottle is on the way to help you thru the initial hazing here.  ;)  Well worth it though, these guys are a big help with all the critiques, suggestions and so forth.  Regarding the Thermos, I found photos of another early type with fluted sides, gave that gas mask some thought ... and settled on another more generic canister for the end of the shelf.  Think I'll put a coffee pot and a hot plate in the office area so a Thermos won't be necessary!  (Sometimes it's nice to take the easy way out for a change.) ;D

I've done some initial prep for painting of the apples ... if it works out, I'll post some notes.  If not, I'll just keep trying ...

Marc -- Yeah, right!   :D  Thanks for dragging me over to this forum ... keeps me on my toes.  (And not just practicing ballet for the forum recital.)  ::)  :P

Mr. Mudgeon liked the idea of the apples so much, he asked for more crispy snacks.  Since 1/35 scale almonds and cashews are out of the question, we decided to try making some pretzels.  The ones with the "correct" pretzel twist look a bit too chunky, but some of the ones with the simplified twist (like upper right) might work.  So, I made a bunch more like that (not shown) ... will try painting them with a modified version of the "salt technique" and see how they look ...

(Like the apples, I made a lot more than I need so I can pick thru them later and select the better looking ones.)

By the way, did I ever show y'all the nifty little tweezers that Mr. Mudgeon uses for working on his little boats and airplanes?


-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Dallas, I´m very impressed by Mr. Mudgeon´s hobby stuff and snacks. Thought he might have to relax a bit so I sent him two bottles of red Bordeaux in 1/35 scale.

Anders :o ;D

Frederic Testard

You're right, Dallas. Pretzels with salt will taste better.

cirederF... (Paraphrasing ssuR...).
Frederic Testard


Wow Dallas.  You continue to amaze me.  Both with your skills, and with your apparent insanity.
Eric Zabilka
Lexington, Kentucky


Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"


You guys are missing the point. Mr. Mudgeon will recoil at the taste of resin pretzels, salt or no salt, wine or no wine. -- ssuR

Malachi Constant

Ha!  They're not resin ... special batch of sourdough, from the finest milled flour and other tiny little ingredients in earth.  Gonna get Nick to build a scale brick oven so they'll be baked to perfection.  -- Dallas  :)
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com